
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Natalia: Hola, soy Natalia.
Carlos: What’s going on? My name is Carlos.
Natalia: “I saw the light.”
Carlos: What’s going on pod101 world? My name is Carlos and welcome to spanishpod101.com the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Spanish.
Natalia: I’m Natalia and thanks again for being here with us in this beginner series season two lesson.
Carlos: Naty!
Natalia: Carlos!
Carlos: You won’t believe what Mariana did.
Natalia: You scared me. What did she do?
Carlos: Wait until you listen to the conversation with Claudia.
Natalia: Ah, her friend.
Carlos: So you know it’s informal.
Natalia: Carlos, just wait. We are continuing our discussion of prepositions I’ve picked another one.
Carlos: Sounds enticing. Okay, okay. You heard Natalia. Listen to her.
Natalia: Let’s listen to the conversation instead.
MARIANA: ¡Ya no estoy triste! ¡Vi la luz!
CLAUDIA: ¿Qué pasó?
MARIANA: Fui a la iglesia del otro día, me sentía muy mal, y me di cuenta que nadie ocupa tanto dinero.
CLAUDIA: ¿Entonces? ¿Qué pasó con los 600 millones?
MARIANA: Los di enteros a la iglesia, para los niños pobres.
CLAUDIA: Creo que es lo mejor si te sientes bien.
MARIANA: ¡No puedo estar más feliz, gracias a Dios!
MARIANA: I’m not sad anymore, I saw the light!
CLAUDIA: What happened?
MARIANA: I went to church the other day, I felt so bad and I realized nobody needs so much money.
CLAUDIA: So? What happened to the 600 million?
MARIANA: I gave it all to the church for the poor children.
CLAUDIA: I think it is the best thing if you feel good about it.
MARIANA: I could not be happier, thanks to God.
Natalia: That’s kind of sweet, isn’t it?
Carlos: Six hundred million! Naty, come on, I’m all for giving to charity but…
Natalia: Hey, hey, hey. If you want to have peace in your soul and that gives you peace in your soul…
Carlos: Peace in my soul is not worth six hundred million. I will give, fifty million, you know. I have fifty million for myself. I’m fine with one hundred grand colones that’s alright. That’s cool, we can buy maybe two hundred grand, but all of it!
Natalia: See what I’m talking about, he keeps raising the price, raising the price. Hello...
Carlos: Whatever.
Natalia: At the end he’s going to be like, here, have three dollars for the poor children.
Carlos: That’s still three dollars that the poor children didn’t have before.
Natalia: Let’s just go to the vocabulary.
Carlos: Fine. Time to turn to the vocabulary in today’s pdf lesson guide. Here we are going to break these words down and give you the word class and English translation. Hoy día empezaremos con el sustantivo femenino, Nati.
Natalia: “Iglesia”.
Carlos: “Church.”
Natalia: “I-gle-sia”, “iglesia”.
Carlos: Y un ejemplo sería...
Natalia: “La campana de la iglesia siempre dobla en punto”.
Carlos: “The church bell always tolls on time.” Ahora tenemos una frase verbal.
Natalia: “Darse cuenta”.
Carlos: “To realize.”
Natalia: “Dar-se cuen-ta”, “darse cuenta”.
Carlos: Y un ejemplo sería...
Natalia: “Acabo de darme cuenta que no estaré disponible a esa hora”.
Carlos: “I’ve just realized that I won’t be available at the time.” A continuación estudiaremos un verbo pronominal.
Natalia: “Sentirse”.
Carlos: “To feel.”
Natalia: “Sen-tir-se”, “sentirse”.
Carlos: Como por ejemplo...
Natalia: “Me siento muy mal”.
Carlos: “I feel very bad.” Esta vez escucharemos un adjetivo.
Natalia: “Entero, entera”.
Carlos: “Entire”, “whole.”
Natalia: “En-te-ro, en-te-ra”, “entero, entera”.
Carlos: A ver un ejemplo.
Natalia: “¿No me digas que tomaste una botella entera de gaseosa?”
