
Vocabulary (Review)

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Natalia: Buenos días soy Natalia.
Carlos: What’s going on? I am Carlos. I Like To Use The Computer Please!
Natalia: Buenos días, ¿cómo estás Carlos?
Carlos: I am doing fine Natie, how are you?
Natalia: Carlos, I am doing great. Did you realize we made it through the first three?
Carlos: Yeah we are over the hump.
Natalia: The what? You are so rude man.
Carlos: I am not Nat, it’s an expression.
Natalia: Aaha! Whatever you say!
Carlos: No, no, no I am serious.
Natalia: That’s disgusting.
Carlos: What no!
Natalia: Well tell me, tell me about the hump.
Carlos: Well the first three are like a warm up and now we have made it through. So now we are in like little stretch. We are going to spread out. It’s going to be great.
Natalia: So yeah now we are going to start Beginner season 2 also.
Carlos: They just keep throwing series at us, Natty.
Natalia: I can handle it. I am good with it. I can handle it.
Carlos: Yes you handle it all by yourself.
Natalia: For sure, you know without me, what would you do?
Carlos: Ahh… you don’t want me to answer that.
Natalia: Okay well we can handle it, yes or no?
Carlos: Yes we can.
Natalia: Okay.
Carlos: Okay but Natie, I had no doubt in my mind that we can handle this.
Natalia: So why are we meeting today?
Carlos: Well Jorge and Susana. Apparently, Jorge, is at an internet café.
Natalia: You mean a café internet.
Carlos: Right sorry café internet. Man, those are all over the place now.
Natalia: Seriously you are always connected.
Carlos: Don’t you have a grammar topic to talk about or something.
Natalia: Yes well today we will talk about using the present tense of the indicative mood where value does a command.
Carlos: The what?
Natalia: Ah you will see little John you will see. Well let’s get into today’s conversation.
1. JORGE: Buenas noches, quisiera usar una máquina por favor.
2. SUSANA: Claro, pase a la cabina catorce.
3. JORGE: Catorce, gracias.
4. SUSANA: Tome este papelito, y cuando termine, me lo trae.
5. JORGE: No hay problema. ¿Dónde queda la cabina catorce?
6. SUSANA: Está al fondo.
Carlos: And now slower. Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
1. JORGE: Buenas noches, quisiera usar una máquina por favor.
2. SUSANA: Claro, pase a la cabina catorce.
3. JORGE: Catorce, gracias.
4. SUSANA: Tome este papelito, y cuando termine, me lo trae.
5. JORGE: No hay problema. ¿Dónde queda la cabina catorce?
6. SUSANA: Está al fondo.
Carlos: And now with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
1. JORGE: Buenas noches, quisiera usar una máquina por favor.
1. JORGE: Good evening, I'd like to use a computer please.
2. SUSANA: Claro, pase a la cabina catorce.
2. SUSANA: Of course, go right ahead to number fourteen.
3. JORGE: Catorce, gracias.
3. JORGE: Fourteen, thanks.
4. SUSANA: Tome este papelito, y cuando termine, me lo trae.
4. SUSANA: Take this slip, and when you finish, bring it back to me.
5. JORGE: No hay problema. ¿Dónde queda la cabina catorce?
5. JORGE: No problem. Where's number fourteen?
6. SUSANA: Está al fondo.
6. SUSANA: It's in the back.
Carlos: You know, I use so many internet cafes, like when I am on vacation and around. It’s amazing how they just spread out like that, in like 6-7 years.
Natalia: dude, cool
Carlos: You know, I am just amazed like you know of all the traveling that I have kind of done and I know you’ve done a lot of traveling as well. How internet café is – café internets are everywhere and that they really help you stay connected.
Natalia: Obviously Carlos. You know how important it is for some people to just be online the whole time.
Carlos: Well I mean yeah, email, like checking out like I know that when I go by myself somewhere, you know if I don’t email my family, they don’t know where I am at, they get pretty worried.
Natalia: Then again it’s also work related because in my situation, there is not a day that can go by without me checking my email.
Carlos: That’s true and also because of SpanishPod101.com no matter where I am vacationing amongst Costa Rica, Nicaragua or Panama, I have to be at a computer.
Natalia: People, I am going to go check his iPod just to see if he has some stuff in there.
Carlos: So
Natalia: So.
Carlos: Whatever, we will check it out but I do check it all the time. That’s part of being in this generation. Okay now that we’ve gone through the conversation, what do you say if we go through some vocabulary Natty.
Natalia: Sounds like a good idea.
Carlos: So today we are going to start off with a verb.
Natalia: tomar
Carlos: To take.
Natalia: to-mar, tomar
Carlos: Next up we got the verb
Natalia: terminar
Carlos: To finish
Natalia: ter-mi-nar, terminar
Carlos: Nice. Next up, we have a masculine noun
Natalia: papelito
Carlos: Slip, little paper.
Natalia: pa-pe-li-to, papelito
Carlos: Okay then after that, we have a verb
Natalia: traer
Carlos: To bring
Natalia: tra-er, traer
Carlos: Okay then after that, we have another verb
Natalia: quedar
Carlos: To be located.
Natalia: que-dar, quedar
