
Vocabulary (Review)

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Fernando: “Do you want to learn more Spanish together?” I think we should call this our outsourcing series. JP, how are you?
JP: Hello, I am fine, thanks. How are you?
Fernando: I am good.
JP: Well, since we outsource all the titles, you know, we are going to have to call them all outsourced.
Fernando: I just hope they don’t outsource us.
JP: No, I don’t think there is any danger to that. Fernando, what are we talking about today?
Fernando: Well, in this lesson, you will learn about the verb “querer”. This conversation takes place between classes and the conversation is between Jimena and Sergio. They will be using the familiar register.
JP: All right, are you ready for the dialogue?
Fernando: I am ready.
JP: Okay, here we go.
Jimena: ¿Qué te pareció la clase?
Sergio: Interesante. Voy a ir a la siguiente clase. ¿A ti?
Jimena: También. ¿Quieres hacer la tarea juntos?
Sergio: ¡Por supuesto!
Jimena: What did you think of the class?
Sergio: Interesting. I'm going to go to the next session. What about you?
Jimena: The same. Do you want to do the homework together?
Sergio: Of course!
JP: Okay, now that was a pretty charming little conversation that we have here.
Fernando: I think so. Looks like Sergio is interested.
JP: Yeah, and Jimena is...
Fernando: In doing homework.
JP: Jimena seems pretty interested too in spending some time with Sergio.
Fernando: Right. He actually engages him, “¿Qué te pareció la clase?”
JP: Right. “What did you think of the class?” Now the first part of this sentence, “¿Qué te pareció?”, this is a very useful phrase that you can use anytime you share an experience to somebody and you want to ask someone what they thought of it.
Fernando: Right. It’s an open ended question.
JP: “¿Qué te pareció?”, “What do you think?”
Fernando: Yes.
JP: Right?
Fernando: Exactly.
JP: The verb in here is “parecer” which is “to seem”. So “how did it seem to you?”, right? In the class.
Fernando: Sergio says “Interesante. Voy a ir a la siguiente clase”.
JP: Okay, he is going to go to the next session.
Fernando: He asks sir what she thought, “¿A ti?”
JP: “¿A ti?”, “To you?” And in English we probably say “what did you think of it?”
Fernando: Or “how about you?”
JP: Uhum, “how about you?” But in Spanish because we asked a question “¿Qué te pareció?”, “how did it seem to you?”, he says “Interesting and to you?”, right? “How did it seem to you?”
Fernando: Right.
JP: So he is kind of reflecting the grammar that was in Jimena’s sentence, “¿A ti?”, “to you?”
Fernando: And she also found it interesting. She says “también”.
JP: Okay.
Fernando: And ask if they want to do the homework together, “¿Quieres hacer la tarea juntos?”
JP: Okay, “¿Quieres hacer la tarea juntos?”. “Juntos” is that adjective in Spanish that means “together.” So “hacer la tarea”, “did you do the homework”, “¿Quieres hacer la tarea juntos?”, “do you want to do the homework together?” and the answer is...
Fernando: “¡Por supuesto!”
JP: “Of course!” he does.
Fernando: Look at him.
JP: Go Sergio! All right, let’s go to the vocabulary.
Fernando: “¿Qué te pareció?”
JP: “What did you think of it?”
Fernando: “¿Qué te pa-re-ció?”, “¿Qué te pareció?”. “Interesante”.
JP: “Interesting.”
Fernando: “In-te-re-san-te”, “interesante”. “Siguiente”.
JP: “Next.”
Fernando: “Si-guien-te”, “siguiente”. “La tarea”.
JP: “Homework”, “task.”
Fernando: “La ta-re-a”, “la tarea”. “Por supuesto”.
JP: “Certainly”, “of course.”
Fernando: “Por su-pues-to”, “por supuesto”.
JP: Okay, now that we’ve heard these vocabulary words in isolation, let’s talk about them in a conversation. So we are going to start with the first one which is...
Fernando: “¿Qué te pareció?”
JP: “¿Qué te pareció?”. Now we already kind of talked about this. “¿Qué te pareció?”, “What did you think of it?”, right? As we said before, this is the verb “parecer”, “to seem.” Okay, so “how did it seem to you?”, “¿Qué te pareció?”
Fernando: Next one is “interesante”.
JP: “Interesante”. Okay, the interesting thing about “interesante” is that it’s not that interesting, right? It sounds almost like the word in English “interesting.”
Fernando: I think you just said interesting a lot of times.
JP: “Interesante”.
Fernando: “Interesante”. ¿Por qué lo habrás hecho? Next one, “siguiente”.
JP: “Siguiente”. Okay, “siguiente” means “next” or “following.” “Siguiente” is related to the verb “seguir” which means “to follow.”
Fernando: “La tarea”.
JP: “La tarea”. Now this is a word for “task”, okay? It’s often translated as “homework” especially when you are in a school context.
Fernando: Yes, but for example, if you are at home, your mom may ask you to do chores. They can be “tareas”.
JP: Okay.
Fernando: “Tienes estas tareas que hacer”.
JP: Okay. So any task that you are assigned whether it’s homework, a chore at home, it’s going to be “la tarea”.
Fernando: “La tarea”.
JP: Okay, sweet. And the last one?
Fernando: “Por supuesto”.
JP: “Certainly”, “of course”, “por supuesto”. Okay, this is two words and it means “of course.”
Fernando: ¡Por supuesto!
JP: Okay. Let’s go to the grammar point.

