
Vocabulary (Review)

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Alex: Imagine you're at an airport in Mexico. What do you do? Hola. Soy Alex. Alex here. Anyone can learn how to act at an airport in Mexico. In this lesson, you'll learn how. Mark and Karen are at an airport in Mexico. Let's watch!
Licenciado Rojas: Buenos días Mark. ¿Cómo estuvo su viaje?
Mark: Buenos días Licenciado Rojas. Bien, gracias.
Licenciado Rojas: Bueno, deben estar cansados. Vayamos a buscar el equipaje.
Karen: De acuerdo.
Karen: Licenciado Rojas, ¿Ahí revisarán nuestro equipaje?
Licenciado Rojas: Sí, escanearán cada maleta. Después, tendrémos que oprimir el botón que está cerca de la salida, junto al agente de aduana. Si se prende una luz verde nos podemos ir. Si es roja, revisarán el equipaje en aquél escritorio.
Karen: ¿Todos tenemos que oprimir el botón?
Licenciado Rojas: No, sólo un representante por familia.
Mark: Que bien podemos irnos ahora.
Alex: Now with English!
Licenciado Rojas: Good morning, Mark. How was your trip?
Mark: Good morning, Mr. Rojas. Alright, thank you.
Licenciado Rojas: Well, you must be tired. Let's look for the luggage.
Karen: Okay.
Karen: Mr. Rojas, will they check our luggage there?
Licenciado Rojas: Yes, they will scan each suitcase. Then, we will have to press the button close to the exit, next to the customs agent. If a green light turns on we can go. If it is red, they will check our luggage on that desk over there.
Karen: Does everyone have to press the button?
Licenciado Rojas: No, just one person representing each family.
Mark: Great, we can go now.
Alex: Here are the key words from the scene.
Karen: viaje, viaje
Becky: trip
Karen: viaje, viaje, viaje
Karen: equipaje, equipaje
Becky: luggage
Karen: equipaje, equipaje, equipaje
Karen: botón, botón
Becky: button
Karen: botón, botón, botón
Karen: oprimir, oprimir
Becky: to press
Karen: oprimir, oprimir, oprimir
Karen: representante, representante
Becky: representative
Karen: representante, representante, representante
Karen: salida, salida
Becky: exit
Karen: salida, salida, salida
Alex: And now, a breakdown of some of the Spanish you heard in the scene.
Becky: How does Mr. Rojas ask Mark and Karen about their trip?
Licenciado Rojas: ¿Cómo estuvo su viaje?
Laura: ¿Cómo estuvo su viaje? ¿Cómo estuvo su viaje?
Becky: "How was your trip?" You can use this phrase to ask someone about their vacation. The word...
Laura: cómo
Becky: is a question word meaning "how." And the word...
Laura: estuvo
Becky: is a conjugated form of the verb....
Laura: estar,
Becky: "to be" for temporary things. This is followed by...
Laura: su
Becky: "your," politely and...
Laura: viaje
Becky: "trip." You can use this phrase to ask about other things, too. Such as...
Laura: ¿Cómo estuvo la película?
Becky: "How was the movie?" The word...
Laura: la
Becky: is "the" for feminine singular nouns and...
Laura: película
Becky: is "movie." Let's do one more!
Laura: ¿Cómo estuvo su comida?
Becky: "How was your food?" The word...
Laura: comida
Becky: is "food." If someone asks you these questions, you can respond with...
Laura: Muy bien, gracias.
Becky: "Very good, thank you."
Becky: Now, you try! Say Mr. Rojas's line.
Licenciado Rojas: Buenos días, Mark.
Licenciado Rojas: ¿Cómo estuvo su viaje?
Becky: How does Mr. Rojas ask Mark and Karen to go look for their luggage?
Licenciado Rojas: Vayamos a buscar el equipaje.
Laura: Vayamos a buscar el equipaje. Vayamos a buscar el equipaje.
Becky: "Let's look for the luggage." The word...
Laura: vayamos
Becky: "let's go" is a conjugated form of the verb...
Laura: ir
Becky: "to go." This is followed by
Laura: a
Becky: a preposition meaning, "to." After that we have the verb...
Laura: buscar
Becky: "to look for," and
Laura: el
Becky: "the" for masculine nouns, and lastly...
Laura: equipaje
Becky: "luggage."
Becky: You can use the pattern...
Laura: Vayamos a...
Becky: plus an activity or a place, to invite someone to go somewhere or do something. Let's do some examples!
Becky: If you want to ask someone to go eat with you, you can say...
Laura: Vayamos a comer.
Becky: The word...
Laura: comer
Becky: is "to eat."
Becky: If you want to ask someone to go to a place, you can do the same thing. For example...
Laura: Vayamos a la playa.
Becky: "Let's go to the beach." The word...
Laura: la
Becky: is "the" for feminine nouns, and the word...
Laura: playa
Becky: is "beach."
Becky: If you want to add more information, you can combine the activity and the place. For example...
Laura: Vayamos a nadar a la playa.
Becky: "Let's go swim at the beach." The verb....
Laura: nadar
Becky: is "to swim."
Becky: Now, you try! Say Mr. Rojas's line.
Licenciado Rojas: Bueno, deben estar cansados....
Licenciado Rojas: Vayamos a buscar el equipaje.

