
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Dylan: Hola, hola a todos. Habla Dylan, ¿cómo están?
Carlos: What’s going on pod101 world? My name is Carlos. “This Meaty Spanish Lesson is Really Easier than You Think.” In this lesson, you will learn about the formation of adverbs.
Dylan: This conversation takes place in a home.
Carlos: The conversation is between Sebastián and Fernanda.
Dylan: The speakers are friends and are speaking informally.
Carlos: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Fernanda: ¡Qué bien! Ya tengo todos los ingredientes, ahora sólo necesito empezar.
Sebastián: Mmmm, ¡qué hambre tengo!
Fernanda: Yo también, voy a cocinar rápidamente, pero antes de empezar a cocinar me voy a lavar las manos.
Sebastián: ¡Muy importante!
Fernanda: Estoy lista, ahoraaa…, primero voy a…., poner la carne adentro de los chiles.
Sebastián: Fernanda, perdón, pero, ¿no debes cocinar la carne antes de que la pongas adentro del chile?
Fernanda: Ay, Sebas, no te metas, tú no sabes.
Fernanda: All right! I now have all the ingredients, now all I need is to get started.
Sebastián: Mmm, I’m very hungry.
Fernanda: Me too, I’ll cook quickly, but before I start cooking, I’m going to wash my hands.
Sebastián: Very important!
Fernanda: I’m ready, noooowww…first I’m going to…put the meat inside the peppers.
Sebastián: Fernanda, sorry, but shouldn’t you cook the meat before putting it inside the peppers?
Fernanda: Ohhhh, Sebas, don’t get involved, you don’t know.
Dylan: Why doesn’t Sebastián just keep his mouth shut?
Carlos: Seriously like your girlfriend is cooking something for you. I don’t care what it is. It could be stuffed roaches, this is delicious. It is the best thing I ever had in my life. Thank you so much.
Dylan: Yes.
Carlos: Especially if she didn’t know how to cook and she is trying.
Dylan: Yeah, I mean it’s the effort that counts.
Carlos: Yes.
Dylan: Poor Fernanda.
Carlos: Poor Fernanda.
Dylan: No, poor Sebastián if he doesn’t keep his mouth shut.
Carlos: That’s also true. Listen on guys. I don’t care if you are in Latin America or anywhere else in the world. If your girlfriend is trying to cook you something like Fernanda is trying to cook Sebastián and it’s a special recipe from her grandmother, “chiles rellenos”, you best just be quiet, eat and smile and ask for second’s.
Dylan: That is it.
Carlos: Okay guys, let’s have a closer look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Dylan: “Empezar”.
Carlos: “To begin”, “to start.”
Dylan: “Em-pe-zar”, “empezar”. “Hambre”.
Carlos: “Hunger.”
Dylan: “Ham-bre”, “hambre”. “Rápidamente”.
Carlos: “Rapidly”, “quickly.”
Dylan: “Rá-pi-da-men-te”, “rápidamente”. “Poner”.
Carlos: “To put”, “to place.”
Dylan: “Po-ner”, “poner”. “Adentro”.
Carlos: “Inside.”
Dylan: “A-den-tro”, “adentro”. “Antes”.
Carlos: “Before”, “prior.”
Dylan: “An-tes”, “antes”.
Carlos: Okay guys, let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Dylan: The first word we will look at is “empezar”.
Carlos: “Vamos a empezar a aprender español”.
Dylan: That’s enthusiastic.
Carlos: That and I think I drink a little too much coffee.
Dylan: So what do you do when you are about to begin to cook?
Carlos: Well, I do something very important that some people overlook but when making a recipe especially a new one, it is important to have all of your greetings ready for you.
Dylan: So like spread it out on the counter.
Carlos: Yeah, you know, meat, spices, just get the good stuff.
Dylan: So do you think that this is what Fernanda is doing?
Carlos: Well, you would think so. She say “ya tengo todos los ingredientes, ahora sólo necesito empezar”.
Dylan: “I now have all the ingredients. Now all I need is to get started.”
Carlos: That’s right. They are making “chiles rellenos”, umm.
Dylan: Delicious.
Carlos: Dylan, a question. ¿A qué hora empiezas tu día?
Dylan: Yo siempre empiezo mis días a las 6 de la mañana. No wait, I dream of beginning my days that late.
Carlos: What time do you usually start then?
Dylan: I usually start my days around 5.
Carlos: I shiver just thinking about that.
Dylan: What other words could we relate to “empezar”?
Carlos: Well, “comenzar” comes to mind.
Dylan: It should. It also means to begin.
Carlos: So we’ve officially began our vocabulary section and we have completed our first verb.
Dylan: Next up, “hambre”.
