
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lizy: Buenos días, soy Lizy.
Alan: Alan here.
Lizy: Newbie series, lesson #16.
Alan: “Wow, it’s hot out!” Everybody, welcome back to SpanishPod101.com. Here we are in Lima, Perú.
Lizy: Hi friends, it’s a pleasure for me to be here.
Alan: Hey Lizy, we have some more good weather today.
Lizy: That’s good.
Alan: So, why don’t you describe how the weather is right now?
Lizy: Hay un sol resplandeciente en toda nuestra ciudad capital, Lima. Un cielo azulito, con pocas nubes. Y bueno, hace un clima super super agradable.
Alan: So audience, by the end of this lesson, you’ll actually know what she is trying to say.
Lizy: That’s the point.
Alan: Today we are going to be looking at hot weather expressions.
Lizy: What about grammar?
Alan: Well, we are going to continue taking a look at the verb “hacer”.
Lizy: Where does this conversation take place?
Alan: The conversation takes place in Arica, Chile, where Rodrigo and Angela talk about the blistering heat.
Lizy: Be sure to check out the learning center for lesson specific tools and general reference material.
Alan: And the forum. Never forget the forum to talk about the weather in your part of the world. Okay guys, let’s get into today’s conversation.
Angela: ¡Caramba! ¡Hace calor!
Rodrigo: Sí, ¡hace mucho sol!
Angela: La playa está llena.
Rodrigo: Tú estás muy bronceada.
Angela: Todos estamos muy bronceados.
Alan: And now, slower. Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
Angela: ¡Caramba! ¡Hace calor!
Rodrigo: Sí, ¡hace mucho sol!
Angela: La playa está llena.
Rodrigo: Tú estás muy bronceada.
Angela: Todos estamos muy bronceados.
Alan: And now, with the translation. Ahora, incluimos la traducción.
Angela: ¡Caramba! ¡Hace calor!
Lizy: Wow! It's hot out!
Rodrigo: Sí, ¡hace mucho sol!
Alan: Yeah, it's really sunny!
Angela: La playa está llena.
Lizy: The beach is full.
Rodrigo: Tú estás muy bronceada.
Alan: You're really tan.
Angela: Todos estamos muy bronceados.
Lizy: We're all really tan.
Alan: Hey Lizy, I think this is the perfect opportunity to talk about summers here in Lima.
Lizy: Well, one point that should be said is that since we are below the equator, if you come down to Lima from the United States during the summer months, it is winter down here.
Alan: And what’s the weather like in winter?
Lizy: Más o menos tenemos una temperatura de 14, 15, 16 grados. Es nublado y hay continuas garúas, llovizna fina.
Alan: Okay, so she says it’s between 14 and 15 degrees, cloudy. There is some fog and mist. So Lizy, what about summer?
Lizy: Bueno, estamos siempre en los 25 hasta 30 grados. Y la sensación de calor es fuerte, porque la humedad en Lima es alta.
Alan: That’s right. So in summer, it’s between 25 and 30 degrees but you can really feel the heat because Lima is close to the ocean, so it’s humid. Okay friends, on to the vocab. Here we are going to break down these words syllable by syllable so that you can hear exactly how each word sounds.
Lizy: ¡Vamos!
Alan: Okay, let’s begin with...
Lizy: “¡Caramba!”
Alan: “Wow!”
Lizy: “Ca-ram-ba”, “caramba”.
Alan: Okay, next we will hear...
Lizy: “Calor”.
Alan: “Hot”, “heat.”
Lizy: “Ca-lor”, “calor”.
Alan: Okay, let’s go to...
Lizy: “Sol”.
Alan: “Sunny”, “sun.”
Lizy: “Sol”, “sol”.
Alan: Okay, let’s listen to...
Lizy: “Playa”.
Alan: “Beach”, “coastline.”
Lizy: “Pla-ya”, “playa”.
Alan: Great. Next...
Lizy: “Bronceado, bronceada”.
Alan: “Tanned”, “tan.”
Lizy: “Bron-ce-a-do, bron-ce-a-da”, “bronceado, bronceada”.
Alan: Okay, finally...
Lizy: “Todo, toda”.
Alan: “All”, “every”, “everyone”, “completely”, “whole.”
Lizy: “To-do, to-da”, “todo, toda”.
Alan: Okay, friends, real quick. The pronunciation of the word “caramba”. Some of you might remember that this was a favorite Bart Simpson saying.
Lizy: Yes, but he didn’t say it correctly.
Alan: You are right. It should sound like “caramba”.
Lizy: “¡Caramba!”
Alan: Right, “caramba”, spelled “c-a-r-a-m-b-a”.
Lizy: “Caramba”.
Alan: “Ay, ¡caramba!” Well it sure is hot out.
Lizy: Are you trying to indicate that our first word is “calor”?
Alan: I guess I am falling to a pit of a batter. No, no I am getting predictable in my old age I see, Lizy.
Lizy: “Hace mucho calor”.
Alan: “It’s really hot out.” So I am not the only one getting predictable. I didn’t even ask you for an example.
Lizy: So just like we saw in newbie lesson 16 with the word “frío” meaning “cold”, we use the verb “hacer” in the third person singular and an adjective to create a weather expression.
Alan: Good review point but this time, we are using “calor” which means both “hot” as an adjective and “heat” as a noun.
Lizy: But this is another example. Once again, not all phrases lend themselves to direct translation. Literally the expression we translate “it makes heat” but we recognize it as an idiomatic expression and interpret it as “it’s hot out.”
Alan: So let’s see about “sol”.
Lizy: “Hace mucho sol”.
Alan: “It’s really sunny.” Now the “sol” as a noun is the “sun” but when we use it as an adjective like we see in this example, it means “sunny.”
Lizy: Yes and there is another adjective that means “sunny” which is “soleado” but we will look at that in the future lesson. For now, let’s remember that “sol” can mean “sun” as well as “sunny” and that it uses “hace” in a weather expression plus “I love going to the beach when it’s sunny out.”
Alan: Who doesn’t?
Lizy: “Me gusta la playa”.
Alan: “The beach is pleasing to me” or “I like the beach.” So we can see that the word “playa” means “beach.” We can also mean “coastline” in a more general sense.
Lizy: Another word associated with a noun “playa” is the adjective “playero” which also means “beach.” For example, “a día playero” is “a beach day.”
Alan: Okay, this brings us to the last vocabulary word today which is “bronceado”.
Alan: Lizy, how about one more example?
Lizy: “Estamos bronceados”.
Alan: “We are tanned.” The word “bronceado” can be an adjective in which case it means “tanned” or it can be a past participle in which case it means “tan”. You can see that the meanings do not change all that much.
Lizy: In “bronceado” you can see the word “bronce” which means “bronze.” That may be a good way to help you remember its meaning.

