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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Must-Know Spanish Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 21 - It's Time to Celebrate!
Eric: Hi everyone, I'm Eric.
Alex: And I'm Alex.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Spanish about Independence Day. Antonio watches an Independence Day fireworks show, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Alex: ¡Viva la Independencia!
Eric: Meaning - "Hurray for the Independence! " Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
Antonio: ¡Viva la Independencia!
Teresa: ¡Qué empiece la celebración!
Karen: ¡Feliz día de la Independencia!
Javier: Cuidado con los escandalosos
Teresa: ¡Es el día en que todos somos patrióticos!
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
Antonio: ¡Viva la Independencia!
Eric: "Hurray for the Independence!"
Teresa: ¡Qué empiece la celebración!
Eric: "Let the celebration start!"
Karen: ¡Feliz día de la Independencia!
Eric: "Happy Independence Day!"
Javier: Cuidado con los escandalosos
Eric: "Beware of the boisterous."
Teresa: ¡Es el día en que todos somos patrióticos!
Eric: "It’s the day we’re all patriotic!"
Eric: Listen again to Antonio's post.
Alex: ¡Viva la Independencia!
Eric: "Hurray for the Independence! "
Alex: (SLOW) ¡Viva la Independencia! (Regular) ¡Viva la Independencia!
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "Hurray."
Alex: Viva
Eric: This word can be used to express a number of similar ideas in English, such as "Long live...","Hurray", and "Hail". The word is very common during national holidays, and is used to express support for a person and/or festivity. Listen again- "Hurray" is...
Alex: (SLOW) Viva (REGULAR) Viva
Eric: Then comes the phrase - "the Independence."
Alex: la Independencia
Eric: Mexican Independence Day is the biggest celebration in the country. It commemorates the beginning of the war against the Spaniards who ruled over Mexico. Fireworks are displayed in every city and events are organized by local governments for the night of September 15. Listen again- "the Independence" is...
Alex: (SLOW) la Independencia (REGULAR) la Independencia
Eric: All together, "Hurray for the Independence!"
Alex: ¡Viva la Independencia!
Eric: In response, Antonio's friends leave some comments.
Eric: His wife's high school friend, Teresa, uses an expression meaning - "Let the celebration start!"
Alex: (SLOW) ¡Qué empiece la celebración! (REGULAR) ¡Qué empiece la celebración!
Alex: ¡Qué empiece la celebración!
Eric: Use this expression to be funny.
Eric: His high school friend, Karen, uses an expression meaning - "Happy Independence Day!"
Alex: (SLOW) ¡Feliz día de la Independencia! (REGULAR) ¡Feliz día de la Independencia!
Alex: ¡Feliz día de la Independencia!
Eric: Use this expression to show you’re feeling optimistic.
Eric: His college friend, Javier, uses an expression meaning - "Beware of the boisterous."
Alex: (SLOW) Cuidado con los escandalosos (REGULAR) Cuidado con los escandalosos
Alex: Cuidado con los escandalosos
Eric: Use this expression to show you’re feeling pessimistic.
Eric: His wife's high school friend, Teresa, uses an expression meaning - "It’s the day we’re all patriotic!"
Alex: (SLOW) ¡Es el día en que todos somos patrióticos! (REGULAR) ¡Es el día en que todos somos patrióticos!
Alex: ¡Es el día en que todos somos patrióticos!
Eric: Use this expression to be funny.


Eric: Okay everybody, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about Independence Day, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Alex: Hasta pronto.