Carlos: “Hunger.” A noun that no one likes.
Dylan: Claro, a nadie le gusta tener hambre.
Carlos: And I agree with Sebastián. If I saw all of the ingredients in front of me for “chiles rellenos”, I would say the same thing as him, “¡qué hambre tengo!”
Dylan: “I am very hungry” or...
Carlos: “What hunger I have.”
Dylan: ¿Sabes qué?
Carlos: ¿Qué?
Dylan: Generalmente yo tengo hambre a las 12 del mediodía.
Carlos: Yeah, I am usually hungry too around noon. Funny how you know we all get hungry at the same times.
Dylan: It’s like a body clock.
Carlos: I have a question for you.
Dylan: What?
Carlos: What is a related adjective to “hungry”?
Dylan: Well, that’s a good question, “hambriento”.
Carlos: “Hambriento”, I’ve never heard that. What does that mean?
Dylan: “Starving.”
Carlos: I get the urgency there.
Dylan: “Rápidamente”.
Carlos: Rapidly, quickly.
Dylan: Now Fernanda maybe learning a new recipe but she had very good hygiene habits.
Carlos: Sí, obviamente, ¿pero cómo sabes?
Dylan: El ejemplo, “voy a cocinar rápidamente pero antes de empezar a cocinar me voy a lavar las manos”.
Carlos: “I will cook quickly but before I start cooking, I am going to wash my hands.”
Dylan: And Sebastián agrees, is very important.
Carlos: You know, you could really get sick if you don’t take time and wash your hands.
Dylan: Yeah.
Carlos: Don’t beat the lesson.
Dylan: “Sí, usted puede hacerlo rápidamente.”
Carlos: “You can do it quickly.”
Dylan: What’s the opposite of quickly?
Carlos: “Lentamente”, “slowly.”
Dylan: “Poner”.
Carlos: “To place”, “to put.”
Dylan: And we have ignition. They are starting to cook.
Carlos: Listen up audience and get some tips.
Dylan: “Primero voy a poner la carne adentro de los chiles”.
Carlos: “First, I am going to put the meat inside the peppers”, and if you have been paying attention to the lessons, you know what meat we are talking about.
Dylan: And we also learn that “Carlos siempre pone sus ingredientes en la mesa primero”.
Carlos: I do always put my ingredients on the table first.
Dylan: Have you ever heard of the verb “colocar”?
Carlos: “Colocar”. Can’t say that I have.
Dylan: “Colocar” means “to place”, “to put.”
Carlos: Well, that’s a new verb on my list.
Dylan: Put it inside your brain.
Carlos: O adentro mi cerebro.
Dylan: Cerebro.
Carlos: O adentro mi cerebro.
Dylan: Just what I said, put it inside your brain and also our next word, the adverb “adentro”.
Carlos: “Poner la carne adentro de los chiles”.
Dylan: Put the meat inside the peppers.
Carlos: Now it isn’t that common to cook “chiles rellenos”.
Dylan: No, it’s not.
Carlos: So then what else is more commonly put inside something, something more everyday, “cotidianidad”.
Dylan: Ah, like “cotidiano”.
Carlos: What’s more every day, “cotidiano”.
Dylan: “El carro ya está dentro de la cochera”.
Carlos: “The car is already inside the garage.”
Dylan: Get two for the price of one and learn the opposite.
Carlos: Right, “afuera”, “outside.”
Dylan: Also an adverb. Man, we are adverb heavy today.
Carlos: I count five.
Dylan: So last but not least, our sixth, “antes”.
Carlos: “Before.” I have a good explanation for this adverb.
Dylan: Is it more of your opposite rule?
Carlos: Yes, it is but first let’s hear where this was used in the conversation.
Dylan: “¿No debes cocinar la carne antes de que la pongas adentro del chile?”
Carlos: “But shouldn’t you cook the meat before putting it inside the peppers?” Hah immature.
Dylan: He has a nerve to question “abuelita’s” recipe.
Carlos: I love how Fernanda tells him not to get involved that he doesn’t know. That is classic.
Dylan: Here is the sample sentence. “Siempre antes de ir a la escuela desayuno”.
Carlos: “I always eat breakfast before I go to school.” The most important meal of the day.
Dylan: And since you are going to bring up the opposite rule, what is the opposite of “antes”?
Carlos: That will be “después”, “after.”
Dylan: So explain how you remember this?
Carlos: Well, I remember this by usually thinking that well, after is “después” because if I try to think which one is “después” or “antes”, I know that you might think that “after” is “antes” both start with A’s but then I remember that it’s not right and so I remember “después”. That’s how my mind works.
Dylan: Wow!
Carlos: It’s not…
Dylan: Carlos!
