
Vocabulary (Review)

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Natalia: Buenos días soy Natalia.
Carlos: What’s going on? I am Carlos. How Much Does it Cost to Print? What’s going on in pod101 world? My name is Carlos and with me by my side is Natalia. How are you doing Natty?
Natalia: I am doing really, really, really, really good.
Carlos: That’s a lot of really’s?
Natalia: Hey, that means I am really good.
Carlos: True. Natty cut her hair.
Natalia: I cut my hair.
Carlos: We are going to have to update your picture on the profile.
Natalia: All right. You can even see my picture – you can’t even see my hair. You can only see my nose.
Carlos: número cinco
Natalia: número cinco, Carlos.
Carlos: I know how to say it. I just wanted to hear you correct me real quick.
Natalia: I wasn’t correcting you. I was repeating. See, you need to gain some confidence now that you are speaking Spanish. You have to go, say it, and just be over with it.
Carlos: You’re so not following the script. Yeah, yes just sometimes... it’s just too easy Natty.
Natalia: Any ways Carlos, people don’t turn in to hear, you be dumb.
Carlos: You know, I don’t believe that statement for a second.
Natalia: You wouldn’t. We have a business sir.
Carlos: I know it. Is Jorge still in the internet café?
Natalia: Café internet.
Carlos: Right, right I forgot.
Natalia: Café internet.
Carlos: Café internet.
Natalia: Yes he is and now he wants to print something.
Carlos: Man that’s expensive.
Natalia: Well they mentioned that.
Carlos: Okay grammar.
Natalia: Well we are looking at a verb used in a way that you might not be used to. Hey, did you hear the news about the - restructuring
Carlos: Well I am not sure I would call it that.
Natalia: Well Carlos, so what would you call it?
Carlos: I call it a minimal change just to see you know, we are minimizing the lessons. So it will give me four lessons per week.
Natalia: So well Carlos. I think that we should get into it.
1. JORGE: Disculpe, Señorita, ¿a cuánto está la impresión?
2. SUSANA: Sale a treinta colones cada hoja.
3. JORGE: ¿En blanco y negro o en color?
4. SUSANA: Sale a treinta colones la de blanco y negro y a quinientos colones
la de color.
5. JORGE: ¿!Quinientos colones!? ¡Por quinientos colones podría contratar a
un artista que me lo pinte!
6. SUSANA: ¡Jejeje! Es que la tinta es carísima.
Carlos: And now slower. Una vez más, está vez lentamente.
1. JORGE: Disculpe, Señorita, ¿a cuánto está la impresión?
2. SUSANA: Sale a treinta colones cada hoja.
3. JORGE: ¿En blanco y negro o en color?
4. SUSANA: Sale a treinta colones la de blanco y negro y a quinientos colones
la de color.
5. JORGE: ¿!Quinientos colones!? ¡Por quinientos colones podría contratar a
un artista que me lo pinte!
6. SUSANA: … Es que la tinta es carísima.
Carlos: And now with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
1. JORGE: Disculpe, Señorita, ¿a cuánto está la impresión?
1. JORGE: Excuse me, Ma'am, how much does it cost to print?
2. SUSANA: Sale a treinta colones cada hoja.
2. SUSANA: It comes out to thirty Colones per page.
3. JORGE: ¿En blanco y negro o en color?
3. JORGE: In black and white or in color?
4. SUSANA: Sale a treinta colones la de blanco y negro y a quinientos colones
la de color.
4. SUSANA: It comes out to thirty Colones in black and white and five hundred
Colones in color.
5. JORGE: ¿!Quinientos colones!? ¡Por quinientos colones podría contratar a
un artista que me lo pinte!
5. JORGE: Five hundred Colones!? For Five hundred Colones I could hire an
artist to paint it for me!
6. SUSANA: ¡Jejeje! Es que la tinta es carísima.
6. SUSANA: ¡Hehehe! The thing is that the ink is really expensive.
Carlos: But you know, the ink is really expensive.
Natalia: Carlos but ₡500 is just too much man.
Carlos: It’s down that’s why I don’t print anything in color around here.
Natalia: Man, if you say well this ₡500, you could buy a printer.
Carlos: I have been thinking about that actually to tell the truth.
Natalia: For people to know more or less, ₡500 is about a dollar.
Carlos: Yeah and I spent a lot of money on printing.
Natalia: Well don’t be dramatic.
Carlos: Hey you are not the one spending the money. Are you?
Natalia: No, no, no, no, no.
Carlos: Now that we’ve gone through the conversation, what do you say we run through some vocabulary?
Natalia: Well it sounds like a good idea.
Carlos: So today we are going to start off with a feminine noun.
Natalia: impresión
Carlos: Printing.
Natalia: im-pre-sión, impresión
Carlos: And then we have another feminine noun.
Natalia: hoja
Carlos: Page, sheet.
