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Megan: ¡Bienvenidos a Spanishpod101.com!
David: Hola, buenos días. Me llamo David.
Megan: And I’m Megan. Iberian Spanish Series, Lesson 10 - “¡Ya no puedo más!”, “I can’t take it anymore!”
Last time we looked at a typical conversation around a table in a restaurant, and this week we’re going to be even hungrier and we’ll delve into it a little bit deeper.
David: Today’s lesson references Newbie Lesson 10 – “I’m starving!”, so be sure to check that out on our website.
Megan: Also, in this lesson we’ll look at the tendency to have redundancy in colloquial Spanish. To start out, let’s go back to Newbie Lesson 10 where we heard the following conversation:
RENZO: ¡Lucía, me muero de hambre!
LUCÍA: Yo también tengo mucha hambre, Renzo.
RENZO: ¿Qué quieres comer tú?
LUCÍA: Yo quiero comer carne.
REZNO: Con la carne quiero tomar un vino tinto.
LUCÍA: Yo tengo un Malbec.
M3: This time with the translation! Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
RENZO: ¡Lucía, me muero de hambre!
M3: “Lucia, I’m starving.”
LUCÍA: Yo también tengo mucha hambre, Renzo.
F3: “I’m really hungry, too, Renzo.”
RENZO: ¿Qué quieres comer tú?
M3: “What do you want to eat?”
LUCÍA: Yo quiero comer carne.
F3: “I want to eat meat.”
REZNO: Con la carne quiero tomar un vino tinto.
M3: “With the meat I want to drink red wine.”
LUCÍA: Yo tengo un Malbec.
F3: “I have a Malbec.”
Megan: Now, let’s hear what that sounds like in Iberian Spanish.
Megan: David, ya no puedo más, ¡me muero de hambre!
David: ¡Ya te digo! Yo voy a pedir la fabada, ¿y tú?
Megan: A mi me apetece el besugo. ¡Aquí está buenísimo!
David: Y ‘pa’ beber, ¿pedimos una botella?
Megan: Sí. ¿Qué tal un vino blanco? Un albariño, por ejemplo.
David: ¡Perfecto!
M3: Once again, slowly. Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
Megan: David, ya no puedo más, ¡me muero de hambre!
David: ¡Ya te digo! Yo voy a pedir la fabada, ¿y tú?
Megan: A mi me apetece el besugo. ¡Aquí está buenísimo!
David: Y ‘pa’ beber, ¿pedimos una botella?
Megan: Sí. ¿Qué tal un vino blanco? Un albariño, por ejemplo.
David: ¡Perfecto!
Megan: This week we got to hear a bit more about a few dishes that people might order at a Spanish restaurant. “Madrileños” just love seafood like “besugo” or sea bream, don’t they?
David: Definitely! Madrid has the second biggest fish market in the world. We will eat almost anything that comes from the sea.
Megan: That’s for sure. There’re even restaurants here called “marisquerías” that just specialized in shellfish or “mariscos”.
David: Mmm, “marisco”. I love “marisco”! And in this dialogue we mentioned white wine, “albariño”, which comes from Galicia, which is in the North West part of Spain. It’s light and goes perfectly with shellfish.
Megan: And what about “fabada”? That comes from the region next to Galicia, Asturias. It’s made with big white beans and lots of yummy pork products like smoked chorizo and you make a great one since you’re “medio asturiano” or half “asturiano”. And you’re a great cook, right?
David: Well, thank you, Megan! I like to think so. “Fabada” is definitely one of my favorite dishes.
Megan: Okay, moving on to pronunciation. Let’s start with a quick review of the “th” sound that we looked into during the last lesson. This week it shows up again. Can you say the word for us?
David: Sure! “Apetece”, “a-pe-te-ce”. It comes from the verb “apetecer” which means “to feel like having or doing something”. “¿Qué te apetece?”.
Megan: Which means “What do you feel like doing?” or “What would you like?”. And this would compare to:
M2: ¿Qué quieres comer tú?
Megan: From the Newbie dialogue.
David: Yes, it means the same thing in this context.
Megan: And here we have another case of a word that’s often shorten when people are speaking fast, “para”.
David: Yes, and this happens all the time. It’s very common that “para” ends up being pronounced as “pa” like “‘pa’ beber” instead of “para beber”. Another example is “‘pa’ trás” which means “para atrás” or “backwards”. “¡Échate ‘pa’ trás!”.
Megan: Which means “Back it up!”.
