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Hola Ste,
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Hola william gregory,
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Hola Mejor Maestra,
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Hola Jamie,
Thank you for sharing.
Yes, that would help you with your listening skills and vocabulary.
Is a great way to practice and have fun.
Team SpanishPod101.com
Hola, a few years ago I was able to go to Oaxaca, Mexico and fully immerse myself in the language. I went on my own and found it very helpful to just practice the new words I was learning when walking around just talking to people. Most of the time everyone is very accommodating when they see you are at least trying and of course being respectful. Because of this I do now know quite a few words in Spanish however, am having a much harder time putting the words together to make proper sentences and have an actual conversation! This is what I am finding a little more challenging. Having an app like this one does help a lot as well as practicing, of course.
Thank you for all the good info and handy helper.
Gracias, hasta Pronto,
Gracias por las palabras
A good selection with some surprise omissions
The words "animado" and "callado" were new to me on the list of the 30 most important adjectives.
If watching TV series to help learn Spanish is it best to listen to Spanish with English subtitles or listen in Spanish with Spanish subtitles (even though won't understand everyrhing) listen in English with Spanish subtitles or combination of all?
Hola Jimmy Mac,
Thank you for your comment.
Yes, don’t get frustrated. Let’s just keep practicing.
I recommend watching TV series or the news in Spanish with subtitles.
Team SpanishPod101.com
It is proving to be muy dificil acquiring Spanish language skills. As an older learner I have problems hearing (too much loud music I'm sure) and I sometimes can not think of the right word in ENGLISH let alone espanol. As I listen to people conversing in Spanish I can catch a word or two but the rapidity of the spoken language soon leaves me totally confused.
I smile. I tell myself not to get frustrated. I lean on 'Lo siento, or por favor or muchas gracias, etc'. The polite words that show I'm trying, that show respect for another.
Hola Sarah Yoshida,
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Hola Gail,
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Team SpanishPod101.com
Gracias por las palabras muy util.
Thank you
Hola Elwaters,
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Hola Tove,
Muy bien!
Please let us know if you have any question or doubt.
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Team SpanishPod101.com
Hola John Mitchell,
Thank you for your comment.
Yes, that's true we will review the issue.
Though the sample sentences use synonyms words of the target vocab word.
Sigamos practicando!
Team SpanishPod101.com
Hola Linda,
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