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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Common Slang Expressions Used by Young Adults
Eric: Hi everyone, and welcome back to SpanishPod101.com. I'm Eric.
Anna: And I'm Anna!
Eric: This is Must-Know Spanish Slang Words and Phrases, Season 1, Lesson 2. In this lesson you'll learn Common Slang Expressions Used by Young Adults.
Eric: Be aware that if you are over 35, it might sound awkward to use these.
Eric: The expressions you will be learning in this lesson are:
Anna: tío, tía
Anna: flipar
Anna: qué fuerte
Anna: jolín, jolines
Eric: Anna, what's our first expression?
Anna: tío, tía
Eric: literally meaning "uncle,” or “aunt." But when it's used as a slang expression, it means "fellow, friend, dude, or girl."
Anna: [SLOW] tío, tía [NORMAL] tío, tía
Eric: Listeners, please repeat.
Anna: tío, tía
[pause - 5 sec.]
Eric: Use this slang expression when you want to refer to a friend. However, it can also be used to address an absolute stranger. It is usually used with a greeting, and it can be used in both a friendly or derogatory manner depending on the context and the intonation.
Anna: Tío is the masculine and tía the feminine.
Eric : Now let's hear an example sentence.
Anna: [NORMAL] Ese tío está loco. [SLOW] Ese tío está loco.
Eric: "This guy is crazy."
Anna: [NORMAL] Ese tío está loco.
Eric: Okay, what's the next expression?
Anna: flipar
Eric: this slang expression means "to get crazy,” or “to be astounded." And it reinforces the feeling of freaking out, or liking something a lot.
Anna: [SLOW] flipar [NORMAL] flipar
Eric: Listeners, please repeat.
Anna: flipar
[pause - 5 sec.]
Eric: Use this slang expression when you want to express surprise. It can also mean that you have a positive opinion about something, in a superlative sense.
Eric : Now let's hear an example sentence.
Anna: [NORMAL] Cuando vi el accidente del coche me quedé flipando [SLOW] Cuando vi el accidente del coche me quedé flipando
Eric: "When I saw the car accident I freaked out!"
Anna: [NORMAL] Cuando vi el accidente del coche me quedé flipando
Eric: Okay, what's our next expression?
Anna: qué fuerte
Eric: literally meaning "how strong." But when it's used as a slang expression it means "What! Wow!"
Anna: [SLOW] qué fuerte [NORMAL] qué fuerte
Eric: Listeners, please repeat.
Anna: qué fuerte
[pause - 5 sec.]
Eric: Use this slang expression when you’re surprised and you want to show it. You also can use it when you can't believe something.
Eric : Now let's hear an example sentence.
Anna: [NORMAL] ¡Qué fuerte! ¡Qué fuerte! ¡Me han aceptado en la universidad que quería! [SLOW] ¡Qué fuerte! ¡Qué fuerte! ¡Me han aceptado en la universidad que quería!
Eric: "Wow! That's crazy! I got accepted to the university I wanted!"
Anna: [NORMAL] ¡Qué fuerte! ¡Qué fuerte! ¡Me han aceptado en la universidad que quería!
Eric: Okay, what's the last expression?
Anna: jolín or jolines
Eric: When it's used as a slang expression it means "wow, damn, dang or darn."
Anna: [SLOW] jolín, jolines [NORMAL] jolín, jolines
Eric: Listeners, please repeat.
Anna: jolín, jolines
[pause - 5 sec.]
Eric: Use this slang expression when you want to complain about something. You can use it whether you're ashamed, disconcerted, frustrated, angry, surprised, or even impressed... almost any time. With this expression, you transmit your feelings towards something, so your voice and intonation when speaking reinforces your feelings.
Eric : Now let's hear an example sentence.
Anna: [NORMAL] ¡Jolín! ¡Pedazo coche te has comprado! [SLOW] ¡Jolín! ¡Pedazo coche te has comprado!
Eric: "Damn! What a sweet car you bought!"
Anna: [NORMAL] ¡Jolín! ¡Pedazo coche te has comprado!
Eric: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the expressions you just learned? I will describe four situations, and you will choose the right expression to use in your reply. Are you ready?
Eric: Your best friend has won the lottery and she is overdoing everything.
Anna: flipar
Eric: "to get crazy, to be astounded"
Eric: A friend asks for your help, and instead of saying your name uses another word.
Anna: tío, tía
Eric: "fellow, friend, dude, girl"
Eric: You are jealous of your friend that has won the lottery, and you are trying to hide it.
Anna: jolín, jolines
Eric: "wow, damn, dang, darn"
Eric: You discover that your boss is going out with the new employee
Anna: qué fuerte
Eric: "What!, Wow!"


Eric: There you have it; you have mastered four Iberian Spanish Slang Expressions! We have more vocab lists available at SpanishPod101.com so be sure to check them out. Thanks everyone, and see you next time!
Anna: ¡Hasta la próxima!


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