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Hola Dolly Lachica,
Thank you for your comment.
These are different times of the verb LEER.
Leo - present tense first person
lee - present tense third person
leer - infinitive.
Sigamos practicando.
Team SpanishPod101.com
Hola Maria,
Thank you for posting.
The audio speed of the Vocabulary lists still can't be changed. However, you can add the entries to your [Word bank] and once there the entries are shown in both normal and 0.5x speed:
Hope this helps! In case of any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Team SpanishPod101.com
The simple sentences in English grammar is quite easy to translate to Spanish but most of the words when I changed to Spanish ,,, the word changes to different spellings ..
like for example :
Leo—— lee—— leer
Do u have a learning type that I could be able to see the
Present tense
Past tense
Future tense
Another question ,
I m always sorrounded with Spanish people but I tried my best to understand each word they said but sometimes their pronounciation is different from what I am learning everyday ...
But still ,, thank you that I am learning each day..
Hola. I'm glad someone else mentioned this. When I Listen to the audio to make sure of my pronunciation.........it is MUCH to fast. Is there a way to slow down the the voiced pronunciation? Gracias.
Hi Mark,
Thank you for posting.
These are great ways of supporting your language studies :)
Looking forward to seeing you often here.
Team Spanishpod101.com
Finding different ways to keep you motivated. You have to bring a bit of fun into learning - reading children’s books & listening to the school kids singing. I’m watching Netflix with English subtitles & then watch again with no subtitles. It’s very hard but it’s variation.
Mark xx
Hola Barbara,
Thank you for posting.
We're glad you liked the vocabulary list!
With practice you'll improve your Spanish listening skills more and more! Please also check out our Spanish Listening Comprehension video lessons:
https://www.spanishpod101.com/index.php?cat=53 (this one is for Absolute Beginners, but in the video lesson library you'll also find these lessons for other levels too :) )
Looking forward to seeing you often here.
Team Spanishpod101.com
I really enjoyed reading and understanding each paragraph although it was a a bit fast for me to listen.
Hola Janet,
Thank you for sharing! :wink:
Yes, you're right! This way you practice, enjoy and make it yours.
Team SpanishPod101.com
Me encanta escuchar las canciones y ver videos en español. Tambén leo libros y revistas.
Si lees o ves algo sobre un tema interesante aprendes mejor porque no estás aburrido.