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Megan: ¡Bienvenidos a Spanishpod101.com!
David: ¡Buenos días! Me llamo David.
Megan: And I’m Megan. Iberian Spanish Series, Lesson 16.
David: “Wow, what a heatwave!”
Megan: Last time we looked at how to talk or should I say complain about the freezing cold. Today we’re going to go to the beach and talk about the heat and the crowds.
David: Also in this lesson we’ll talk a bit about varied “madrileño” interjections, “¡Hala!”.
Megan: Today’s lesson references Newbie Lesson 16 – “Wow, it’s hot out!”, so be sure to check that out on the website.
Megan: Okay! Now let’s get started and go back to Newbie Lesson 16 where we heard the following conversation:
ANGELA: ¡Caramba! ¡Hace calor!
RODRIGO: Sí, ¡hace mucho sol!
ANGELA: La playa está llena.
RODRIGO: Tú estás muy bronceada.
ANGELA: Todos estamos muy bronceados.
M3: This time with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
ANGELA: ¡Caramba! ¡Hace calor!
F3: “Wow! It’s hot out!”
RODRIGO: Sí, ¡hace mucho sol!
M3: “Yes, it’s really sunny!”
ANGELA: La playa está llena.
F3: “The beach is full.”
RODRIGO: Tú estás muy bronceada.
M3: “You’re really tanned.”
ANGELA: Todos estamos muy bronceados.
F3: “We are all really tanned.”
Megan: And now let’s hear how we translated that into Iberian Spanish:
David: ¡Hala! ¡Vaya ola de calor! ¡Y la playa está a tope!
Megan: ¡Hombre! Es agosto, ¿qué esperabas?
David: Ya, ya. ¿Te has puesto crema? Estás roja.
Megan: Uy, se me había olvidado. ¿Y tú?
David: ¡Qué va! Con lo moreno que soy no me quemo nunca.
M3: Once again, slowly. Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
David: ¡Hala! ¡Vaya ola de calor! ¡Y la playa está a tope!
Megan: ¡Hombre! Es agosto, ¿qué esperabas?
David: Ya, ya. ¿Te has puesto crema? Estás roja.
Megan: Uy, se me había olvidado. ¿Y tú?
David: ¡Qué va! Con lo moreno que soy no me quemo nunca.
M3: This time with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
David: “¡Hala! ¡Vaya ola de calor! ¡Y la playa está a tope!” - “Wow, what a heatwave! And the beach is packed.”
Megan: “¡Hombre! Es agosto, ¿qué esperabas?” - “Hey, it’s august. What did you expect?”
David: “Ya, ya. ¿Te has puesto crema? Estás roja.” - “I know, I know! Did you put on suncream? You’re red!”
Megan: “Uy, se me había olvidado. ¿Y tú?” - “I forgot to! What about you?”
David: “¡Qué va! Con lo moreno que soy no me quemo nunca.” - “No way! I’m so tan that I never burn.”
Megan: Okay! Last time we were complaining about the cold and now it’s the heat.
David: Yes, and the crowds. That means it’s time for “vacas”.
Megan: “Cows”?
David: No, “ir de vacas a la playa”.
Megan: I get you. “Vacas” is the short for “vacaciones”.
David: Right! And because during August a lot of beaches are packed.
Megan: Right, especially the ones on the Mediterranean Coast. I’ll bet our complainers are somewhere like Castellón de la Plana.
David: Yes, I try to avoid that “rollo”, that’s why I like to go to the North.
Megan: I like to stay in Madrid. It’s so nice and quiet, and well comparatively quiet, and you don’t have to fight for space at the “terrazas” in outdoor’s cafés and tapas bars because everybody’s at the beach.
David: Yes, that’s true. But it’s usually even hotter in the city.
Megan: That’s true. My apartment turns into a sauna. Do you think most Spaniards are as irresponsible as Gema in our conversation? Shouldn’t he be wearing “crema solar” or “sunblock”, whether is tan or not?
David: Well, yes, I think you’re probably right, though I think a lot of people here still worship the sun a lot, probably too much.
Megan: Yes, I think being pale is still looked at something kind of unhealthy, we stats what a lot of people tell pigment challenge people like myself.
David: Yes, I think so. But you know, some years ago or even one century ago, tan people weren’t seen so well. You know, people for high society saw this tent people as people who were at the country.
Megan: In the country, yes, sort of “labradores”, won’t they?
David: Yes, that’s right.
Megan: And then went the other way around.
David: That’s right!
Megan: Maybe it will go back. Okay! Let’s get into this week’s dialogue. We’ve got a lot to talk about. Where should we start, David?
David: Okay! Why don’t we start out by comparing the first line? In Newbie Lesson 16 it’s said:
C: ¡Caramba, hace calor!
