
Vocabulary (Review)

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Megan: ¡Bienvenidos a Spanishpod101.com!
David: ¡Buenos días! Me llamo David.
Megan: And I’m Megan. Iberian Spanish Series, Lesson 28.
David: “¡Es todo un detalle!”.
Megan: “This is perfect!” Okay! Well, let’s talk about this lesson. This week I’m going to sound like a “cotilla total”, because last time we got to hear about how José and… José was trying to talk Carmen into…
David: He was trying to break her.
Megan: Break her up with her boyfriend so he could get some action. This week we have José with María, and, well, we’ll just have to see what happens there.
David: Okay! And don’t forget that this lesson references Newbie Lesson 28, “Ramon the detalists with Julia”, so be sure to check that on the website, too.
Megan: And if you don’t know what detalist means, you’ll just have to listen to that lesson because I don’t know what it means either. I think it’s “intraducible”.
Megan: Okay! Here we go. Let’s go back to Newbie Lesson 28 where we heard the following conversation:
RAMÓN: Cariño, tengo alguito para ti.
JULIA: ¿Un regalo?
RAMÓN: A ver si te gusta...
JULIA: ¡Qué lindas argollas! Gracias, mi amor. ¡Qué tal detallista!
RAMÓN: No, mi vida...
JULIA: Te recompenso en besos.
M3: And now with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
RAMÓN: Cariño, tengo alguito para ti.
M3: “Sweetie, I’ve got a little something for you!”
JULIA: ¿Un regalo?
F3: “A gift?”
RAMÓN: A ver si te gusta...
M3: “Let’s see if you like it!”
JULIA: ¡Qué lindas argollas! Gracias, mi amor. ¡Qué tal detallista!
F3: “What beautiful earrings. Thank you, baby! How considerate!”
RAMÓN: No, mi vida...
M3: “Oh, don’t thank me, honey!”
JULIA: Te recompenso en besos.
F3: “I’ll pay you back in kisses!”
Megan: ¡Uy! Muy suave este Ramón, ¿eh?
David: Yes, very much.
Megan: Hey, here in Spain we don’t use the word “argollas” for earrings, do we?
David: No, we say “pendientes”.
Megan: Okay! Well, let’s see how our Iberian chica makes out here.
David: Amor, tengo una cosilla para ti.
Megan: ¿Un regalito para mí?
David: Sí, espero que te guste.
Megan: ¡Wau! ¡Billetes para ir a Mallorca! Es todo un detalle, ¡estoy flipada!
David: ¿Así que te gusta?
Megan: ¿Bromeas? ¡Claro que sí, cariño! ¡Qué pasada!
M3: And now, slower. Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
David: Amor, tengo una cosilla para ti.
Megan: ¿Un regalito para mí?
David: Sí, espero que te guste.
Megan: ¡Wau! ¡Billetes para ir a Mallorca! Es todo un detalle, ¡estoy flipada!
David: ¿Así que te gusta?
Megan: ¿Bromeas? ¡Claro que sí, cariño! ¡Qué pasada!
M3: And now with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
David: “Amor, tengo una cosilla para ti.” - “Honey, I’ve got a little something for you.”
Megan: “¿Un regalito para mí?” - “A present for me?”
David: “Sí, espero que te guste.” - “Yes, I hope you like it.”
Megan: “¡Wau! ¡Billetes para ir a Mallorca! Es todo un detalle, ¡estoy flipada!” - “Wow, tickets to Mallorca! This is perfect! That’s so cool!”
David: “¿Así que te gusta?” - “So, I guess you like it?”
Megan: “¿Bromeas? ¡Claro que sí, cariño! ¡Qué pasada!” - “Don’t be silly! Of course I do, honey. This is amazing.”
Megan: Okay! So, I love how in the Newbie Lesson they have Ramón strike out in the one lesson and then by the next he’s already buying earrings for another chica. Es un picaflor, ¿no te parece?
David: Sí, va saltando de flor en flor. He’s one of those guys “que va de flor en flor”.
Megan: “De flor en flor”, right. A “picaflor” which literally means “to stick your beak in a flower”. You’ve got to just love that vivid imagery, I think we can all fill in the blanks there.
David: Yes, and “ir de flor en flor” literally means “to go from flower to flower”.
Megan: So, these are those guys that are always stringing along a bunch of girls, like a playboy, basically.
David: A Don Juan.
Megan: Right! Don Juan, like Don Juan Tenorio, Tirso de Molina, “Burlador de Sevilla”, from the 1600s. That guy even got nuns to give it up.
David: Now, when it comes to love…
Megan: Okay! Let’s take a ride into the lesson. This week, in the Newbie Lesson, este tal Ramón nos dijo:
M2: “Cariño, tengo alguito para ti”.