Carlos: It’s not rocket science but it’s like you know, you disregard the obvious you know. Always I would assume it’s this but wait, I remember something.
Dylan: All right. Let’s reach back and see how to form adverbs.
Carlos: I am with you.

Lesson focus

Dylan: Now we have a lot of adverbs in our conversation today.
Carlos: And that’s right, we do.
Dylan: Provide us with one example please.
Carlos: “Voy a cocinar rápidamente pero antes de empezar a cocinar me voy a lavar las manos”.
Dylan: I will cook quickly but before I start cooking, I am going to wash my hands. Now what is the adverb in that sentence?
Carlos: The adverb is “rápidamente”.
Dylan: Good, but first let’s see what adverbs serve as modifiers for.
Carlos: Sure. Adverbs serve as a modifier of:
A verb.
An adjective.
Another adverb.
A preposition.
A phrase.
A clause and
A sentence.
Dylan: And what do they express?
Carlos: Well, they express some relation of manner of
Affirmation and
Dylan: Well, now that we got that out of the way, let’s look at the good stuff.
Carlos: The formation.
Dylan: We may form adverbs in Spanish by adding the ending “mente” to the feminine form of practically any adjective.
Carlos: Any adjective?
Dylan: If the adjective has only one form rather than both masculine and feminine forms, the same rule applies. Simply add “mente” to the end to construct the adverb.
Carlos: Sounds easy enough.
Dylan: Let’s look at some masculine, feminine adjectives and corresponding adverbs.
Carlos: Now first we have a Spanish adjective.
Dylan: “Rápido, rápida”.
Carlos: “Rapid”. The adverb would be...
Dylan: “Rápidamente”.
Carlos: “Rapidly”, “quickly.” Spanish adjective...
Dylan: “Lento, lenta”.
Carlos: “Slow.” Spanish adverb...
Dylan: “Lentamente”.
Carlos: “Slowly.” Spanish adjective
Dylan: “Obvio, obvia”.
Carlos: “Obvious.” Spanish adverb
Dylan: “Obviamente”.
Carlos: “Obviously.” Spanish adjective
Dylan: “Sincero, sincera”.
Carlos: “Sincere.” Spanish adverb
Dylan: “Sinceramente”.
Carlos: “Sincerely.”
Dylan: Now some adjectives with only one form.
Carlos: Okay, good to get those out of the way. Spanish adjective
Dylan: “Feliz”.
Carlos: “Happy.” Spanish adverb.
Dylan: “Felizmente”.
Carlos: “Happily.” Spanish adjective
Dylan: “Fácil”.
Carlos: “Easy.” Spanish adverb
Dylan: “Fácilmente”.
Carlos: “Easily.” Spanish adjective
Dylan: “Triste”.
Carlos: “Sad.” Spanish adverb
Dylan: “Tristemente”.
Carlos: “Sadly.” Nice list Dylan. How about some sample sentences.
Dylan: “Yo manejaba rápidamente”.
Carlos: “I was driving quickly.”
Dylan: “Sabemos precisamente lo que está pasando”.
Carlos: “We know exactly what is happening.”
Dylan: “Ella habla inglés maravillosamente”.
Carlos: “She speaks English beautifully”, and on the other note I would not be able to say “maravillosamente”.
Dylan: “Ma-ra-vi-llo-sa-men-te”.
Carlos: “Ma-ra-vi-llo-sa-men-te”.
Dylan: Perfect.
Carlos: And that’s a lot of syllables.
Dylan: Note that if the adjective has a written accent, the adverb retains it.
Carlos: Well, what do you mean?
Dylan: For example, the adverb “fácilmente”, “easily”, has an accent on the “A” just as there is an accent on the “A” of the adjective “fácil”, “easy.”
Carlos: Okay.
Dylan: Adverbial phrases are also very common and they often become necessary if the “mente” ending with the adjective forms a compound that is disagreeable to the Spanish year.
Carlos: And we don’t want anything disagreeable.
Dylan: No. When the adverb sounds strange, native speakers often form an adverbial phrase to replace it.
Carlos: How would they do that?
Dylan: Well, they do this by using the word “con” with and the noun that is a root of the adverb they are replacing.
Carlos: You are going to have to provide me with an example.
Dylan: Okay, for example, watch how we change the following sentence with an adverb to an adverbial phrase. Adverb, “cumplí su trabajo prudentemente”.
Carlos: “He prudently finished his work.”
Dylan: And the adverbial phrase, “cumplió su trabajo con prudencia”.
Carlos: He finished his work with prudence. Ah okay, that cleared it right up.


Carlos: Okay guys, I hope it cleared it up for you because that just about does it for today.
Dylan: ¡Chao!
Carlos: ¡Nos vemos!