Carlos: Alright, and then last but not least, a prepositional phrase.
Natalia: al fondo
Carlos: In the back.
Natalia: al fon-do, al fondo
Carlos: Well you know, I noticed something about how you said something. It’s - traer
Natalia: traer,
Carlos: Okay you are rolling your “r” like a latin, now is that
Natalia: yeah but that’s
Carlos: now, Natty how do you know when to roll the “r”. I just do it sometimes
Natalia: rrr… no, no, no
Carlos: traer
Natalia: traer
Carlos: traer
Natalia: I would like you to say - papelito
Carlos: pepelito
Natalia: pepelito
Carlos: pepelito
Natalia: uhu, do it again - traer
Carlos: traer
Natalia: uhu, quedar
Carlos: quedar
Natalia: al fondo
Carlos: al fondo
Natalia: tomar
Carlos: tomar
Natalia: See the man, he is great now-a-days.
Carlos: I got a good teacher. Al fondo, sounds like fondue.
Natalia: Al fondo, It sounds like, it sounds like.
Carlos: Time to get down to usage.
Natalia: Well that’s always a good idea.
Carlos: What good are puzzled pieces if you don’t have a board Natty.
Natalia: Carlos, what if it’s a Jigsaw puzzle?
Carlos: Good point.
Natalia: So you heard the list.
Carlos: So did you. You are the one that gives the examples.
Natalia: Okay, well I think our audience might want to hear the word again.
Carlos: And when you are right, you are right. First up, tomar - to take or to drink.
Natalia: Was that confusing to you at first?
Carlos: Almost definitely. You know, when a waitress asked me - Algo para tomar - I had to think about it for a second.
Natalia: Well that’s almost like asking to drink.
Carlos: Yeah I got that now but what about to take.
Natalia: Me tomé una aspirina.
Carlos: I took an Aspirin.
Natalia: Now Carlos, is this the first, second or third conjugation verb?
Carlos: First.
Natalia: Hah! How do you know that?
Carlos: Because - tomar - is an AR verb. The first of the three infinitive types.
Natalia: Learning center?
Carlos: Claro que sí, Natty.
Natalia: And the verb - terminar
Carlos: To finish. What about it?
Natalia: Which conjugation?
Carlos: First is well, it is a verb that ends in AR and since we’ve got that out of the way, how about an example?
Natalia: Termina esa sopa.
Carlos: Finish the soup. That would be a comment. Wouldn’t it?
Natalia: How do you know?
Carlos: Costa Rica 19 and 29.
Natalia: And…
Carlos: What?
Natalia: Well there were other lessons.
Carlos: All right, all right. Newbie 20 and 22.
Natalia: Okay well we must be for you, but you got to see. I try to push him, and push him, and push him.
Carlos: so? But check those lessons out if you want to get deeper into commands. It works for me.
Natalia: Oh man!
Carlos: What?
Natalia: Our next word is - papelito
Carlos: Ah that would be the diminutive of the word - papel - which means paper.
Natalia: I don’t even know how many lessons we did on the diminutive.
Carlos: I do. We covered it on Costa Rican 10, 16, and 18. You all could recognize diminutive immediately.
Natalia: Oh really.
Carlos: Okay just before you test me, how about an example using - papelito
Natalia: Well first let’s point out something.
Carlos: What?
Natalia: We are not saying cute little piece of paper here, but rather as slip.
Carlos: Okay so this is using the diminutive to change the meaning and not just expressing emotion.
Natalia: Right so here we could say - dame un papelito
Carlos: Give me a slip of paper. If you could, write the next word on the slip.
Natalia: Carlos, please focus.
Carlos: Okay, okay but really I forgot. What’s our next word?
Natalia: Our next word is the verb - traer
Carlos: Oh yeah the rolling r one, to bring. You know this was a little confusing you know.
Natalia: What do you mean the usage of it?
Carlos: Well this being a usage section, yes. That’s exactly what I mean.
Natalia: Carlos, don’t be smart.
Carlos: Oh you are saying!
Natalia: When you use the verb - traer, what is being brought would always arrive at the speaker.
Carlos: For example.
Natalia: For example, I can say, tomorrow when we go to the beach, I will bring an umbrella.
Carlos: Why not?
Natalia: Because for that, we use the verb - llevar, to take, as in - Mañana cuando vayamos a la playa llevaré una sombrilla.
Carlos: Okay. What about - traer
Natalia: Well if you are already at the beach, you could ask someone to - traer, la sombrilla, to you.
Carlos: So it all depends when and where you are asking.
Natalia: Exactly.
Carlos: And I think the list is about done.
Natalia: Are we at - quedar, yet
Carlos: We shall remain there for the time being.
Natalia: Umm okay.
Carlos: What? You don’t get it - quedar - to remain, to stay.
Natalia: ay! Carlos, well, you know what, here is an example. Juan se quedó en casa.
Carlos: Juan stayed at home.
Natalia: Right. What did you notice?
Carlos: Well in the example, you are using - quedar - like - está
Natalia: How so?
Carlos: Well you are describing the location of something in this case Juan, I mean, he is in the house.
Natalia: I don’t care what anyone says.
Carlos: Don’t finish that sentence.
Natalia: But let’s finish this section.