David: And in the Iberian Lesson I said: “¡Hala! ¡Vaya ola de calor!”.
Megan: Okay, let’s start out with the word “Hala”. This is an interjection that’s used all the time in Madrid. Would you ever say “caramba”?
David: No, I don’t think so. You know, it sounds very…
Megan: ¿Cómo?
David: A bit “cursi”, how do you say that in English?
Megan: “Cursi”, “cheesy” or kind of “trite” maybe.
David: Yes, you know, you don’t hear “caramba” very often here.
Megan: But “hala” is totally normal.
David: Yes, very much.
Megan: So, here we translated “¡Hala!” as “Wow!”, but in other contexts it can have a slightly different meaning, can’t it? Can you give us some other examples of how you might use “hala”?
David: Sure. Let’s say, “Hala, ¡vamos allá!”.
Megan: “Come on, let’s go now!” or “Let’s get going!”
David: Yes, and well, there’s also “¡Hala Madrid!” which means “Come on!” or “Let’s go, Madrid!”
Megan: Right! Isn’t that sort of the slogan of Real Madrid?
David: Yes, that’s right.
Megan: The soccer team.
David: Yes, right!
Megan: And didn’t there’s kind of a whiny complaining sort of “hala”, isn’t there? When somebody doesn’t get what they want, especially little bratty kid and they say “¡hala!”. O algo así, ¿no?
David: Yes, or “Me enfado contigo, ¡hala!”.
Megan: Yes, “I’m mad at you, so there!” Okay! There’s another interjection here in the dialogue, “¡Hombre! Es agosto”.
David: Yes, and that means “Hey, it’s August! Of course it’s going to be hot!”
Megan: We got to see “hombre” before, in a lesson a few weeks back. Now here I wanted to mention that I didn’t just say “hombre” because you’re a man. You could’ve just easily said it to me.
David: Right! Exacto. We use this sort of interjections all the time. “Uy” is another one.
Megan: “Uy”, this one reminds me of “uf” which we saw in a lesson recently. “¡Uf!” means “Aug!” and “¡Uy!” means “Ooo!” or “Yik!” or “Yak!”
David: Well, so it’s something like, you know, when you feel a bit embarrassed about something you have done or you feel a bit guilty, you say “Uy, I have done this! I’m sorry!” or “I feel so embarrassed.”
Megan: Or like in the dialogue “¡Uy! Se me había olvidado”, “I feel…”
David: Yes, “Uy! I forgot that…”, yes.
Megan: Okay! And what about how you said “¡Vaya ola de calor!” instead of “hace calor”?
David: Yes, I was saying “What a heatwave!”, it’s just another way to say that it’s really, really hot. It’s always hot in August, so we have to come on with different ways of saying it to keep from getting bored.
Megan: Right! Can you give us some more examples of ways to say that it’s hot?
David: Okay. I can say “hace un calor de muerte”.
Megan: “It’s so hot, I’m dying!” or something like that.
David: Yes, or “hace un calor que me derrito”.
Megan: “It’s so hot that I’m melting.”
David: Yes, or “¡Vaya calor que hace!”.
Megan: “It’s so hot!” or como “vaya ola de calor”, but with “hace calor”.
David: Right!
Megan: Okay! Going into the grammar a little bit, in this conversation we got to see two uses of the helping verb “haber”. That’s “haber” spelled with “h-a-b-e-r.”
David: Yes, “se me había olvidado”.
Megan: “Se me había olvidado”, and here we also have that indirect way of saying that you forgot something. It literally means “something had been forgotten to me”. I like the way that forgetting something in Spanish seems more like an accident that happens to you, instead of something that you actually have control over.
David: Yes, and I guess that’s true.
Megan: And let’s talk a little bit about the other example. “¿Te has puesto crema?”, “Did you put on any sun block?” Why don’t you say “pusiste crema” instead of “has puesto crema”? I think that would be the more common form used in Latin America, if I’m not mistaken.
David: Yes, well it’s a bit hard to explain, but you know, in different parts of Spain we talk about the recent past using the verb “haber” plus the Past Participle.
Megan: So, if you say something that’s referring to the recent past, like “I went to the store this morning”, how would you say it?
David: I would say “he ido a la tienda esta mañana”. You know, I would say that the main difference is that if you’re talking about time that you think is over or not. So, if you’re talking about today and you’re talking about you have done today and today’s not over, you use the “haber” plus the Past Participle. But if you are thinking about the time you need and you think that time you need is over, you use…
Megan: The Pretérito.
David: Yes, the Past Tense.
Megan: You wouldn’t say “fui a la tienda esta mañana”, you wouldn’t say that, would you, normally?
David: No, you couldn’t.
