Mexican Hotel, Part 2: I Would Like More of This, Please |
In this lesson, we’ll introduce you to some more useful phrases for hotels and the like. |
The first phrase is “When do I pay the accommodation fee?” In Mexico, this is: ¿Cuándo pago la factura? and in English would be translated literally like “When do I pay the invoice?” |
Let’s break it down: |
¿Cu-án-do pa-go la fac-tu-ra? |
Once more: |
¿Cuándo pago la factura? |
The first word, Cuándo, means “when” in English. |
(slow) cuándo. |
cuándo. |
Then you have pago, which means “I pay”. |
(slow) pa-go. |
pago. |
After that you have la factura, which is “the invoice” |
(slow) la fac-tu-ra. |
la factura. |
All together: |
¿Cuándo pago la factura? |
You may also need to ask for toiletries or other items from the hotel staff. |
Let’s try to ask, “Could you give me another soap?” In Spanish this is: "¿Podría darme otro jabón?". |
Let’s break it down: |
(slow) ¿Po-drí-a dar-me o-tro ja-bón? |
Once more: |
¿Podría darme otro jabón? |
The first word, podría, is translated as “could you” |
(slow) podría |
podría |
Next we have darme which means “give me”. |
(slow) dar-me. |
darme. |
Then we have the word otro that means “another” (in a masculine form). |
(slow) o-tro. |
otro. |
Finally we have jabón that means “soap”. |
(slow) ja-bón. |
jabón. |
All together it is |
¿Podría darme otro jabón? |
Here are some additional things you may ask for when you are staying in a hotel in Mexico. |
toalla which means “Towel” (feminine). |
(slow) to-a-lla. |
toalla. |
champú “Shampoo” (masculine). |
(slow) cham-pú. |
champú. |
pasta de dientes “toothpaste” (feminine). |
(slow) pas-ta de di-en-tes. |
pasta de dientes. |
In order to ask for something else all you have to do is to replace the word jabón with any other word. Do not forget to add por favor at the end of the phrase, so your request will be more polite. |
In case you want to say “Could you give me a towel?”, instead of another towel, you just need to change the word otra, or “another,” for una, that means “a”. ¿Podría darme una toalla? |
Let’s break it down: |
(slow) ¿Po-drí-a dar-me una to-a-lla? |
Once more: |
¿Podría darme una toalla? |
All together it is |
¿Podría darme una toalla? |
To close out today's lessons, we’d like you to practice what you have just learned. I’ll provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you’re responsible for shouting it out loud. You’ll have a few seconds before I give you the answer, so !buena suerte! which means “Good luck!” in Spanish. |
“When do I pay the invoice?” - ¿Cuándo pago la factura? |
“Could you give me another soap?” - ¿Podría darme otro jabón? |
“Could you give me a towel?” - ¿Podría darme una toalla? |
Alright! That's going to do it for this lesson. Hasta luego. |