Natalia: ho-ja, hoja
Carlos: And then up we have a verb.
Natalia: contratar
Carlos: To hire.
Natalia: con-tra-tar, contratar
Carlos: Alright and then we have a masculine and feminine noun.
Natalia: artista
Carlos: Artist.
Natalia: ar-tis-ta, artista
Carlos: And then we have a feminine noun.
Natalia: tinta
Carlos: Ink.
Natalia: tin-ta, tinta
Carlos: Then we have a superlative adjective.
Natalia: carísimo, carísima
Carlos: Very expensive.
Natalia: ca-rí-si-mo, ca-rí-si-ma , carísimo, carísima
Carlos: carísima,
Natalia: Now, do it quickly - carísima
Carlos: carísima
Natalia: Now say - Esa hoja está carísima.
Carlos: Esa hoja está carísima.
Natalia: Awesome.
Carlos: buyacasha...
Natalia: Carlos, don’t ruin it. why do you ruin it. Say contratar
Carlos: contratar
Natalia: Awesome. Say impresión
Carlos: impresión
Natalia: Say hoja
Carlos: hoja
Natalia: artista
Carlos: artista
Natalia: tinta
Carlos: tinta
Natalia: Hey awesome. Now put it all together in a sentence. El artista imprimió una hoja ...
Carlos: You first, let’s see what happens
Natalia: Okay, El artista imprimió una copia y le salió carísima.
Carlos: eh, la … something about an artist bla bla. No… contratar, artista, tinta, carísimo, carísima
Natalia: Ah?
Carlos: It’s down and dirty vocab time.
Natalia: Ay, Carlos I wonder if people aren’t sick of you, with all the uh, yeah, baby, uh
Carlos: Not yet Natty, not yet. These are the bare-bones of the project
Natalia: I guess, you are right.
Carlos: No, I am, so look. First off in the list we have
Natalia: impresión
Carlos: Printing. Now that’s the word I learned very quickly.
Natalia: Why?
Carlos: Because I don’t have a printer here yet. So I was at the printer place.
Natalia: Look also - impresión, comes from the verb - imprimir. So, impresión - printing and imprimir to print.
Carlos: And then it’s an easy jump to - Una impresora.
Natalia: Una impresora
Carlos: Una impresora
Natalia: Exactly like - Carlos no tiene una impresora.
Carlos: Yes Carlos doesn’t have a printer. Now Natie, is - impresión, only related to printing?
Natalia: No actually - impresión - also means impression. En un entrevista es importante causar buena impresión.
Carlos: En un entrevista es importante causar buena impresión.
Natalia: Ah, yeah. In an interview it’s important to create a good impression.
Carlos: Now - hoja
Natalia: this can mean a leave, or a sheet, or a page.
Carlos: Now this may be confusing for some.
Natalia: For some or for you Carlos.
Carlos: For some. Let’s spell it out. Hoja. You thought you were going to catch me with the sound in H. Didn’t you?
Natalia: Not at all.
Carlos: Whatever you say Natty? How about an example?
Natalia: Me gusta la hoja en blanco.
Carlos: I like blank pages, me too, there is just something about them you can sniff the possibility.
Natalia: Oh my god! Look how corny he is. Please somebody give him crayons and a blank sheet of paper so he can draw a little house.
Carlos: and a stick figure. What, I try to be poetic sometimes
Natalia: well, I try to be poetic, I’m no pathetic with our next word
Carlos: What, you mean the verb - contratar?
Natalia: Yeah it means to hire.
Carlos: Sounds kind of like to contract.
Natalia: Like - Carlos es flojo y por eso contrata a otra persona que lave su ropa.
Carlos: What can I say Natty, I have a washing machine.
Natalia: That’s why you have to move.
Carlos: Yeah, yeah, yeah you have to start somewhere but we are far from starting right now. What about our next word?
Natalia: tinta
Carlos: Ink. Looks kind of like tent. You know I want tents on my car.
Natalia: Ah! Carlos focus!
Carlos: Well then, give us an example if you are so impatient.
Natalia: Oh my god! En los cafés de internet es caro imprimir en color.
Carlos: you are telling me…
Natalia: carísimo
Carlos: two words I have already spoken.
Natalia: But, one last thing - carísimo, carísima - is the superlative form of - caro, which as we know means
Carlos: expensive
Natalia: yeah, I mean, we use the superlative while expressing its meaning to the greatest possible degree.
Carlos: or most likely the meanings are genitives
Natalia: something like that. Well the thing is the general translation would be - it’s the most expensive
Carlos: And how is it commonly translated,
Natalia: we tend to translate it as in - really expensive or very expensive.
Carlos: Okay, well I got to say that your emphasis made things clearer
Natalia: Ay! Are you trying to be sarcastic with me? Because it is not working Carlos. Oh my god, what’s with him sometimes, somedays. You know Carlos, it’s time for grammar.