Carlos: “Don’t tell me you drank a whole bottle of soda?” La penúltima palabra de hoy es un verbo.
Natalia: “Ocupar”.
Carlos: “To occupy”, “to take up.”
Natalia: “O-cu-par”, “ocupar”.
Carlos: Y el ejemplo sería...
Natalia: “El ejército ocupó el pobre pueblo durante tres años”.
Carlos: “The army occupied the poor town for three years.” Y para terminar, tenemos el sustantivo femenino...
Natalia: “Luz”.
Carlos: “Light.”
Natalia: “Luz”, “luz”.
Carlos: A ver otro ejemplillo, Nati.
Natalia: “Lo bueno de este departamento es que tiene bastante luz”.
Carlos: “What’s good about this apartment is that it has a ton of light.”
Natalia: Carlos.
Carlos: Yes?
Natalia: You know in Spain instead of saying “luz”...
Carlos: You say “luth”.
Natalia: “Luz” not “luth”, like “that” Carlos, don’t spit on people.
Carlos: Vale.
Natalia: No, no, no. Carlos, what was the name of that cat who goes after Tweety.
Carlos: Sylvester.
Natalia: It’s something like that, that’s what you are doing.
Carlos: ¿Es “luth”?
Natalia: “Luz”.
Carlos: In Latin America?
Natalia: “Luz”, “luz”.
Carlos: “Luz”, “luz”.
Natalia: “La luz”.
Carlos: “La luz”.
Natalia: No apagues la luz.
Carlos: “La luz”. Alright, let’s take a closer look for the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Natalia: The first phrase we’ll look at is “darse cuenta”.
Carlos: We need to switch things up a little now, huh?
Natalia: Why do you say that?
Carlos: You are starting out with a verbal phrase.
Natalia: Well, here we are using the prenominal verb “darse” and the feminine noun “cuenta”. It means “to realize”, significa “reconocer”.
Carlos: And in today’s conversation...
Natalia: “Me di cuenta que nadie ocupa tanto dinero”.
Carlos: “I realized, nobody needs so much money.”
Natalia: We also have some related phrases.
Carlos: Okay.
Natalia: “Tener en cuenta”.
Carlos: “Keep in mind.”
Natalia: To keep things in the same track we have in other prenominal verbs.
Carlos: Which?
Natalia: “Sentirse”.
Carlos: “Sentirse”.
Natalia: It means “to feel” in the way that we feel sensations.
Carlos: But it can also be used in expressing opinion like “I don’t feel like going”, right?
Natalia: Exactly. So in today’s conversation “Creo que es lo mejor si te sientes bien”.
Carlos: “I think it’s the best thing if you feel good about it.” And the related terms?
Natalia: Masculine noun “sentimiento” is “a feeling.”
Carlos: Next.
Natalia: “Entero, entera”, this adjective means “entire” or “whole” or “even all.”
Carlos: And you have a definition for us?
Natalia: As a matter of fact I do. “Cabal, cumplido, completo, sin falta alguna”.
Carlos: And in today’s conversation...
Natalia: “¿Entonces? ¿Qué pasó con los 600 millones?” and Mariana responds “Los di enteros a la iglesia, para los niños pobres”.
Carlos: “I gave it all to the church for the poor children.” Next.
Natalia: “Ocupar”. This “ar” verb means “to occupy”, “to take up.”
Carlos: But how is it used in today’s conversation?
Natalia: “Fui a la iglesia del otro día, me sentía muy mal, y me di cuenta que nadie ocupa tanto dinero”.
Carlos: “I went to the church the other day, I felt so bad when I realized nobody needs so much money.”
Natalia: Some related terms include “ocupado”, “busy”, “ocupación”, “occupation.”
Carlos: Check the next.
Natalia: “Luz”.
Carlos: “Luz”, I got this one, it means “light.”
Natalia: And in today’s conversation... “¡Vi la luz!”
Carlos: “I saw the light!”
Natalia: “Luz” carries all the connotations of understanding, recognition and enlightenment in Spanish as it does in English.
