
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lizy: Buenos días, mi nombre es Lizy.
Alan: Alan here.
Lizy: Newbie series, lesson #10.
Alan: “I am Starving.” Hey everybody, I am Alan and we’d like to welcome you to the 10th lesson of the newbie series in spanishpod101.com.
Lizy: Alan, we made it to #10.
Alan: Survived. That means that you have all made it along with us. So congratulations and for those of you who are just coming in for the first time, welcome.
Lizy: We’ve got a lot of interesting and useful material to cover today.
Alan: As always Lizy, as always.. Hey what tidbit are we discussing today?
Lizy: In this lesson, we are going to be looking at expressions related “to hunger” and in particular the verb “to eat.”
Alan: Always useful. Everyone gets hungry. Where does today’s conversation take place?
Lizy: Today’s conversation takes place around a lunch table in Córdoba, Argentina, where Renzo and Lucia get ready for a delicious lunch.
Alan: Okay guys, let’s get into today’s conversation.
RENZO: ¡Lucía, me muero de hambre!
LUCÍA: Yo también tengo mucha hambre, Renzo.
RENZO: ¿Qué quieres comer tú?
LUCÍA: Yo quiero comer carne.
REZNO: Con la carne quiero tomar un vino tinto.
LUCÍA: Yo tengo un Malbec.
Alan: And now slower. Una vez más esta vez lentamente.
RENZO: ¡Lucía, me muero de hambre!
LUCÍA: Yo también tengo mucha hambre, Renzo.
RENZO: ¿Qué quieres comer tú?
LUCÍA: Yo quiero comer carne.
REZNO: Con la carne quiero tomar un vino tinto.
LUCÍA: Yo tengo un Malbec.
Alan: And now with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
RENZO: ¡Lucía, me muero de hambre!
RENZO: Lucía, I'm starving!
LUCÍA: Yo también tengo mucha hambre, Renzo.
LUCÍA: I'm really hungry too, Renzo.
RENZO: ¿Qué quieres comer tú?
RENZO: What do ya' wanna' eat?
LUCÍA: Yo quiero comer carne.
LUCÍA: I wanna' eat meat.
REZNO: Con la carne quiero tomar un vino tinto.
REZNO: With the meat, I wanna' drink red wine.
LUCÍA: Yo tengo un Malbec.
LUCÍA: I have a Malbec.
Alan: Hey Lizy, you know, I no longer hold myself to that rule of wine and food you know. With chicken or fish, white wine and with steak a Red wine. I think if you like white wine with the meat dish, why not, what do you think?
Lizy: No, no es así. La carne roja se acompaña con un delicioso vino tinto.
Alan: I see that we are dealing with apriorist here. You got to be a little bit flexible in life, Lizy, although I agree that a good Malbec with a steak is excellent and you know, in Peru, I think we have some Peruvian wines here and they are okay but in Peru, you really get some great Argentine wine.
Lizy: I agree.
Alan: Okay friends, now we will take a look at the vocabulary and phrases for this lesson. First word...
Lizy: “Me muero de hambre”.
Alan: “I am starving.”
Lizy: “Me mue-ro de ham-bre”, “me muero de hambre”.
Alan: Next we will hear...
Lizy: “Comer”.
Alan: “To eat.”
Lizy: “Co-mer”, “comer”.
Alan: Now we will hear...
Lizy: “Carne”.
Alan: “Meat”, “flesh.”
Lizy: “Car-ne”, “carne”.
Alan: Now we will hear...
Lizy: “Con”.
Alan: “With.”
Lizy: “Con”, “con”.
Alan: Next we will listen to...
Lizy: “Vino”.
Alan: “Wine.”
Lizy: “Vi-no”, “vino”.
Alan: And finally...
Lizy: “Tinto”.
Alan: “Red”, “tinted.”
Lizy: “Tin-to”, “tinto”.
Alan: You know, Lizy, one thing that I found when I came here, it has got a lot embarrassing but a problem I had when I first went to restaurants and I wanted to order a wine I would say “por favor, un vino rojo” and you know, “a red wine”, literally translated but I found that you don’t in fact ask for red wine saying “un vino rojo” you say “por favor, un vino tinto”, “a tinted wine.”
