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Lesson Transcript

Joseph: “Do you have chicha?” Hi there! My name is Joseph and I’m joined by Beatriz. ¿Cómo estás Beatriz?
Beatriz: Estoy muy bien, gracias.
Joseph: In our last Peruvian lesson we studied the question “¿De qué ciudad es usted?” “What city are you from?” and we learned about some expressions particular to the city of Chincha in the provinces of Peru. Today’s lesson references Newbie Lesson 8, so be sure to check that one out for a deeper comparison. In this lesson, we’re going to look at some expressions of thirst using the verb “tener” “to have.” So, let’s start by going back to Newbie Lesson 8 where we heard the following conversation:
Gustavo: ¡Tengo mucha sed!
Jaime: Yo también tengo sed.
Gustavo: ¿Quieres una bebida?
Jaime: Sí, quiero tomar un jugo.
Joseph: This time with the translation! Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
Gustavo: ¡Tengo mucha sed!
Joseph: “I’m really thirsty!”
Jaime: Yo también tengo sed.
Beatriz: “I’m thirsty, too!”
Gustavo: ¿Quieres una bebida?
Joseph: “Do you want to drink?”
Jaime: Sí, quiero tomar un jugo.
Beatriz: “Yes, I want to drink a juice.”
Joseph: So, that’s the standard Spanish and anyone in the Spanish speaking world would be able to understand it. Now, let’s hear what this might sound like in Peruvian Spanish.
Lupe: ¡Tengo una sed que parecen dos!
Pepe: ¡Yo también! ¡Tengo una sed de camello!
Lupe: ¿Quisieras un refresco?
Pepe: Bueno, suena muy bien. ¿Tienes chicha?
Lupe: ¡Pero, claro! También tengo limonada.
Joseph: Once again, slowly! Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
Lupe: ¡Tengo una sed que parecen dos!
Pepe: ¡Yo también! ¡Tengo una sed de camello!
Lupe: ¿Quisieras un refresco?
Pepe: Bueno, suena muy bien. ¿Tienes chicha?
Lupe: ¡Pero, claro! También tengo limonada.
Joseph: Well, those two conversations sure are different from each other! To begin, let’s look at the way the expression “I’m really thirsty.” was said in Peruvian Spanish. Beatrice, can you repeat that for us, please?
Beatriz: ¡Tengo una sed que parecen dos!
Joseph: “I’ve got such a big thirst that it seems like two.” Now, in Newbie Lesson 8, it sounded like this:
Gustavo: ¡Tengo mucha sed!
Joseph: Beatrice, where would you like to start out in explaining these differences?
Beatriz: Bueno esta expresión no es específicamente peruana, de hecho se usa en varias partes del mundo hispanohablante.
Joseph: Okay! That’s a good start! This is not a specifically Peruvian expression, but rather it’s all throughout the Spanish speaking world.
Beatriz: Así es. Además es una expresión informal, o hasta casera y de esta forma es graciosa.
Joseph: Claro, es muy graciosa. So, as you point out, Beatrice, this is an informal expression, one that you would say at home. Now, we should also talk a little bit about the way it’s constructed. In Spanish, we usually don’t say “Estoy sediento” which literally means “I’m thirsty!”.
Beatriz: Claro, en vez de eso decimos “Tengo sed”.
Joseph: “Tengo sed”. Right! And “tengo sed” literally means “I have thirst!” So, now, in the expression that we heard in the Peruvian conversation “Tengo una sed que parecen dos” we say “Tengo una sed” which means “I have one thirst.” or “I have such a big thirst.” and this thirst is so big that it seems like two. So, again, the standard way to say “I’m really thirsty.” is:
Gustavo: ¡Tengo mucha sed!
Joseph: And in the Peruvian Spanish version we hear Jaime:
Beatriz: ¡Tengo una sed que parecen dos!
Joseph: “I’ve got such a big thirst that it seems like two.” Great! So, next we’ll look at the slightly less emphatic version of the expression we just saw. Beatrice, how was this expression “I am thirsty, too.” pronounced in Peruvian Spanish?
Beatriz: ¡Yo también! ¡Tengo una sed de camello!
Joseph: “Me too! I’m as thirsty as a camel.” Now, in Newbie Lesson 8, it sounded like this:
Jaime: Yo también tengo sed.
Joseph: So, Beatrice, these two expressions are clearly different. The Peruvian sounds really funny.