Lesson focus

Alan: You love your roots. So students, in our last lesson, we looked at cold weather expressions with the verb “hacer”. Today we are going to build on that knowledge and look at hot weather expressions with the verb “hacer”. Lizy, where did we see this in the conversation?
Lizy: “¡Caramba! ¡Hace calor!”
Alan: “Wow, it’s hot out.” So we can see that “¡hace calor!” means “it’s hot out.”
Lizy: See the pattern audience. This follows the same pattern that we looked in newbie lesson 15 with “hace frío” which means “it’s cold out.”
Alan: And if we were to translate the phrase “¡hace calor!” literally it would mean “it makes heat” and again notice that “calor” means both “heat” and “hot” but the phrase “¡hace calor!” is what we call idiomatic.
Lizy: You know we use the word “idiomatic” a lot. Why don’t we define it for people just in case?
Alan: That’s right. That’s a good idea. So “idiomatic” means that the meaning of the phrase cannot be understood by adding together the meaning of the words in it. It has to be understood as a whole. We happen to have another one I think from our conversation.
Lizy: “Hace mucho sol”.
Alan: That’s right. “It’s really sunny”, again literally this would mean “it makes a lot of sun” but idiomatically it means, “it’s really sunny” or “it’s very sunny.” Now you can see that if you want to say “it’s really sunny” or “it’s really hot”, you simply add “mucho” before the adjective. So then Lizy, how would you say “it’s really hot”?
Lizy: “Hace mucho calor”.
Alan: “It’s really hot.” “Hace mucho calor”. Guys it’s as easy as that. Weather expressions can be a little tricky but once you learn to recognize the set phrases that they use, they really aren’t that difficult at all. So you know, weather is a common conversation starter.
Lizy: I think this will help our audience meet some new people.
Alan: That’s the point.
Lizy: They can also check out Iberian 16, Peruvian 16 and Costa Rican 16 to see how these same things are expressed in those regions.
Alan: And with the varied weather all of those places have, it’s really going to be a good cross reference.
Lizy: True.


Alan: So until next time friends.
Lizy: Chao, chao, chao.


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