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Puerto Rican Spanish

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Puerto Rican Spanish

Postby cacevedo222 » July 30th, 2008 7:52 pm

As's resident Boriqua I want to know why we are not interested in doing a Puerto Rican Series...I mean, come on, we are one of the largest Latino populations in the United States!!! 8) Any thoughts!!!

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Postby mariposa » July 31st, 2008 9:19 am

Hola Carlos,
it could be interesting maybe for listeners of the United States but I think other listeners may be more interested in European and Latin American Spanish.
I don't know the Puerto Rican Spanish but I suppose it is much more influenced by English, so for me it wouldn't be so interesting, maybe a bit confusing.


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Postby cacevedo222 » July 31st, 2008 2:14 pm

I wasn't aware that Puerto Rico didn't count as Latin America. The United States has only had influence on the Island for 110 years. Their Spanish is not heavily influenced by English. (Unless you are referring to the Puerto Ricans that live on the mainland.) It is very similar to Cuban Spanish. While we are a commonwealth of the US, Puerto Ricans have held on tightly to their Identity as Puerto Ricans and that includes a resistance to accepting English as the official language of the island. But thanks for the feedback.

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Postby mariposa » July 31st, 2008 2:46 pm

Hola Carlos,
Seems that I touched a sensitive point. In fact, I don't know very much about Puerto Rico. I only know that Puerto Rico has a very close relationship with the United States (from my European point of view). Puerto Ricans have the citizenship of the United States, haven't they? - That's why I've been thinking that there is a strong influence of English in Puerto Rican Spanish. If this isn't the case and you say that there are a lot of similarities between Puerto Rican and Cuban Spanish, why not begin one more Regional series, although we have already three and will have more two with Argentina and Mexico.
So once more sorry, if I caused a misunderstanding.

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Postby cacevedo222 » July 31st, 2008 3:16 pm

Please excuse my last response if it seemed a little strong...(I hadn't yet had my morning coffee, I'm sure you understand. :wink:) But that is still no excuse. We do have citizenship and a close relationship with the US. But we can be very fierce about our identity as Puerto Ricans. It is a very sensitive point no matter when it is brought up. I do really appreciate your feedback and you probably did bring up issues and confusion that people might have. (Sometimes, I take for granted the rest of the world's knowledge of Latin America in general). So, once again, I apologize if the last post was a little strong.


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Postby mariposa » July 31st, 2008 4:02 pm

No problem, I think that's best Spanishpod and the forum could do, to improve the understanding of each other and the Spanish speaking world.

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Postby Joseph » July 31st, 2008 5:48 pm

Hey, hey, hey. I'm always game for a fierce conversation! :lol: Carlos, I think you're right about the question of identity in Puerto Rican culture. Every Puerto Rican that I've met has brought this up to me at one point or another. In fact, in the University of Albany, NY, there is a whole department devoted to this "cultural identity crisis", designed specifically for Latinos in the US, who may speak Spanish but can't read/write it. Interesting stuff.

As for the language of Puerto Rico, I have to claim ignorance. I've only been exposed to Puerto Rican Spanish in the States, and what I found was that it does not have much "currency". By that I mean that it would confuse even other Spanish-speakers. As what that which is spoken on the island, I really couldn't say.

Perhaps this discussion will get another other Puerto Ricans' skin so that they can let us know what the deal is! :D

As an addendum, I would also add the the "Newyorican" (Puerto Rican New Yorker) culture is very, very interesting. Carlos has some funny stories about times when he and I were in Hispanic parts of NYC... I'll let him tell those, or I will myself in another post.

Take care!

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Re: Puerto Rican Spanish

Postby tamaramuhammad » October 16th, 2017 8:12 pm

Puerto Rican spanish is unique and it can take a while to understand the accent and slang if you're not used to it! There's a pretty good guide to the features of PR Spanish here:

Ultimate Guide to Puerto Rican Spanish

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Re: Puerto Rican Spanish

Postby carlavapu5507 » October 22nd, 2017 8:20 pm

Hola tamaramuhammad,

Thank you for sharing!
We will be considering this for future lessons.
Please let us know if you have any other question or suggestion.


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Re: Puerto Rican Spanish

Postby floy.rmendez_73410 » June 26th, 2018 5:55 am

Anyone plays 4 Pics 1 Word if plays join with me. recently i am playing this, really a good game. having so much of fun.

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Re: Puerto Rican Spanish

Postby elviraroose_73487 » July 13th, 2018 3:43 pm

It should be very interesting to learn this language in such a nice, warm and pleasant atmosphere. Thank you for being so loyal to your customers!

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Re: Puerto Rican Spanish

Postby cristiane.aukstinaitis » August 4th, 2018 8:04 pm

Hi Elvira,

Thank you for studying with us!

In case of any questions, please feel free to contact us.


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