David: Yes, or another one that’s even more compressed is “pa alante” which is “para adelante”.
Megan: Or in a forward direction which really can mean sometimes “Get moving!”. One last thing, we’ve already looked at the word “ya” quite a bit and it shows up here again, meaning “anymore”.
David: Yes, “¡ya no puedo más!”.
Megan: Which roughly translates as “I can’t take it anymore!”. One thing we didn’t mention is that the “Y” in Spain, isn’t it pronounced quite the same as the “Y” in English. So, it’s not “ya”, it’s:
David: “Ya” or even “ya”. It’s stronger, “es más fuerte”.
Megan: Your tongue is on your pallet and there’s some friction there, so can you give us a few more examples so we can really get to hear this?
David: Sure! “Ya”, “yegua”, which is “mare”, “yerno”, “son-in-law” or “Yo”, “I”, which’s said in the Newbie dialogue.
F2: Yo tengo un Malbec.
David: And in the Iberian dialogue, “Yo voy a pedir la fabada”.
Megan: “I’m going to order the ‘fabada’.” And we also get to see it in “ya te digo”, which we’ll get into in just a minute. Well, I’ll keep working on that “Y” sound. Sometimes I have trouble spitting it out. Now, moving on to the expressions and localisms, here we get to see another suffix or “sufijo”. This time it’s attached to the adjective “bueno” which means “good”.
David: Yes. “¡Está buenísimo!”, which means “It’s really, really delicious!” and did you notice that it’s the verb “estar” and not “ser”?
Megan: Good point! But why not “ser” which can also mean “to be”?
David: Yes, that’s because when you are talking about food it’s always viewed as more temporally. So, it’s always “está rico”, “está bueno”, which both mean “It’s tasty.”
Megan: And if I say “está bueno” about a person, “este tío está buenísimo”.
David: Well, then you’re saying that he is yummy, like food.
Megan: Yummy! Okay! I wonder how many people tried to comment on what a good person someone is, “es bueno” and then eventually say “He’s yummy!”, “¡Está bueno!”.
David: Yes, you’re right! And this is very common for people who come here to Spain, for tourists and for foreign people. And when you’re learning a language, you definitely have to have a good sense of humor about that.
Megan: ¡Ya te digo! And speaking of “ya te digo”. That was in the dialogue. Can you explain it to us?
David: “¡Ya te digo!”, that literally means “I already told you!”, but it’s something we say when we feel the same way about something that has been said. This is a bit, you know, casual. It’s not very formal. But, in the Newbie Lesson:
F2: Yo también tengo mucha hambre.
David: Here, I’m basically saying the same thing when I say “¡ya te digo!”.
Megan: So, it’s just a more colloquial way of saying “yo también”.
David: Right!
Megan: And is there any particular reason why you said “Yo voy a pedir la fabada”? We always say that the personal pronouns are mostly left off in Spanish, and we already know you’re talking about yourself, because you conjugated the verb “voy”. So, why do we have a “yo” here?
David: Okay! “Yo voy a pedir la fabada”, this “yo” is strictly there for emphasis. There’s another part of the conversation where something, redundancy is in for emphasis. Did you catch it?
Megan: Yes, you must be talking about “a mí me apetece”, which literally means “To me, it is appealing to me.” In English that just sounds crazy, we can’t repeat things like that.
David: That’s true! And I think you use other ways of putting emphasis on words.
Megan: That’s true! So, this isn’t really slang the sort of redundancy. It’s just something that people do when they’re speaking for emphasis.
David: Right! In spoken Spanish, it’s totally normal. We talk like this all the time. “A mí me gusta”, “I like”, “a ti te gusta”, “you like”. Y, de hecho, a mi me parece que ya…
Megan: Ya... Oh, you’re saying that to you it seems to you that it’s already time to go. Okay! Bueno, pues a mí también. Me too!


David: Okay! Well, that will do it all for today’s lesson.
Megan: See you soon!
David: ¡Nos vemos pronto!

Dialogue - Iberian

Dialogue - Standard


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