Megan: Takes some getting used to for a lot of Latin Americans who live here in Spain, because they tend to use this tense “haber” plus Past Participle a lot less, and I think they mainly use it to refer to an action in the past that never ended. So, “He ido a la tienda” would mean “I have gone to the store”, at some point, rather than “I went to the store”, a specific time.
David: Yes, we’ll put some more about this in this lesson’s grammar point, because you’re right. It’s pretty different, but you know, not only in Latin America, but in Galicia too, for example. They don’t use the “haber” plus Past Participle, they always use the Past Tense.
Megan: That’s right! I have a “gallega” friend too who does that and everyone makes fun of her, it’s terrible! One other thing, I wanted to very quickly mention, “¿Qué esperabas”, “What were you expecting?”
David: So, the verb “esperar” can translate several different ways: “to wait”, “to hope”, “to expect”.
Megan: And here it’s in the Past Imperfect Tense and it means “What were you expecting?”. I guess expecting something is kind of like waiting and hoping at the same time, so that does make sense, doesn’t it?
David: Yes, that’s right! Sometimes you don’t really know if you’re waiting or you’re hoping.
Megan: Okay, so just to recap on the verb “esperar”, it can mean three things in English: “to wait”, “to hope” or “to expect.” And an example of two of these meanings might be “Espero que vengas”, “I hope that you come” or “Espero a que vengas”, “I’m waiting for you to come.”
David: Right!
Megan: Okay! Why don’t we talk a little bit about some of the idiomatic expressions and local stuff that came up in today’s conversation?
David: Okay! How about “la playa está a tope”?
Megan: Right! In the Newbie Lesson they said:
C: La playa está llena.
David: Yes, “la playa está llena de gente”. We say that, too. But “la playa está a tope” or “la playa está hasta los topes” or “la playa está hasta la bandera” it’s even more exaggerated.
Megan: So, basically, all of these things mean that it’s jam-packed, it’s at maximum capacity, right?
David: Yes, “como sardinas”. Okay! And another expression like this is “ir a tope” which means “to go at maximum speed”.
Megan: Okay, great! A few lessons back we promised to give a few more examples of uses of the word “ya”.
David: Right! And here you say “¿Qué esperabas?” and I say a little irritated “¡Ya! ¡Ya!”.
Megan: Which means “I know, I know!” or “¡Ya lo sé!”. And then you kind of try to make me feel bad when you say:
David: “Estás roja como una gamba”.
Megan: “Red like a shrimp” or I guess in English we would say like a boiled lobster. This is what happens when “te quemas” or you get sunburned or you get a “quemadura”, a sunburn. And I noticed that you used the verb “estar”, “estás roja”, because hopefully I’m not always that red and it’s a temporary thing, right?
David: Yes, and did you notice that I used the verb “ser” when I say “Con lo moreno que soy no me quemo nunca”?
Megan: Which we translated as “I’m so tan or dark that I never burn.” You’ve really rubbing in it, aren’t you? But, why is it “ser”?
David: Okay! So, someone who has not really darker skin would say “Soy moreno”, someone with lighter skin who gets a tan or “se ha puesto moreno” would say “Estoy moreno”.
Megan: Or “morena”, if it’s a woman. But doesn’t “moreno” also refer to your hair color?
David: Yes, sure. “Ser moreno” can also mean that you have very dark hair. If it’s not clear from the context, you can say “soy moreno de piel”.
Megan: “Piel” is “skin”, so “My skin is dark.”
David: Right! Or “Soy moreno de pelo”.
Megan: And “pelo” is “hair” which means “My hair is dark.” Okay! So, in the Newbie dialogue they said:
D: Tú estás muy bronceada.
Megan: And you said:
David: “Con lo moreno que soy no me quemo nunca”. “Estar moreno” and “estar bronceado” mean pretty much the same thing.
Megan: And which would you be more likely to say?
David: I would say “estoy moreno”.
Megan: Okay! Yes, that’s what I hear more here in Spain.
David: Yes.
Megan: Okay! One quick last thing before we go. When I asked if you put on sunblock you act “machote”, you said “¡Qué va!”, which literally means “what goes”, but of course that doesn’t make a lot of sense in English, so it really means “No way!” or “Are you kidding?”. Can you give us some more examples of times when you might say “¡Qué va!”?
David: Sure. Someone might say “Did you get up early this morning?”
Megan: You might respond “¡Qué va! Me he levantado a las doce”, “Are you kidding? I got up at noon.”
David: Well, ¿tenemos tiempo de hablar de más cosas? Do we have time talk about anything else?
Megan: “¡Qué va! Ya se nos ha acabado el tiempo”, which means “No way, our time’s up!”


David: So, I think that’s all for today’s lesson!
Megan: See you soon!
David: ¡Nos vemos pronto!

Dialogue - Iberian

Dialogue - Standard