Lesson focus

Carlos: Go, go grammar time
Natalia: Huh! Did they prescribe you Ritalin when you were a kid?
Carlos: So what are you explaining today oracle of grammar?
Natalia: I like that title but more like bending and up and down. I think I will keep it but I’m not sure.
Carlos: Okay.
Natalia: Well today we are looking at a verb - salir - which is
Carlos: A third conjugation IR verb which means to leave.
Natalia: Yes and no. Here - salir - means to cost or to come out.
Carlos: Okay.
Natalia: Okay as you have mentioned, we know that - salir - means to leave or to go out.
Carlos: And that’s how I learned it.
Natalia: But it can also mean to come out as in to cost.
Carlos: Hah!
Natalia: Ojo, por ejemplo, Jorge dice - Disculpe, Señorita, ¿A cuánto está la impresión? - You get it?
Carlos: Kind of. Maybe you should explain just to be sure.
Natalia: Okay so when we use the verb - salir - to express how much something costs, we need to use the preposition A after it.
Carlos: Okay like - Sale a quinientos colones.
Natalia: uhm, exactly
Carlos: But what about if you are asking a question.
Natalia: Well if we are asking a question, we need to use this preposition before - Cuánto - as in - ¿A cuánto sale?
Carlos: bueno, entiendo
Natalia: Okay, for good measure let’s give the forms of the verb - salir - in the present indicative.
Carlos: Cool. I will go for that. Salgo, sales, sale, salimos, salís, salen.
Natalia: A minute of silence.
Carlos: Why?
Natalia: First time ever, you said something perfectly.
Carlos: Natty.
Natalia: That was perfect.
Carlos: Natty, now, that is to say ¿cuánto cuesta? en ¿A cuánto sale?
Natalia: Well creo que la primera frase es un poco directa.
Carlos: The first one is a little more direct.
Natalia: Right but when you say - ¿A cuánto sale? es un poco más sutil, o sea, más indirecto.
Carlos: Alright. So if you are trying to bargain on something, you might be using the verb - salir, a little more hah?
Natalia: Yes definitely.
Carlos: Alright guys, time for the homework.
Natalia: Thought you could get away so quickly.
Carlos: What’s up for today, oracle of grammar?
Natalia: I don’t like it that much anymore. Not coming from you.
Carlos: The fickle fickle fickle Natty.
Natalia: Alright Carlos. Well today, the assignment is the following, conjugate the verb - salir - in the present tense of the indicative mood. First, do it and include the subject pronouns and then do it without them.
Carlos: And remember people, you can always get the answers and comments on the answers by checking out the premium audio track called - tarea.
Natalia: Apply what you learned people.
Carlos: Degree by degree Natty, degree by degree.
Natalia: Well don’t take too many degrees. You think you are moving but you are standing still Carlitos
Carlos: No I got you. That’s why I have the learning center.
Natalia: So you remember to remind our audience that these lessons are designed to be used in tandem with the language tools in the premium learning center at SpanishPod101.com
Carlos: And if you don’t have a premium subscription, listen you know what? Forget it. We are going to send Natty after you. And trust us, you don’t want that.
Natalia: What am I like I mean bulldog with rage. What is this?
Carlos: I wouldn’t say a bulldog exactly. Maybe not really bulldog, Rottweiler, no…
Natalia: Carlos.
Carlos: No, no pit-bull.
Natalia: Why are you comparing me…..
Carlos: Well it’s a little like real mean dog.
Natalia: Chihuahua
Carlos: No you know what, you are like a little mean Dachshund like one of those - wauwauwau - It would just come in at you biting and biting your ankles.


Natalia: Okay can somebody explain me about that bulldog reference in the forum or comments please.
Carlos: Aahaha okay.
Natalia: I am telling the boss.
Carlos: Tell the boss, wait! I’m the boss, so tell me.
Natalia: I am calling Joe.
Carlos: Oh bad! I will call him first. All right well, see you all later.
Natalia: Bye.


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