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Lesson Transcript

Joseph: “Dessert on a tree” Hi there! My name is Joseph and I’m joined here by Beatrice! ¿Cómo te va Bea?
Beatriz: Me va muy bien, gracias. Nice to be here with you today!
Joseph: Beatrice, always a pleasure! Now, in Peruvian Lesson 13 we looked at some expressions that we use when we’re talking about something that is delicious.
Beatriz: That’s right! And we also spoke about “el arroz con mariscos”.
Joseph: ¡Ay qué rico! Today, we’re going to move on in this meal and talk a little bit about dessert.
Beatriz: El postre.
Joseph: You’ve got some pretty interesting desserts in Peru, don’t you, Beatrice?
Beatriz: Yes, we do!
Joseph: What are some of them?
Beatriz: Paciencia, paciencia. Let’s listen to the lesson conversations, first.
Joseph: Before we jump into the conversations, I just want to remind everyone to reference this lesson with Newbie Lesson 14 in order to get a deeper understanding of the content that we’re going to cover here.
Beatriz: You can really learn a lot from them.
Joseph: Yes, those are great series. It’s really such a great opportunity to reference these regional lessons with those core curriculum lessons, the Newbie and Beginner Series. So, to get it started off here, let’s begin by going back to Newbie Lesson 14 where we heard the following conversation:
JOSÉ: La crema volteada está rica.
FÁTIMA: ¡Sí, está cremosa!
JOSÉ: ¿Te gusta?
FÁTIMA: ¡La crema volteada me gusta mucho!
Joseph: This time with the translation! Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
JOSÉ: La crema volteada está rica.
JOSÉ: “The upside down custard is delicious.”
FÁTIMA: ¡Sí, está cremosa!
FÁTIMA: “Yes, it’s creamy!”
JOSÉ: ¿Te gusta?
JOSÉ: “Do you like it?”
FÁTIMA: ¡La crema volteada me gusta mucho!
FÁTIMA: “I really like the upside down custard.”
Joseph: So, that’s conversation it’s pretty much standard and for the most part would be understood anywhere in the Spanish speaking world. But, let’s hear what this might sound like in Peruvian Spanish.
VICTOR: ¡Qué exótica es la lúcuma!
TERESA: ¡Con esto y un biscocho hasta maãna a las ocho!
VICTOR: ¡Jajaja! ¿Tere, te encanta la lúcuma, no?
TERESA: No me encanta, ¡me fascina!
Joseph: Once again, slowly! Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
VICTOR: ¡Qué exótica es la lúcuma!
TERESA: ¡Con esto y un biscocho hasta maãna a las ocho!
VICTOR: ¡Jajaja! ¿Tere, te encanta la lúcuma, no?
TERESA: No me encanta, ¡me fascina!
Joseph: We can see that some of these conversations look similar, while other parts look quite a bit different. To begin, let’s look at the way “Do you like it?” was rendered in Peruvian Spanish. Beatrice, could you repeat that for us, please?
Beatriz: ¿ te encanta la lúcuma, no?
Joseph: “You love the lúcuma, no?” Now, in Newbie Lesson 14 it sounded like this:
JOSÉ: ¿Te gusta?
JOSÉ: “Do you like it?”
Joseph: Beatrice, what are the major differences here?
Beatriz: Bueno para empezar en la versión peruana Víctor y Teresa hablan de la lúcuma y no de la crema volteada.
Joseph: Right! So, in the Peruvian lesson, Victor and Teresa talk about lúcuma and not crema volteada or upside down custard. Let’s hold off just a bit to talk about “lúcuma”. But, Bea, there was another difference there, too, wasn’t there?
Beatriz: Yes, in the Peruvian version, Victor asks “¿te encanta?”
Joseph: Right! Well, in the standard version, Jose asks:
JOSÉ: ¿Te gusta?
Joseph: So, this verb “encantar” literally means “to enchant”. But we often use it to mean “to love”, “me encanta” “I love it!”, right?
Beatriz: Claro, cuando decimos “me encanta” es como decir “me gusta muchísimo”.
Joseph: So, we can say “Me encanta” which is like saying “me gusta muchisimo” or “I really like it!”.
Beatriz: Osea, es una expresión que enfatiza nuestro uso.
Joseph: Good point! And this is an expression that emphasizes our pleasure.
Beatriz: Right! It’s the kind of exaggeration.
Joseph: That it is! Also, we see that this verb works just like the verb “gustar” in the sense that the thing we like or love is the subject of the sentence. So, it’s literally like saying “Does it enchant you?” or “Is it pleasing to you?”
Beatriz: Sí, los dos son verbos pronominales.
Joseph: Buen dicho. Well said! Both of these are called pronominal verbs since they require an indirect object pronoun. So, again, the standard way to say “Do you like it?” is:
JOSÉ: ¿Te gusta?
JOSÉ: “Do you like it?”
Joseph: And in the Peruvian Spanish version we hear:
Beatriz: ¿te encanta la lúcuma, no?
Joseph: “You love the lúcuma, don’t you?” Now, let’s look at the answer to this. Beatrice, in the Peruvian version how did we render the expression “I really like it?”
Beatriz: ¡me fascina!
Joseph: “It intrigues me!” In Newbie Lesson 14 it sounded like this:
FÁTIMA: ¡La crema volteada me gusta mucho!
F3: “I really like the upside down custard!”
Joseph: So, we have two different verbs here, right?
Beatriz: Claro. Son “gustar” y “fascinar”.