Lesson focus

Alex: Now, the lesson focus. Here's how to act at an airport in Mexico.
Becky: There are signs in English at any big Mexican airport. However, many staff members only speak Spanish, so it's good to prepare.
Becky: Let's go over what will happen when you arrive at the airport.
Becky: If you're coming from an international flight, you will first pass through...
Laura: inmigración
Becky: "immigration." You may be required to have an…
Laura: Forma Migratoria Multiple
Becky: FMM or "visitor's permit to enter the country.” So make sure to find out and fill out any required forms before you get there.
Becky: Here, the immigrations officer will certainly ask you...
Laura: ¿Cuál es el propósito de su visita?
Becky: "What is the purpose of your visit?" Here you can usually answer with just one or two words. For example...
Laura: vacaciones
Becky: "vacation" or...
Laura: negocios
Becky: "business."
Becky: After immigration, everyone will pick up their luggage. You might hear people say...
Laura: Vayamos a buscar el equipaje.
Becky: "Let's look for the luggage." Then, you know you're on the right track!
Becky: Right before you exit you'll go through...
Laura: aduana
Becky: "customs."
Becky: When you go through customs, a staff member will scan your suitcase. If you go to a big airport, like in Mexico City, you'll need to press a button after your suitcase is scanned. If the light turns red, your suitcase will be checked more thoroughly. If it's green, you're good to go!
Alex: Now it's time to practice your new ability.
Becky: You're at an airport in Mexico. Ready? Here we go!
Becky: Where’s the first place you will go after landing at the airport?
Becky: a.) aduana b.) playa c.) inmigración
Laura: inmigración
Becky: What will the immigration officer ask you when you arrive?
Laura: ¿Cuál es el propósito de su visita?
Becky: How do you ask someone how their trip was in Spanish?
Laura: ¿Cómo estuvo su viaje?
Becky: Great job.
Laura: inmigración
Laura: ¿Cuál es el propósito de su visita?
Laura: ¿Cómo estuvo su viaje?


Alex: ¡Buen trabajo! Now, watch the scene one more time. After that, You're ready to go to an airport in Mexico! Have a good time! ¡Hasta pronto!
Licenciado Rojas: Buenos días Mark. ¿Cómo estuvo su viaje?
Mark: Buenos días Licenciado Rojas. Bien, gracias.
Licenciado Rojas: Bueno, deben estar cansados. Vayamos a buscar el equipaje.
Karen: De acuerdo.
Karen: Licenciado Rojas, ¿Ahí revisarán nuestro equipaje?
Licenciado Rojas: Sí, escanearán cada maleta. Después, tendrémos que oprimir el botón que está cerca de la salida, junto al agente de aduana. Si se prende una luz verde nos podemos ir. Si es roja, revisarán el equipaje en aquél escritorio.
Karen: ¿Todos tenemos que oprimir el botón?
Licenciado Rojas: No, sólo un representante por familia.
Mark: Que bien podemos irnos ahora.