Lizy: ¿Y qué te dijeron?
Alan: Hah they looked at me with that puzzled quizzical who the heck is this gringo expression and what’s he doing in my restaurant look on their face but then you know, just sort of insisting, they usually understood. I probably wasn’t the first language learner that they had to deal with or the last.
Lizy: ¿Y te pusiste coloradito como sueles ponerte?
Alan: My face would turn as red as the wine that I was trying to order Lizy. These food lessons are hard. We are being asked to go above and beyond the duty I think.
Lizy: Why?
Alan: Well they keep me thinking of food and it’s hard to concentrate.
Lizy: You will be fine. The first expression we would look at is “me muero de hambre”.
Alan: You are not making this any easier. Okay, “me muero de hambre”, “I am dying of hunger.” Okay, I will take care of this example, “Quiero almorzar, me muero de hambre”.
Lizy: “I want to have lunch, I am starving”, but it was a strange reverse. I didn’t realize how used to the system I was.
Alan: Well you have to shake things up sometimes, Liz.
Lizy: Well we should explain the usage.
Alan: Okay friends, remember the word “hambre” which means “hunger” as we saw in newbie lesson #9.
Lizy: And the preposition “de” which means “of” or “from.”
Alan: The words “me muero” literally means “I die” or “I am dying.”
Lizy: So if we wanted to translate the expression literally...
Alan: Well we might say “I am dying of hunger” but we tend to say “I am starving” instead.
Lizy: This phrase is a step up in terms of emphasis from “tengo hambre”, “I’m hungry”, which we looked at last lesson.
Alan: Right. This phrase would be used when really you are famished.
Lizy: The next word we are going to look at today is “carne”.
Alan: I must say I am definitely not a vegetarian. Lizy, how about an example with the word “carne”?
Lizy: “Ellos almuerzan carne asada.”
Alan: “They have roast beef for lunch.” That does sound delicious.
Lizy: Well, let’s see if it still does after I explain this.
Alan: Explain what?
Lizy: Umm the word “carne” means “meat”, “beef” or when you are not talking about food, “carne” means “flesh.”
Alan: “Flesh.”
Lizy: Uhoo.
Alan: We will turning anybody into a vegetarian. “Hey, would you like to throw some flesh on the barbeque?” Ah, I got to admit I generally don’t think about it in the fleshy aspect.
Lizy: Well, it’s a general way of saying this and it can be made specific by describing what kind of meat we are talking about.
Alan: What do you mean?
Lizy: For example, you can say “carne de pollo” which literally means “chicken meat” or “carne de res” which means “meat of livestock.”
Alan: But we usually don’t translate it this way. It just lets us know what kind of meat we are talking about.
Lizy: On its own, “carne”, usually refers to “beef” or “red meat.”
Alan: I do know that Peruvian cuisine involves a lot of meat. Lizy, what’s your favorite meat dish?
Lizy: Lomo saltado y también anticuchos. Bueno, como ya te he dicho, Alan, y como ya les he contado a nuestros estudiantes, a nuestros amigos, yo no suelo comer carne, me cuido bastante, soy vegetariana. Pero cuando me doy un gustito, ¡me encanta el lomo saltado!
Alan: So Lizy says that sometimes you know, she doesn’t eat a lot of meat but when she does, she likes to have “lomo saltado”. This is a typical Peruvian dish that’s Sautéed Beef with tomato, onions and even Sautee’s and French rice in there with “cilantro” a bit of soy sauce and its served with rice, it’s delicious and she also eats “anticuchos”. Talk about flesh, “anticuchos”, is in fact…
Lizy: Flesh.
Alan: Beef heart, its beef heart and it’s put on a skewer and cooked on a grill. It is quite delicious.
Lizy: Anticuchos con sus papitas y sus choclitos.
Alan: Spoken as a true vegetarian, Lizy, but I have to admit that you know I stopped eating meat here for about six months just for health reasons and I gave up and I just felt I was missing too much. The food in Peru is delicious.
Lizy: Okay. The next vocabulary word is “con”.
