Buenos días. |
In the next minute, you’ll be challenged to use basic greetings. |
First, let’s look at some examples. |
Mark Lee: Buenos días, profesora Hernández. |
Sonia Hernández Acevedo: Buenos días, ingeniero Lee. |
Ben Lee: Buenas noches, profesora. |
Sonia Hernández Acevedo: Buenas noches, Ben. |
Let's practice! |
Te encuentras a Víctor durante el día. Salúdalo. |
Buenos días. |
Te encuentras con tu amigo Víctor. Salúdalo. |
Hola. |
Te encuentras con Víctor por la noche. Salúdalo. |
Buenas noches. |
How did you do? |
You can consider this practice exercise successful if you were able to answer in the given time, and used a proper greeting, as in the following example. |
Sonia Hernández Acevedo: Buenas tardes. |
Try this practice exercise again if you want to improve your fluency or skill in any of these areas. |