
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lizy: Buenos días Lima, soy Lizy.
Alan: Alan here.
Lizy: Newbie series, lesson #12.
Alan: “I am Full.” Here we go for a 12th lesson of the newbie series at spanishpod101.com ¿Cómo estás, Lizy?
Lizy: ¡Estoy lista para estudiar, gracias!
Alan: What are we looking at today, Lizy?
Lizy: Today we are going to be looking at expressions related to being full that is to not being hungry and we are also going to have a look at adjectives.
Alan: Where does our conversation take place?
Lizy: Today’s conversation takes place at a dining room table in the Northern Peruvian City of Trujillo where Felipe and Juana are just finishing lunch in the house of their aunt Rosa.
Alan: Okay, let’s get into today’s conversation.
TÍA ROSA: ¿Quieres más, Felipe?
FELIPE: No, gracias, tía. Ya estoy lleno.
TÍA ROSA: ¿Y tú, Juana?
JUANA: Estoy satisfecha. Usted prepara muy bien el cebiche.
TÍA ROSA: ¿Ustedes están seguros?
FELIPE: Gracias tía, pero estamos repletos.
Alan: And now slower. Una vez más esta vez lentamente.
TÍA ROSA: ¿Quieres más, Felipe?
FELIPE: No, gracias, tía. Ya estoy lleno.
TÍA ROSA: ¿Y tú, Juana?
JUANA: Estoy satisfecha. Usted prepara muy bien el cebiche.
TÍA ROSA: ¿Ustedes están seguros?
FELIPE: Gracias tía, pero estamos repletos.
Alan: And now with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
TÍA ROSA: ¿Quieres más, Felipe?
AUNT ROSA: Do you want more, Felipe?
FELIPE: No, gracias, tía. Ya estoy lleno.
FELIPE: No, thanks, Aunt Rosa. I am full.
TÍA ROSA: ¿Y tú, Juana?
AUNT ROSA: And you, Juana?
JUANA: Estoy satisfecha. Usted prepara muy bien el cebiche.
JUANA: I am satisfied. You prepare the Cebiche very well.
TÍA ROSA: ¿Ustedes están seguros?
AUNT ROSA: Are you all sure?
FELIPE: Gracias tía, pero estamos repletos.
FELIPE: Thank you, Aunt Rosa, but we are stuffed.
Lizy: Alan, as a foreigner, what do you think of Peruvian food?
Alan: I love it, Lizy. Thanks for asking. I adore Peruvian food. You know, it’s so rich in variety and flavor maybe because we have the jungle here, the mountains and the coast which all bring different ingredients and plus you know, immigration from a lot of different countries mixed in with the cuisine of the indigenous people here. What a rich, rich cuisine and I’ve loved “cebiche”.
Lizy: Oh “cebiche”, is one of the most famous dishes in Peru.
Alan: Yeah that’s right and for our listeners who don’t know what it is, it’s in fact raw fish that’s been marinated in lime juice and the lime juice serves to actually cook the fish. So it has something of the you know the texture of sushi but a very, very alive flavor because of the lime juice and it’s served with sliced onion, the Peruvian onion is actually quite a sweet onion and with some “ají”, which is pepper. Oh it’s just delicious. Okay enough about food. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary and phrases for this lesson. First...
Lizy: “Más”.
Alan: “More”, “plus” or “the plus sign.”
Lizy: “Más”, “más”.
Alan: Next we will listen to...
Lizy: “Lleno, llena”.
Alan: “Full.”
Lizy: “Lle-no, lle-na”, “lleno, llena”.
Alan: Okay, let’s listen to...
Lizy: “Satisfecho, satisfecha”.
Alan: “Satisfied.”
Lizy: “Sa-tis-fe-cho, sa-tis-fe-cha”, “satisfecho, satisfecha”.
Alan: Okay, let’s listen to...
Lizy: “Preparar”.
Alan: “To prepare.”
Lizy: “Pre-pa-rar”, “preparar”.
Alan: Okay, next we will move to...
Lizy: “Seguro, segura”.
Alan: “Sure”, “safe”, “insurance.”
Lizy: “Se-gu-ro, se-gu-ra”, “seguro, segura”.
Alan: Now let’s listen to...
Lizy: “Tío”, “tía”.
Alan: “Uncle”, “aunt.”
Lizy: “Tí-o”, “tí-a”, “tío”, “tía”.
Alan: And to finish off...
Lizy: “Repleto, repleta”.
Alan: “Stuffed”, “replete.”
Lizy: “Re-ple-to, re-ple-ta”, “repleto, repleta”.
Alan: I think we need more vocabulary.
Lizy: Do you mean… “¿Necesitamos más vocabulario?”
Alan: Yes, exactly. Do you see how I did that?
Lizy: Did what?
Alan: Our first vocabulary word was “más”.
Lizy: Ah, there you go. I already provided an example.
Alan: You did. Thank you. The word “más” can be used as an adverb as it is here in which case it simply means “more.”
Lizy: It can also be used as a preposition and a noun.
Alan: Lizy, let’s focus on one thing at a time. We will look at those usages in the future lesson. How about focusing on “más” as an adverb?
Lizy: As an adverb, it’s used pretty much like “more” is in English.
Alan: I think that’s simple enough. So what’s next down the line?
Lizy: The next word we are going to look at today is “lleno”.
Alan: Okay, “full”. Got an example for this?
Lizy: “Ella está llena”.
Alan: “She is full.”
Lizy: Now the important thing to notice with the “lleno” aside from the fact that it means “full” is that it must agree with the noun it modifies in both gender and number.
Alan: Right and that means that if the noun is feminine as it is here, the adjective must be feminine and if the noun is singular as it is here, then the adjective must also be singular.
Lizy: But don’t worry about making mistakes. This is an important part of the Spanish language but it takes some time to get used to.
Alan: Right. Don’t be afraid to make those mistakes. Be prepared as in...
Lizy: “Preparamos la comida”.
Alan: “We prepare the meal.”
Lizy: So the verb “preparar” means “to prepare.”
Alan: It’s not all that different than the English. That should make it easy to remember.
Lizy: I would think so. Moreover the verb “preparar” is a regular “ar” verb which means that it will follow the regular conjugations for all “ar” verbs.
Alan: Right, like “trabajar”, “hablar” and “estudiar”.
Lizy: Once you learn the conjugation pattern, you will be able to knock those out with no problem.
Alan: Okay, this brings us to the last vocabulary word today which is “tío”. Lizy, how about one more example?
Lizy: “Tía Rosa está en la casa”.
Alan: “Aunt Rosa is in the house.” Lizy, can you explain why “tío” became “tía”?
Lizy: As we saw with the adjective “lleno”, sometimes words in Spanish change their endings in order to show gender.
Alan: This is also the case with some nouns.
Lizy: Exactly. For example, if we say “tío” with an “O” at the end, it means “uncle” but if we say “tía” with an “A” at the end, it means “aunt.”
Alan: This makes it easy to remember because there is only one root word for the convenience.

