Lesson Transcript

You want to understand real-life conversations in your target language, right? Well, what if you could immerse yourself in conversations, listen to them as much as you want, like with music, and start understanding and speaking more of your target language? Well, you can do all of this with the Dialogue Track.
So stick around! Today, you'll discover how the Dialogue Track
1. immerses you in the language,
2. helps you memorize conversations easily, and
3. gets you speaking more.
But first, if you don't yet have access to our language learning system, sign up for a free lifetime account right now.
Just click the link in the description to get your free lifetime account.
So let's jump in.
I'll guide you through our learning system so you get to see exactly what's inside and our members-only study tools.
Okay, so let's take a look at what exactly the Dialogue Track is.
So you can find a Dialogue Track in every single one of our lessons.
So you'll find this main audio play button on every lesson page.
And if you go down, you'll see this dialogue section that has a play button next to it.
So this will play just the dialogue from the lesson.
So you don't have to listen to the entire lesson again.
If you want to just listen to the dialogue section, you can use this tool to do that.
So just press play here and you'll listen to the dialogue.
Each one's about 10 to 40 seconds.
Hey, Vicki.
Hi, Mike. How's it going?
Great. How about you? How are you doing?
Not so good.
Oh, no. What's wrong?
Oh, classes start tomorrow.
Yeah, I know what you mean.
So something that you can do with these dialogue tracks is download these and you can also create a playlist with just the dialogue tracks.
So if you really want to focus on just hearing your target language conversations, you can download multiple dialogue tracks from multiple lessons, create a playlist with that and then listen to that.
You can listen to one on repeat if you want to, like you would like a favorite song, for example.
So this is really intended to help you focus just on those native conversation sections so that you can listen to the pronunciation, listen to intonation and get used to the sounds of the language a little bit more easily, thus helping you to remember things and helping things stick in your brain a little bit faster.
If you want to immerse yourself in the language and understand everyday conversations, then learn with our lessons and make sure to check out the dialogue track.
The dialogue track gives you just the conversation of that lesson, no translations, so you can listen as much as you want and master the language.
So if you want to learn the language and get access to these learning tools and our learning system, sign up for a free lifetime account right now.
Just click the link in the description to get your free lifetime account.

