
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jessi: Hi everyone, I’m Jessi.
Karen: And I’m Karen. “Let’s go out in Latin America.” ¿Cómo estás, Jessi?
Jessi: Excelente, Karen. ¿Y tú?
Karen: Muy bien, gracias.
Jessi: So Karen, what are we going to learn in this lesson?
Karen: In this lesson, listeners are going to learn about “ir a” plus infinitive verb to talk about future actions.
Jessi: Where does this conversation take place and who is it between?
Karen: The conversation takes place at Octavio’s house and it’s between Octavio and Tito.
Jessi: Okay, let’s listen to the dialogue.
Octavio: Qué aburrimiento. Vamos a hacer algo.
Tito: Pero apenas es miércoles. No hay mucho que hacer esta noche.
Octavio: Bueno, vamos a hablarle a Marco, él siempre tiene buenas ideas.
Tito: Me parece. Deja le marco.
Octavio: I'm so bored. Let's do something.
Tito: But it's only Wednesday. There isn't much to do tonight.
Octavio: Okay, let's talk to Marco; he always has good ideas.
Tito: I agree, let me call him.
Karen: Yes. Well, I think young people in particular don’t mind hanging out during the week with friends and stuff, especially as it gets later in the week, say Thursday.
Jessi: Aaah since Friday is the last day of work, a lot of people start going out on Thursdays.
Karen: Yes, it’s pretty common for places to be crowded even on Thursdays.
Jessi: And a lot of places are open late, aren’t they?
Karen: Yes. That’s another thing you’ll find, a lot of places stay open late.
Jessi: Right, I think you can always find a party somewhere in Latin America.
Karen: Definitely.
Jessi: Speaking of parties in Latin America, if you want to learn more about them, we talk a bit about them in Refresher series Lesson 21.
Karen: Oh, right. Like what they do, what kind of Music they play,...
Jessi: Right, it’s all in Spanish but I think it would be good for listening.
Karen: Yes, I think so.
Jessi: So feel free to give that lesson a listen to learn more. Okay, what do you say we move on to the vocabulary?
Karen: Let’s do that.
Jessi: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Karen: “Aburrimiento”.
Jessi: “Boredom.”
Karen: “A-bu-rri-mien-to”, “aburrimiento”.
Jessi: Next is...
Karen: “Apenas”.
Jessi: “As soon as”, “no sooner than”, “hardly.”
Karen: “A-pe-nas”, “apenas”.
Jessi: Next is...
Karen: “Marcar”.
Jessi: “To dial.”
Karen: “Mar-car”, “marcar”.
Jessi: The next word is...
Karen: “Hablar”.
Jessi: “To speak”, “to talk.”
Karen: “Ha-blar”, “hablar”.
Jessi: Next is...
Karen: “Idea”.
Jessi: “Idea.”
Karen: “I-de-a”, “idea”.
Jessi: The next word is...
Karen: “Me parece”.
Jessi: “I think so”, “I agree.”
Karen: “Me pa-re-ce”, “me parece”.
Jessi: Next is...
Karen: “Siempre”.
Jessi: “Always.”
Karen: “Siem-pre”, “siempre”.
Jessi: Last we have...
Karen: “Noche”.
Jessi: “Night.”
Karen: “No-che”, “noche”.
Jessi: Let’s have a closer look for the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word we’ll look at is...
Karen: “Aburrimiento”.
Jessi: “Boredom.”
Karen: “Aburrimiento” is related to the word “aburrido”, meaning “bored” or “boring.”
Jessi: How did they use it in the dialogue?
Karen: Well, in the dialogue, Octavio said “Qué aburrimiento”.
Jessi: Now since this is a noun, it’s literally like saying, “what a bore” or “what boredom.” In the translation though, it becomes “I’m so bored.” Okay, and the next word?
Karen: “Apenas”.
Jessi: “As soon as”, “no sooner than”, “hardly”, “only”, it has all those meanings.
Karen: Yes, this adverb has many different meanings.
Jessi: In the dialogue though, they used it to mean “only.” Right?
Karen: Yes, Octavio said that they should do something and Tito says “pero apenas es miércoles”.
Jessi: Like, “but it’s only Wednesday”.
Karen: Right, I’d say its most common meaning though is “hardly” or “barely.”
Jessi: Can we hear an example of that?
Karen: Sure. For example, “apenas puedo moverme”.
Jessi: “I can barely move.”
Karen: Right. So depending on the context, the meaning changes.
Jessi: Okay. And the next word?
Karen: “Hablar”.
Jessi: “To talk”, and this is an “ar” verb.
Karen: Yes, and in the dialogue Octavio says “bueno, vamos a hablarle a Marco”.
Jessi: Right, which is “let’s talk to Marco.” And the last word?
Karen: “Marcar”.
Jessi: “To mark”, “to dial.”
Karen: Usually “marcar” is used to mark something but in many cases like in the dialogue it also means “to dial” as in “to call.”
Jessi: Okay, great. Now let’s move on to the grammar point.