Beatriz: Sí, es muy chistosa la expresión. Pero como la anterior dudo que sea propiamente peruana, sin embargo es una frase que usamos de vez en cuando para comentar de buen humor sobre la sed que uno tiene.
Joseph: I see! So, as you say, it’s probably not a properly Peruvian expression, neither, but it’s one that’s said in Peru when you talk about thirst with a good sense of humor. “Una sed de camello” literally that means “the thirst of a camel”. It’s kind of like saying “I’m so thirsty I could drink out of a hose.”
Beatriz: Para nada. Si lo dices así pierdes toda la imagen.
Joseph: That’s true! If I say it like that, I do lose the whole image. Well, in any case, it’s a funny expression and I’m going to make sure that I use it next time I want to get a rise out of someone. So, again, the standard way to say “I am thirsty, too.” is:
Jaime: Yo también tengo sed.
Joseph: And in the Peruvian version we hear:
Beatriz: ¡Tengo una sed de camello!
Joseph: “I’m as thirsty as a camel.” Now, let’s go over some of the localisms that came up in the conversation. To begin, we’ll look at the expression “chicha”. Beatrice, would you take us back to where this came up in the Peruvian Spanish conversation?
Beatriz: Lupe le pregunta a Pepe: “¿Quisieras un refresco?”. Y Pepe le responde: “Bueno, suena muy bien. ¿Tienes chicha?”
Joseph: So, Lupe asks Pepe “Would you like something to drink?” and Pepe responds “Well, that sounds very good. Do you have chicha?” Now, Beatrice, why don’t you tell us a little bit about chicha.
Beatriz: Bueno, en primer lugar chicha es peruanazo.
Joseph: So, chicha is very Peruvian.
Beatriz: Pero claro. Principalmente tenemos dos tipos de chicha, la chicha morada y la chicha de jora.
Joseph: I see! So, there are basically two types of chicha. Chicha morada and chicha de jora.
Beatriz: Así es. La chicha morada se hace hirviendo el maíz morado con clavo de olor y canela y otras especias.
Joseph: So, chicha morada is made by boiling purple corn with cinnamon and cloves and some other spices and then just before it’s served you add fresh lime juice and sugar, right?
Beatriz: Aja, así es. Y el maíz morado es muy propio de la tierra peruana. He escuchado que trataron de cultivarlo en Chile y salió amarillo.
Joseph: So, the purple corn is very proper to Peru and as you say, rumor has it that when they tried to grow it in Chile, it came out yellow.
Beatriz: Bueno, así dicen. Pero por otro lado la chicha de jora es una bebida de maíz fermentada que se suele tomar en la sierra peruana como en otras partes de las Américas.
Joseph: So, chicha de jora is a fermented maíz beverage that is usually consumed in the highlands of Peru as well as in other parts of the America’s. I’ve this chicha de jora before, it’s pretty interesting stuff.
Beatriz: And do you like it?
Joseph: Well, let’s say it made me stronger.
Beatriz: Bueno volviendo al tema de la chicha morada. Tenemos una expresión bastante común.
Joseph: Okay! So, let’s hear this common expression that you have related to the chicha morada.
Beatriz: Cuando algo queda indistinguible decimos: No es ni chicha ni limonada. Por decir “ni uno ni el otro”.
Joseph: So, when something is indistinguishable, you say that it’s neither chicha nor lemonade, in order to say that it’s neither one nor the other. And that’s because if you didn’t add the water flavored with purple maíz, cinnamon, cloves and the other spices, you’d basically have lemonade, right?
Beatriz: Claro claro. Demos un ejemplo.
Joseph: Alright! Let’s give an example.
Beatriz: Okay! por ejemplo: Su opinión política no es ni chicha ni limonada.
Joseph: “His political opinion is neither chicha nor lemonade.” Wow! With that example, the saying is a lot easier to understand.


Joseph: That just about does it for today. Remember that this lesson references Newbie Lesson 8, which you can pick up at Spanishpod101.com! And have a good one.
Beatriz: Que les vaya bien. No se pierdan.

Dialogue - Peruvian

Dialogue - Standard

