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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Must-Know Spanish Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 7 - Getting Bored.
Eric: Hi everyone, I'm Eric.
Alex: And I'm Alex.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Spanish about being bored. Antonio gets bored at home, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Alex: Estoy aburrido, ¿qué recomiendan?
Eric: Meaning - "I'm bored, what do you recommend (to do)?" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
Antonio: Estoy aburrido, ¿qué recomiendan?
Cristina: ¡Ven vamos a aburrirnos juntos!
Javier: Ponte a limpiar la casa.
Pablo: Podrías venir a trabajar extra...
Teresa: ¡Yo tampoco quiero estar aburrida!
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
Antonio: Estoy aburrido, ¿qué recomiendan?
Eric: "I'm bored, what do you recommend (to do)?"
Cristina: ¡Ven vamos a aburrirnos juntos!
Eric: "Come and let's get bored together!"
Javier: Ponte a limpiar la casa.
Eric: "Get on and clean the house."
Pablo: Podrías venir a trabajar extra...
Eric: "You could come to work overtime..."
Teresa: ¡Yo tampoco quiero estar aburrida!
Eric: "I don't want to be bored either!"
Eric: Listen again to Antonio's post.
Alex: Estoy aburrido, ¿qué recomiendan?
Eric: "I'm bored, what do you recommend (to do)?"
Alex: (SLOW) Estoy aburrido, ¿qué recomiendan? (Regular) Estoy aburrido, ¿qué recomiendan?
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "I'm bored."
Alex: Estoy aburrido
Eric: This phrase is commonly used in social media to invite people to start an activity. Listen again- "I'm bored" is...
Alex: (SLOW) Estoy aburrido (REGULAR) Estoy aburrido
Eric: Then comes the phrase - "what do you recommend?"
Alex: ¿qué recomiendan?
Eric: This question can be asked to get opinions not only about activities, but of other things such as food, movies, and so on. Listen again- "what do you recommend?" is...
Alex: (SLOW) ¿qué recomiendan? (REGULAR) ¿qué recomiendan?
Eric: All together, "I'm bored, what do you recommend (to do)?"
Alex: Estoy aburrido, ¿qué recomiendan?
Eric: In response, Antonio's friends leave some comments.
Eric: His girlfriend, Cristina, uses an expression meaning - "Come and let's get bored together!"
Alex: (SLOW) ¡Ven vamos a aburrirnos juntos! (REGULAR) ¡Ven vamos a aburrirnos juntos!
Alex: ¡Ven vamos a aburrirnos juntos!
Eric: Use this expression to show you’re feeling sympathetic.
Eric: His college friend, Javier, uses an expression meaning - "Get on and clean the house."
Alex: (SLOW) Ponte a limpiar la casa. (REGULAR) Ponte a limpiar la casa.
Alex: Ponte a limpiar la casa.
Eric: Use this expression to show you’re feeling frivolous.
Eric: His supervisor, Pablo, uses an expression meaning - "You could come to work overtime..."
Alex: (SLOW) Podrías venir a trabajar extra... (REGULAR) Podrías venir a trabajar extra...
Alex: Podrías venir a trabajar extra...
Eric: Use this expression to be old-fashioned.
Eric: His girlfriend's high school friend, Teresa, uses an expression meaning - "I don't want to be bored either!"
Alex: (SLOW) ¡Yo tampoco quiero estar aburrida! (REGULAR) ¡Yo tampoco quiero estar aburrida!
Alex: ¡Yo tampoco quiero estar aburrida!
Eric: Use this expression to be funny.


Eric: Okay everybody, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about being bored, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Alex: Hasta pronto.