M3: “Sweetie, I’ve got a little something for you!”
Megan: And in the Iberian Lesson, José dijo: “Amor, tengo una cosilla para ti”. Which is pretty similar, but we’ve got a different use of the diminutive between “alguito” versus “cosilla”. Would you ever say “alguito”? I never heard this in Madrid.
David: No, I would never. You know, this is the first time I have heard this word.
Megan: Oh, really?
David: Yes, “alguito”.
Megan: And what would you say “cosilla”, se dice mucho, it is said all the time, but what would you say the difference is between “una cosita” which is another diminutive, “ito”, and “una cosilla” with a “illo”? To me “una cosilla” sounds more cute for some reason and I don’t know why.
David: Yes, maybe. I don’t know why. You know, in Spanish you can use many different “diminutivos” and you know, it’s “cosita”, “cosilla”, “cosica”.
Megan: “Cosica”.
David: There are many, many different, you know, depending on the region, we can use different nuance and maybe “cosilla” sounds more cute.
Megan: Right! And I was going to mention that because in the North, for example, in Asturias, you hear “ín” a lot, you hear “amiguín” instead of “amiguito” and then I think in the South you hear “amiguillo” more than “amiguito”. And so, even within Spain…
David: That’s right! And in Murcia you would hear “amiguico”.
Megan: “Amiguico”. ¡Ah! ¿De verdad?
David: “Una cosica”.
Megan: And that’s sort of like Cuba I think they do “momentico”, they say that, so it’s interesting that… But it makes sense, because these diminutives aren’t really about making it smaller, you know, you’re not saying that smaller, you’re expressing feelings about a thing, right?
David: Right!
Megan: In linguistics we call them “apreciativos” because they are like emotional content to a word, which we don’t have in English. It’s too bad, I really like it. I wanted to point out a few other examples of Latin American Spanish diminutives that you don’t hear here in Spain, like “hasta lueguito” or “ahorita”.
David: Right! We don’t use these at all in Spanish. Maybe I have heard more “ahorita”, “ahorita mismo”, but just because you hear other countries films or, you know, a song. And I would remember that I have heard “ahorita mismo”.
Megan: “Ahorita mismo” would be the normal way of saying “Right now!”.
David: Yes, but you know, you wouldn’t say it in Spain, “ahorita”.
Megan: “Ahorita”, right. But in Mexico?
David: Yes, very much.
Megan: You hear it all the time.
David: Right.
Megan: Okay! Well, I think this week we’ll just have to put some more of these diminutives in the grammar point to give some more examples because they’re just so incredibly useful and you hear them all the time.
David: Right.
Megan: And how about when Giulia or Julia in the Newbie Lesson says:
F2: “¡Qué tal detallista!”
F3: “How considerate!”
Megan: And in our lesson we say “Es todo un detalle”.
David: Yes, you know, we wouldn’t say in Spain “¡Qué tal detallista!”. We could even say “¡Qué detallista!”.
Megan: “¡Qué detallista!”.
David: Yes, but if I have to think about how I would say this phrase, I would say “¡qué detalle!” or “es todo un detalle”.
Megan: “Es todo un detalle”, which means, it’s really, I had a hard time translating this, and I know that it’s not really perfect the translation that I came up with because in English we just don’t say it this way but “Es todo un detalle” means “That’s so thoughtful” or “That’s such a nice touch.” And “detallista” is somebody who’s really thoughtful, who’s always giving presents or being very giving or “se está fijando en los detalles”, no? He’s thinking about the little details about life.
David: That’s right!
Megan: And here we get to see a construction that to the surprise of all of us, Spanish speakers can give us Anglophones troubles.
David: Really? Which one?
Megan: Well, “para mí” and “para tí”.
David: Right! Because we have “por” and “para” when you only have “for” in English.
Megan: Right! And, so, for you it seems so simple, but for us, we actually kind of have to memorize a little bit the expressions that use “por” and those that use “para” just to help us separate the two because we tend to think of them the same.
David: Yes, you’re right. So, for example, “gracias por el regalo”.
Megan: “Thanks for the present.”
David: And “¿Un regalo para mí?”..
Megan: “A present for me?” So, here, even though both times you’re referring to a “regalo”, when it’s “gracias por” and it’s “para mí” when you’re giving something to someone. And I wanted to point out this is just a very tiny little thing, but “me” in this case, “para mí”, it always has a tilde or an accent mark, doesn’t it?
David: Right, right. A very good point! So, you know, you can use “me” in two cases. You can use it as a possessive, “mi casa”, “my house”.
Megan: Possessive, “my house”.