Lesson focus

Alan: All right let’s move on and have a more thorough look at the grammar used in this lesson.
Lizy: Today is important. We are going to learn two aspects of grammar.
Alan: Okay. Which are...
Lizy: “Being full” or “not being hungry.”
Alan: Yeah, and...
Lizy: And we will look at how to make adjectives agree with the nouns that they modify. Let’s take for example the adjective “lleno” which we saw in the vocabulary section of this lesson. In the singular, we have “lleno” for the masculine and “llena” for the feminine.
Alan: In the plural, we have “llenos” for the masculine and “llenas” for the feminine.
Lizy: “Lleno”, “llena”, “llenos”, “llenas”.
Alan: That doesn’t seem too hard. Lizy, can you take us back to where this appeared in the conversation?
Lizy: “Yo estoy lleno”.
Alan: “I am full.” Now the most important thing to remember that it was Felipe who said this.
Lizy: Right and of course we know that Felipe is a male.
Alan: We also know that he is only one person which means that the masculine singular form of the adjective must be used.
Lizy: That’s why he says “lleno”.
Alan: Lizy, let’s suppose you are speaking for yourself and for your friend Maria, how would you say we are satisfied?
Lizy: “Nosotras estamos satisfechas”.
Alan: “We are satisfied.” This time we see that there is more than one person that we are talking about and we also know that both of these people Lizy and Maria are females.
Lizy: This means that we have to use the feminine plural form of the adjective which is “satisfechas” with the “as” ending.
Alan: Don’t worry guys. After a while, this kind of thing will just become second nature.
Lizy: And just so you know, most Spanish speakers are very forgiving when native English speakers make mistakes with this kind of agreement and these mistakes are completely understandable seeing that in English for the most part, gender in nouns and adjectives doesn’t exist.
Alan: Yeah it’s very different and you know after 13 years from time to time, I still make those mistakes but people are very forgiving and you know what, to make matters worse, there are couple of exceptions to the gender rules for example that you know put an a on the end and it’s feminine, put an “o” on the end and it’s masculine because you do get exceptions like “la mano” which is “the hand.” So “la” that “mano”. So it’s not easy but as we said, it does become second nature. Just remember that when you learn your nouns, try to memorize them together with the article. That will make your usage of these words much easier further down the road. You will thank yourself for that little bit of extra effort that you put in at the beginning.
Lizy: Brilliant explanation Alan and look at you now.
Alan: Yeah it was a long road. I remember when I was beginning, I know that it’s not easy. Spanish takes work. That’s as simple as that but you start with nothing and over time just like me, you will get to become a fairly good speaker.
Lizy: Nothing is easy at the beginning. Learning English wasn’t easy for me but I must say that I was attracted very much and enjoyed to learn it and I used to practice it listening lots of music.
Alan: Yeah that’s a good one. Listen to music but guys again that’s what we are here for. We are here to encourage you and just to let you know that it’s possible.


Lizy: Be sure to pick up the PDF at spanishpod101.com. Also if you have any questions, feel free to use our forum or comment on today’s lesson.
Alan: That’s right and if you ever want to take the next step, why not come down to Lima and study with us here at “El Sol”, Spanish Language School in Miraflores. Okay people see you again tomorrow.
Lizy: Ya, ¡nos vemos mañana!


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