Joseph: Right! And we know from the Newbie Lesson that we use “gustar” when we want to say that something is pleasing to us. That is, when we want to say that we like something. But there’s other verb “fascinar”. When do we use this one?
Beatriz: When we really want to emphasize how much we really like something.
Joseph: But I thought that we use the verb “encantar” for this.
Beatriz: Sí pues pero decimos “me fascina” cuando es algo que te atrae muchísimo.
Joseph: Okay, I see! So, the verb “fascinar” is used when this attraction is really strong.
Beatriz: Cuando existe una atracción fuertisima.
Joseph: When you like something more than anything else. “Fascinar” you can see in that root the root of “fascinate”, so you know, we translate it like “intrigue”, “It intrigues me!” “Me fascina”. But it’s also like “It’s fascinating to me.” like “It captivates me.” I mean “I’m drawn to it.”, right?
Beatriz: Yes! Así es. That’s right!
Joseph: So, Bea, if I ask you “Do you like the desserts?” ¿Te gustan los postres? How could you respond using the verb “fascinar”?
Beatriz: I could say: Ay, si. Me fascinan.
Joseph: Nice! And again, this is a pronominal verb and all that means is that the thing that we love, the thing that intrigues us, is actually the subject. So, in this case, “los postres” “the desserts” are plural, which means that we’re going to conjugate the verb “fascinar” in the third person, plural. “Me fascinan”. “They intrigue me.” So, again, the standard way to say “I like it a lot.” is:
FÁTIMA: ¡La crema volteada me gusta mucho!
FÁTIMA: “I really like the upside down custard.”
Joseph: And in the Peruvian Spanish version we hear:
Beatriz: ¡me fascina!
Joseph: “It intrigues me.” Now, Beatrice, let’s talk a little bit about “la lúcuma”.
Beatriz: Sounds like a great idea!
Joseph: So, to begin, can you show us where this came up in the Peruvian conversation?
Beatriz: ¡Qué exótica es la lúcuma!
Joseph: “How exotic lúcuma is!” So, Beatrice, la lúcuma, what is la lúcuma?
Beatriz: Bueno la lúcuma es una fruta propia del Perú.
Joseph: Okay! So, it’s a fruit that is proper to Peru. What does it look like?
Beatriz: Cuando está con cáscara puede pasar desapercibida.
Joseph: Okay! So, it could easily go unnoticed.
Beatriz: La puedes ver en el mercado y ves una bolita verde que no te llama la atención.
Joseph: Because it’s just this green, little ball and it doesn’t look like anything special. But, when you cut in half, what’s inside?
Beatriz: Oh my God! That’s really something.
Joseph: What color is it?
Beatriz: Es... between orange and yellow.
Joseph: So, it’s this bright orangeish, yellow and there’s a big shiny pit in it, too, right?
Beatriz: Yes! You have to compare that with an avocado.
Joseph: The pit.
Beatriz: Yes, the fruit.
Joseph: The fruit itself.
Beatriz: Yes!
Joseph: Okay! But not, not in taste, right?
Beatriz: Not at all! Para nada.
Joseph: So, this fruit, la lúcuma, we’re calling it dessert on a tree, right? Because it is the closest natural substance to moose.
Beatriz: Yes, for many, many people that’s like a dream.
Joseph: The lúcuma is used for a number of other things, other than just to eat on its own, right?
Beatriz: Yes, it’s a fruit that if you eat it by itself, could be very dry because it’s a dry fruit, but with a lot of oil. This is a very concentrated flavor and it is very flagrant. Now it’s a very famous fruit that is used for ice-cream and for desserts in the high cuisine, for example in France.
Joseph: Okay! So, a couple of more questions here. We noticed that in the Peruvian conversation they’re having fruit for dessert. Now, is that very common, I mean would you say that this is kind of an everyday thing?
Beatriz: Yes, it’s very common. Almost every day you get fruit for dessert like mandarin.
Joseph: Mandarin, oranges.
Beatriz: Orange. Orange is more for breakfast because we make juice out of it.
Joseph: But like papaya or mango…
Beatriz: Yes, mango in summer is very popular there, bananas. We have bananas, mango, pineapples, grapes…
Joseph: It sounds like you have a really big variety of fruit.
Beatriz: Yes! We produce it and we have it every day, almost.
Joseph: That’s really great!
Beatriz: Yes!
Joseph: Now, one more thing! In the conversation, there’s this funny saying “¡Con esto y un bizcocho hasta mañana a las ocho!”. And we can translate this “With this and a little sponge cake until tomorrow at eight.”
Beatriz: Yes, that’s a joke to say “I’m so stuffed.”
Joseph: You’re so stuffed that you don’t need, you just need a little something at night and that’s going to hold you through until the morning, right?
Beatriz: That’s right!


Joseph: So, that’s all the time we have for today. Don’t forget to pick up Newbie Lesson 14 for a more in depth comparison of what we’ve covered here. Also, feel free to use our forum for your questions and if you’d like to leave us a comment, we’ll be more than happy to respond. Don’t be a stranger!
Beatriz: No te pierdas.

Dialogue - Peruvian

Dialogue - Standard