Lesson focus

Carlos: It’s grammar time, y’alI, I can’t help it thinking about MC Hammer when I say
Natalia: ohm that is a lame lame lame
Carlos: oh oh oh oh
Natalia: oh my god, well put away the parachute pants Carlos, and get a little serious
Carlos: Always Natty... wearing parachute pants.
Natalia: oh dear Jesus, I hope, oh my god. Do you understand, there are tons of people listening to this Carlos, don’t you have any shame
Carlos: none
Natalia: well
Carlos: You haven’t learned that yet
Natalia: no news
Carlos: What are we looking at today Natty
Natalia: well Carlos today we are looking at construction and value.
Carlos: Hah!
Natalia: Hah well you make sense in a second.
Carlos: So as you.
Natalia: Check out what Susana said.
Carlos: What does she say?
Natalia: Tome este papelito y cuando termine me lo trae.
Carlos: Take the slip and when you finish, bring it back to me. Right, I got that.
Natalia: Well what did you notice?
Carlos: Me lo trae - You bring it to me. It is in the present indicative.
Natalia: Right but here it has the value of an imperative.
Carlos: Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! If it was in the imperative, how would it sound?
Natalia: Okay it would be - Traemelo - Bring it to me.
Carlos: Okay, I see that.
Natalia: I want you to repeat it.
Carlos: traemelo
Natalia: traemelo
Carlos: traemelo
Natalia: traemelo
Carlos: traemelo. This is a newbie, not a beginner….
Natalia: Now I don’t care dear. You have to practice.
Carlos: Okay, okay I see that. Yes you are right but you know now Natty, one good example deserves another.
Natalia: Umm okay - Me lo dices nada más.
Carlos: And that would be the present indicative with the imperative value.
Natalia: Right and in the imperative, it would be - dímelo nomás.
Carlos: Wouldn’t they both mean just tell me.
Natalia: Yep.
Carlos: How about another?
Natalia: Si necesitas que te recoja, me llamas.
Carlos: Okay, me llamas - present indicative with imperative value.
Natalia: So what would it be in the imperative?
Carlos: That would be - llámame
Natalia: llámame
Carlos: llámame
Natalia: Good work.
Carlos: lla ma ma, lla ma ma
Natalia: hm okay, see you can sing. Congratulations , today man. He is too excited.
Carlos: okay
Natalia: oh my god.
Carlos: when it comes to me, Natty it’s fair enough. So I will go apart. I will do a car wheel, no... Thanks, you know what, I can’t take all the credit because I listen to verb conjugation 8 present commands. Thank you Joe and Bea.
Natalia: So you pretty much knew most of that then?
Carlos: Well not completely. You know, it always helps when you explain things to me.
Natalia: I am such a good teacher. Carlos, you should do the car wheel and I should record you and put you up in the site.
Carlos: Okay but you know what Natie, I do get credit or credits still.
Natalia: All right. It’s time to give today’s - tarea
Carlos: Hello Moto. And that’s right. It’s homework time.
Natalia: So today’s assignment is the following. We are going to give you five informal singular commands and what you have to do is change them to the present tense of the indicative mood so that they still work at commands.
Carlos: Just like we did in today’s grammar section right?
Natalia: You got it.
Carlos: So let’s have them Natie.
Natalia: Yeah. Okay number one - dámelo, number two - llámame, number three - recójame, number four - traémelo, and number five - dímelo.


Carlos: Alright. You heard the lady and be sure to check out the premium audio track entitled Tarea to get the answers to today’s assignment and also to get some comments on the answers.
Natalia: Well Carlos, es hora de decir adiós
Carlos: We are saying goodbye right now.
Natalia: Mm-hmm, it’s time to say goodbye. Okay, well [*].
Carlos: Thank you for listening ot us. We’ll see you next time.
Natalia: Ciao.


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