Lesson focus

Fernando: All right, JP. I think this is your strong suite.
JP: Okay. Did we say we are going to talk about the verb “querer”?
Fernando: We did.
JP: Okay, now “querer” is a very interesting verb first of all in what it means. It can mean two things, right? It can mean “to want” or it can mean “to love.”
Fernando: Las dos cosas.
JP: Okay, so give us an example of “I want”, “querer”.
Fernando: “Quiero comer pizza”.
JP: Okay. “Quiero comer pizza”, “I want to eat pizza.” Now give us an example of “I love”, “querer”.
Fernando: “Quiero mucho a mi mamá”.
JP: Okay, “I love my mother.”
Fernando: Yes.
JP: Right, “I love her a lot.” “I love my mother a lot.” So how do you know the difference? How do you know when it’s love and when it’s want? Is there a signal? Is there like a...
Fernando: Well…
JP: Fact that you can use?
Fernando: Yes. For example, pizza will take you about 5 minutes and a mom’s love will last forever.
JP: Okay, okay so I guess this is just context then, right?
Fernando: I think so.
JP: When you talk about your mama, it’s going to be love.
Fernando: Yes.
JP: And when you talk about pizza, it’s not going to be love necessarily.
Fernando: Right or unless, you know, “quiero ir a Italia”.
JP: Okay.
Fernando: “I want to go to Italy.”
JP: “I want to go to Italy.” Okay, now this is interesting because whenever we follow “querer” with an infinitive like “quiero comer pizza” or “quiero ir a Italia”, it’s going to mean “to want”, right?
Fernando: Exactly.
JP: And it’s going to be “to want to do something.”
Fernando: There you go.
JP: So “quiero comer pizza”, “I want to eat pizza.”
Fernando: That’s a good tip.
JP: “Quiero ir a Italia”, “I want to go to Italy.”
Fernando: You are right.
JP: So everybody knows how to work the verb “to want.”
Fernando: I think so.
JP: I think so too. The trick to “querer” is that it has a little stem change when you conjugate it. So the infinitive, the dictionary form is “querer” and the “we” form like “we want”...
Fernando: “Queremos”.
JP: “Queremos” and if you are in Spain that “vosotros” form...
Fernando: “Queréis”.
JP: Okay, now you can hear in all three forms, “querer, queremos, queréis”, that the stem vowel is just “e”. In the other forms, you have a little change, right? You have a little switch because those forms get stressed and because of you know the evolution of Latin and the Spanish and lots of things, you are going to get a diphthongization. So..
Fernando: A what?
JP: A diphthongization. Don’t worry about it. Just remember that when you say “I want”...
Fernando: “Yo quiero”.
JP: “Yo quiero”. You are going to get that “ie” sound, right?, “quiero”. “You want”...
Fernando: “Tú quieres”.
JP: “Tú quieres”. How about “they want”?
Fernando: “Ellos quieren”.
JP: “Ellos quieren”. Okay, so in all of those forms, you get the “ie”. All right, so “querer” is one of those stem changing verbs and the stem changes from “e” to “ie”, okay? Now if you are interested in seeing what that looks like, you can see the whole conjugation on our website in the lesson notes for this lesson. Just find this lesson at our website which is www.spanishpod101.com and that will wrap up the grammar point for today.


JP: So I guess it’s time to go, ¡hasta luego!
Fernando: ¡Adiós!


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