Alan: Lizy, would you give us an example with “con”. Well, that’s actually pretty redundant.
Lizy: Why?
Alan: Well considering that “con” means “with”, it’s like saying “with, with.”
Lizy: Ah, I guess you are right.
Alan: Either way, just an observation. Lizy, would you give us an example with “con”?
Lizy: “Quiero comer carne con arroz.”
Alan: “I want to eat meat with rice.”
Lizy: So the word “con” is really important.
Alan: Yeah, it means “with” and you are going to hear it a lot in Spanish at all levels.
Lizy: Here it is used as a preposition but you will also see that it gets attached to the beginning of verbs. For example, the verb “vivir” means “to live” while “convivir” means “to live together.”
Alan: Remember in English, we have co-workers which are people that you work with.
Lizy: This works the same way. This brings us to the last vocabulary word today which is “vino”. “El vino es delicioso”.
Alan: “The wine is delicious.” Hey, I don’t think I have spoken more truth in my entire life.
Lizy: So the word “vino” means “wine.”
Alan: And that shouldn’t be too hard to remember unless you are drinking too much “vino”.
Lizy: Also we say “vino tinto” for “red wine” and “vino blanco” for “white wine.”
Alan: That’s right. Important to remember and an easy way to remember that is to think of the word “wine” as in “vineyard” in English. “Wine”, “vino”.
Lizy: What’s your favorite type of wine Alan?
Alan: Well there is lots of wines. Gosh! I guess it depends. Last night, I had a blend “Syrah” with “Merlot”. It was pretty nice.
Lizy: Oh, puedo ver que eres un experto en vinos.
Alan: Far from it okay but like most people enjoy having a nice glass of wine.

Lesson focus

Alan: Okay, getting back to this. Liz, you’ve taken me from food to wine. We are trying to work here. We are trying to get our students to learn. So let’s get down to it. Let’s have a more thorough look at the grammar used in this lesson and today we are going to look at some expressions that have to do with “hunger” again.
Lizy: Okay, but I think it’s good to remind our audience that the “hunger” is often expressed with the verb “tener” which literally means “to have.”
Alan: That’s right. Let’s look at an example of this Lizy. Where did this occur in the conversation?
Lizy: “Yo también tengo mucha hambre”.
Alan: “I am really hungry too.”
Lizy: So we see that “tener” plus “hambre” means “to be hungry” even though literally it’s translated “I have hunger.” If you add “mucha” before “hambre” then it means “I am really hungry.”
Alan: And there is other ways to express your hunger as well like...
Lizy: “Me muero de hambre”.
Alan: “I am starving” or...
Lizy: “Tengo un hambre canino”.
Alan: “I am as hungry as a dog”, I could eat some flesh. Hey, if we were to translate this literally, we would say “I have a canine hunger” but it would probably be better in English if you expressed it as “I am as hungry as a dog.”
Lizy: I agree. This expression is a bit exaggeration and it’s funny too.
Alan: Lizy, would you find that exaggerations are common in Spanish?
Lizy: Definitely, definitely, definitely. So don’t be afraid to try some of these out when you are speaking with native speakers.
Alan: Liz, before we go how about just one more for good measure.
Lizy: “Estoy hambriento”.
Alan: “I am famished.” I see a similarity there.
Lizy: Right the word “hambre” and “hambriento”.
Alan: They share the same “ham-” root.
Lizy: This expression is used to express extreme hunger. It can be used as an exaggeration but it’s a little less common than the others mentioned here.


Alan: Okay friends, this wraps up today’s lesson.
Lizy: Keep on going. You are doing great.
Alan: Hey thanks Liz. Thanks for that.
Lizy: I am talking to the audience.
Alan: Right, I knew that. Just trying to make you giggle.
Lizy: Don’t forget to try out the Spanish review in the learning center where you will find test questions, answers and comments on the answers.
Alan: Okay guys, until next time and in the words of who knows who, some famous philosopher, he said practice makes perfect. So practice guys, it’s not just about listening. It’s about practicing.
Lizy: Esa es la clave, practiquen muchísimo. Hasta la próxima, ¡chao!
Alan: ¡Chao!


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