Carlos: And we have related terms for this one too.
Natalia: We also have the word “lucir” which means “to shine” but we can say something like “luce bien”.
Carlos: Which means?
Natalia: “It looks good.” Okay Carlos, let’s continue on our discussion of prepositions.
Carlos: Sounds good to me, Naty.
Natalia: Which preposition did we focus on in beginner series season two lesson twenty?
Carlos: Well, we focused on the preposition “por”.
Natalia: And today we’ll be focusing on the preposition “para”.
Carlos: Okay, so we are picking another from our most common preposition lists.
Natalia: Which are...
Carlos: “Por”, “para”, “de”, “a”, “en”.
Natalia: Right, let’s take a look at eight main ways that the preposition “para” can be used.
Carlos: Okay, but let’s remind our audience again, prepositions are invariable, for example,they don’t change form.
Natalia: Let’s see the usages of the prepositions “para”. One, utility, “utilidad”, for example “¿Para qué tanto esfuerzo?”
Carlos: “What’s all this effort for?”
Natalia: Two, motive, “motivo”. For example, “Lo dijo para molestarme”.
Carlos: “She said it to annoy me.”
Natalia: Third, destination, “destinatario”. “Es para mamá”.
Carlos: “It’s for mum.”
Natalia: Four, opinion, “opinión”. “Para Jorge, todas las mujeres son guapas”.
Carlos: “All women are pretty to George.”
Natalia: Five, comparisons, “comparaciones”. “Para ser tan joven, tiene ideas muy sensatas”.
Carlos: “For being so young she has very straight ideas.”
Natalia: Six, time, “tiempo”. “Estará listo para las cinco”.
Carlos: “It will be ready by five.”
Natalia: Seven, imminence, “inminencia”. “Está para salir”.
Carlos: “He’s about to leave.”
Natalia: Eight, direction, “dirección”. “El tren para Sevilla acaba de salir”.
Carlos: “The train has just left for Seville.”
Natalia: Because of the inherent indeterminacy associated with “para” it cannot be used with verbs that imply that different movement of destination.
Carlos: What do you mean?
Natalia: For example, we say “llegaremos a Caracas”, “we will arrive in Caracas”, using “a” rather than “para” this preposition’s also employed in relation to time, “para” denotes approximate time rather than the exact time.
Carlos: And approximate time rather than exact time. Check. But how about some examples?
Natalia: For example, “La fiesta está para el jueves”.
Carlos: “The party has been set for Thursday.”
Natalia: “Para Navidad nos reuniremos”.
Carlos: “We will get together for Christmas.”
Natalia: Do you see, the times expressed in these examples are general days rather than the precise moments.
Carlos: I saw that, I swear I did.
Natalia: Additionally, we can use “para” to express the final purpose of a theme. For example, “Trajeron una carta para Vanesa”.
Carlos: “They brought a card for Vanesa.”
Natalia: “El regalo es para tí”.
Carlos: “The present is for you.”
Natalia: “La vida es para vivir”.
Carlos: “Life is for living.” That it is, Naty. That it is.
Natalia: Time for “la tarea”. In today’s grammar point, we studied the preposition “para” and learned ways it gets used. We are going to give you five sentences in Spanish and each will contain the preposition “para”.

Lesson focus

Carlos: What you have to do is figure out the way that this preposition is being used.
Natalia: So if the sentence is “el regalo es para mi mamá”, the answer will be destination. Are you ready?
Carlos: Here we go.
Natalia: Número uno, “me llamas temprano sólo para despertarme”. Número dos, “estamos para cenar, ¿puede volver más tarde?”. Número tres, “para mi todo el vino es bueno”. Número cuatro, “el avión para San José ya despegó”. Número cinco, “te estoy llamando para las siete”.


Carlos: Remember to check out the answers on the premium audio track titled “tarea”. That just about does it for today. Okay.
Natalia: Esperamos que hayan disfrutado de esta lección. ¡Ya nos vemos!
Carlos: ¡Ya nos vemos!


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