David: Right. And you know, you can use it like this pronoun and if you don’t want to, so you don’t confuse with the regular possessive pronoun like “mi regalo”, you have to put this “tilde”.
Megan: Right! And “para mí”, which means “for me” and then, so you have the difference, in English we have two different words “me” or “mine”. Here you use the accent to distinguish it. It helps you to know how to pronounce it “para mí” is more strong than “mi regalo” when you say it.
David: Yes. You know, the rule is that one syllable words don’t have to have a tilde, but if you have to make a difference between two different words, you can put the tilde.
Megan: Right, and another cases “si” and “sí”.
David: Right.
Megan: Right? Like “si” like “if” or “sí”, “yes”, right?
David: Yes. Or, for example, “de”, “de”, “of” and “dé”, the verb “give.”
Megan: Give me, oh yes! That’s another good one. Okay! I’m sure this will come up again in the future. And one more thing about grammar. Here we get to see a perfect case of when to use the Subjunctive and when not to, because we have the verb “gustar” in the subordinate clause and two difference of our lines here in the dialogue.
David: Okay! So, in the first one we have “Espero que te guste”, this verb “guste”, this is a Subjunctive Mood. And then we have another example which is “¿Así que te gusta?”, in this case “gusta” comes from the verb “gustar” and it’s Indicative Mood.
Megan: And can you explain why, because in “Espero que” always has the Subjunctive after it. So, just memorize that, people listening and just practice, “espero que te guste”, “espero que…” It’s always like that. And “espero que vengas”, because you’re talking about something that you wish that hasn’t happened yet, right?
David: Right! That’s right!
Megan: And “¿Así que te gusta?” you’re talking about something more solid, no? Something more, so you like it, huh, basically?
David: Right. So, when you say “Espero que te guste”, “I hope you like it” when you’re expressing your feelings in this structure, in this pattern you always use the Subjunctive Mood.
Megan: Okay! Let’s look at another expression that I had a little trouble translating into English, like “estoy flipada” or if you’re a man “estoy flipado” which basically means you’re freaking out because it’s so great, right?
David: Right. You know, when someone is saying “estoy flipado” is just that I’m so surprised, it’s so incredible that, you know, I’m just shocked.
Megan: Right, I’m flipping out basically, and I guess it probably does come from the English word, I’m not sure. You say “me flipo”.
David: Yes, you say “me flipo”, “es flipante”.
Megan: Right, you can “me flipo en colores”. We were talking about this, we both tend to think it probably comes from drug terminology.
David: I think so.
Megan: Because there is an expression “me flipo en colores” like “I’m flipping out into colors.” as if you are just tripping. You’re tripping basically.
David: Yes, when you say someone “él está flipado”, you know, he’s like drugged or…
Megan: Yes, he’s totally just, yes, freaking out. Okay! And…
David: Yes, and of course, you know, she’s “flipada” because there’s almost nothing we like more than going on vacation, right?
Megan: Absolutely right! I had to change it from earrings to a trip, because I thought, you know, what would cause a Spanish person to “flipar más que nada”? It’s going to be a trip to, you know, Islas Baleares, right?
David: For example, yes.
Megan: Mallorca.
David: Mallorca.
Megan: Nice, beautiful island in the middle of the Mediterranean. I’m already fantasizing about “vacas”, aren’t you?
David: ¿Vacas? “Cows”?
Megan: Cows, you’re right. No, ¡vacaciones!
David: Okay! This is a short form for “vacaciones”, right?
Megan: Right, right! Okay! One more thing. What about all these weird words that we have “amor”, “cariño”, “mi vida”? Tell us some more. Which ones do you use most here in Spain, do you think?
David: Well, you know, you can invent almost any word you like and you know, “cielo”, “cielito”.
Megan: Which means “sky” or “heaven”, qué bonito.
David: Yes, like “princesita”.
Megan: “Little princess”. Which one do you use with Shanti? I cannot imagine you calling her “princesita”, but maybe you do in closed doors.
David: No. Let me think. Now, you know, we invent out our own words. She says something like “pichurro”.
Megan: “Pichurro”? What does that mean?
David: Nothing at all.
Megan: Ah, “pichurro”... Do you say, people say “cari”, también, ¿no? What does your brother call his wife?
David: “Cari”, yes.
Megan: “Cari”.
David: Yes, “cari”.
Megan: Okay! Well, if we come up with any more we’ll just add them to the next lesson.


David: So, I think that we have plenty of other lessons for us to “profundizar” all this.
Megan: Right, “to get in deeper”.
David: ¡Hasta la próxima semana!
Megan: See you soon!


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Dialogue - Iberian

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