
Vocabulary (Review)

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In today’s lesson, we’re going to take a trip to the post office.
The post office in Spanish is oficina de correos.
oficina de correos
Let’s break it down by syllable: o-fi-ci-na de co-rre-os.
Once again, oficina de correos.
The corporate color for post offices in Spain is yellow, so when walking in a city, if you see a yellow office with Correos, C-O-R-R-E-O-S, written on it, that’s where you should take your mail. And today, we’re going to work on getting your postcards, letters, and packages home.
The expression to accomplish this is “I’d like to send this to…” and then the desired country or city. For today’s lesson, we’ll use “New York.”
In Spanish, “I’d like to send this to New York” is Quiero enviar esto a Nueva York.
Quiero enviar esto a Nueva York.
Let’s break it down by syllable: Quie-ro en-viar es-to a Nue-va York.
And now, let’s hear it once again, Quiero enviar esto a Nueva York.
The first word, quiero, means “I want.”
Let’s break down this word and hear it one more time: quie-ro.
And quiero.
This is followed by enviar, which in Spanish is “to send.”
Let’s break down this word: en-viar.
And enviar.
Then we have esto, which means “this.”
One more time, esto.
So, to recap here, we have - Quiero enviar esto…
Literally, this means “I want to send this…”
Let’s take a look at the next words, a Nueva York, which means “to New York.”
Let’s break it down by syllable: a Nue-va York.
And a Nueva York.
So, all together we have Quiero enviar esto a Nueva York.
Literally, this means “I want to send this to New York.”
Now, we can build this up a bit by adding in the words for what we would like to send.
For example, above, we mentioned postcards, letters, and packages, so let’s start with this.
The word for “postcard” in Spanish is postal.
One more time, postal.
So, the expression would now sound like this, Quiero enviar esta postal a Nueva York..
Quiero enviar esta postal a Nueva York.
Let’s break it down by syllable: Quie-ro en-viar es-ta pos-tal a Nue-va York.
And now, let’s hear it once again, Quiero enviar esta postal a Nueva York.
Notice the position of esta postal which means “this postcard.”
Now, let’s try “letter” in Spanish which is carta.
And once again, carta.
To say, “I would like to send this letter to New York,” we simply substitute the word for “letter” carta with the Spanish word for “postcard” postal.
Introducing the previous sentence, Quiero enviar esta carta a Nueva York.
And finally, we have the word for “package” in Spanish is paquete.
And paquete.
So, we have Quiero enviar esta paquete a Nueva York.
Now, the package requires a closer look, which we’ll do in the next lesson.
If you already have your letter or postcard ready for sending, that is if you have the proper post stamps, you don’t need to look for a post office. You only need to look for a letterbox or a mailbox. In Spain, mailboxes are yellow. Remember, this is the corporate color for Correos, which is the former public mail operator and you can find them throughout neighborhoods across Spain. In this mail boxes, you can see the sign Correos and notice with the timetable for collection under the title horario de recogerá.
horario de recogerá
The first word, horario means “timetable.”
Once again, horario.
Then we have de which means “of.”
And finally, recogerá which means “collection.”
Let’s break it down by syllable: recogerá
One more time, recogerá.


Okay, to close out today’s lesson, we'd like for you to practice what you've just learned. I'll provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you are responsible for saying it aloud. You’ll have a few seconds before I give you the answer, so buena suerte, that means “good luck” in Spanish.
Okay, here we go!
“Post office” - Oficina de correos
Oficina de correos
Oficina de correos
“I’d like to send this to New York.” - Quiero enviar esto a Nueva York.
Quiero enviar esto a Nueva York.
Quiero enviar esto a Nueva York.
“I’d like to send this postcard to New York.” - Quiero enviar esta postal a Nueva York.
Quiero enviar esta postal a Nueva York.
Quiero enviar esta postal a Nueva York.

