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Accompanying Images

Do you think seeing an image with each lesson would help?

Yes, I would love to see an accompanying image with each lesson.
No, I don't think it would make much of a difference.
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Accompanying Images

Postby Joseph » June 19th, 2008 12:27 pm

In an effort to enhance the overall quality of your learning experience, we've been discussing the value of images that would accompany each lesson. Today, we're asking you.

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Postby mariposa » June 19th, 2008 2:01 pm

I think, it would be nice extra, but it won't have much influence on the quality of each lesson.

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Postby Bouks » June 20th, 2008 6:13 am

I think it would be a nice addition. It helps to have a visual reference when you have only sound to work with.

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Postby Dakoina » July 29th, 2008 6:35 am

Idd, could be a nice addition :)

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Postby cacevedo222 » July 30th, 2008 7:51 pm

We need to get more images in the site to truly make it multimedia...and then, video!!!

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Postby Dakoina » July 31st, 2008 11:43 am

If you're doing something (for the images) in style of frenchpod101 on the front/main page: keep the images rather small and wide (like a horizontal banner) and not a huge 500x500px image. No 3D style stuff, that doesn't fit the style of the website.

Adding images like, for example, a market picture with different fruits, vegetables etc, or dressed persons, ... with most things properly labeled (eg. that's an apple, an orange, pants...) Such images help learning some common vocabulary words much faster, and you have a more visual approach too.

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Postby mariposa » July 31st, 2008 3:12 pm

Yesterday I discovered an interesting video at the website of englishpod101 (English for Japanese), it was about body parts, you could quite a lot of pictures indicating for example a nose, an eye, lips etc. with the appropriate word in English, something like that I could also imagine here at spanishpod, not only for body parts, but also for other things, fruits, vegetables, vehicles, animals etc. like a picture-dictionary, it would facilitate our studies a lot.

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Postby Joseph » July 31st, 2008 5:25 pm

Guys, great feedback. Thanks for letting us know your thoughts on this. I agree. I was looking at the images on FrenchPod101 and they seems a bit distracting to me. I'm a big fan of the images on JapanesePod101, and I would like to implement something similar.

Overall, I think the idea is to create a "graphic language" which will help us associate images with a Spanish vocabulary. That's seems to be the consensus. I also like on the Jpod101 site, when the picture has a little dialog box or bubble. For example, I saw one from a stadium with a dialog bubble coming from the loud-speaker. I think this could be useful too.

To recap, I think it would be a mistake to create the images such that they distract the student from the content, but rather that they facilitate the student with a graphic language, which in turn would complement the lesson content.

Let's keep up the discussion! Thanks again!


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