Lesson focus

Karen: Sí, pasemos. In this lesson you will learn how to talk about future actions using “ir” plus “a” plus a verb in the infinitive.
Jessi: Now you may know that Spanish has a separate future tense that is also of course used to talk about future actions, but you’ll find that this structure is very common.
Karen: Right, just like saying “going to” plus a verb.
Jessi: So as we said, the verb, the action that’s going to take place in the future, is in the infinitive. That never changes.
Karen: Right. What does change though is the verb “ir” in the beginning.
Jessi: It’s pretty basic but let’s review those conjugations really quickly.
Karen: Okay. First we have “yo voy”.
Jessi: “I go.”
Karen: “Tú vas”.
Jessi: “You go.”
Karen: “Él/ella va”.
Jessi: “He/she goes.”
Karen: “Nosotros vamos”.
Jessi: “We go.”
Karen: “Vosotros vais”.
Jessi: “You all go”, used in Spain.
Karen: “Ellos van”.
Jessi: “They go.”
Karen: Remember that after the conjugated verb “ir” you need the preposition “a”.
Jessi: Right, “ir a” verb. “Going to do” verb.
Karen: That’s right.
Jessi: Let’s go through some examples now.
Karen: Sure, how about “voy a comer una manzana”?
Jessi: Okay. So we have the verb “ir” conjugated in the first person which is “voy”, then the preposition “a” and finally the verb in the infinitive form, “comer”. “Voy a comer una manzana”. “I’m going to eat an apple.”
Karen: Correct. Let’s look at another example, “él va a trabajar hoy”.
Jessi: “Trabajar”, as you know, means “work”, so “él va a trabajar” is “he is going to work.” Not bad at all, right listeners? It’s pretty simple.
Karen: Yes, I think so. There is something important I want to point out.
Jessi: Okay.
Karen: When we use this structure in the first person plural, for “nosotros” or “nosotras”, it can take on another meaning.
Jessi: Ahh. You mean when we use “vamos a” plus a verb?
Karen: Exactly. “Vamos a” plus a verb is used to talk about future actions too, of course, but it also has the meaning of “let’s.”
Jessi: So there are two possible interpretations for “vamos a” plus a verb.
Karen: Right. For example, if I said, “vamos a la playa”, just straight like that, one meaning would be “we are going to the beach.”
Jessi: So just a straightforward statement.
Karen: Yes. But if I change the tone a little and say “¡vamos a la playa!” it could mean “let’s go to the beach.”
Jessi: Like making a suggestion.
Karen: Exactly. So in the dialogue we actually had this meaning.
Jessi: Aaah, right in the beginning when Octavio says...
Karen: “Vamos a hacer algo”
Jessi: He means “let’s do something”, not “we are going to do something.” That wouldn’t even make much sense in that context anyway.
Karen: Right. Also, later on Octavio says “vamos a hablarle a Marco”.
Jessi: “Let’s talk to Marco”, another suggestion.
Karen: That’s exactly, right. So just keep in mind that this “vamos a” can have both meanings.


Jessi: Okay, great. Well, I think that’s going to wrap it up for this lesson. Thanks for listening everyone.
Karen: See you later! ¡Hasta luego!
Jessi: ¡Adiós!

