
Vocabulary (Review)

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In today’s lesson, we’ll introduce you to a phrase that will definitely be useful at the dinner table.
Food in Spain is delicious and we know you’ll be begging for more.
You can use this phrase to make sure that you get more of what you want.
In Spanish, “Please pass that.” is Por favor, pásame eso.
Por favor, pásame eso.
Let’s break it down by syllable: Por favor, pásame eso.
Now, let’s hear it once again: Por favor, pásame eso.
The first words, por favor, mean “please.”
Let’s break down these words and hear it one more time: por favor.
And por favor.
This is followed by pásame, which in Spanish is “pass to me.”
Syllable break down: pá-sa-me.
And one more time, pásame.
Finally, we have eso, which means “that.”
And eso.
Here is a list of some of the most common foods or items you will ask for at a table. All you have to do is replace the last word with the word you want and the rest of the phrase is the same.
“Bread” in Spanish is pan.
So, the phrase would become - Por favor, pásame el pan.
“Salt” in Spanish is sal.
So, the phrase would become - Por favor, pásame la sal.
“Water” in Spanish is agua.
So, the phrase would become - Por favor, pásame el agua.
“Wine” in Spanish is vino.
So, the phrase would become - Por favor, pásame el vino.
“Soup” in Spanish is sopa.
So, the phrase would become - Por favor, pásame la sopa.
“Meat” in Spanish is carne.
So, the phrase would become - Por favor, pásame la carne.
“Fish” in Spanish is pescado.
So, the phrase would become - Por favor, pásame el pescado.
“Potatoes” in Spanish is patatas.
So, the phrase would become - Por favor, pásame las patatas.
“Fruit” in Spanish is fruta.
So, the phrase would become, Por favor, pásame la fruta.
As you’ve surely noticed, when asking for something, you have to ensure the corresponding definite article before the item or food you’re asking for. This means the article has to agree in gender - masculine, feminine; and number - singular, plural, with the item you want.
Let’s review now the definite articles in Spanish.
For masculine singular: el
For feminine singular: la
For masculine plural: los
For femine plural: las


Okay, to close out today’s lesson, we'd like for you to practice what you've just learned. I'll provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you are responsible for saying it aloud. You’ll have a few seconds before I give you the answer, so buena suerte, that means “good luck” in Spanish.
Okay, here we go!
“Please pass that.” - Por favor, pásame eso.
Por favor, pásame eso.
Por favor, pásame eso.
“Please pass water.” - Por favor, pásame el agua.
Por favor, pásame el agua.
Por favor, pásame el agua.
“Please pass soup.” - Por favor, pásame la sopa.
Por favor, pásame la sopa.
Por favor, pásame la sopa.

