
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lizzie: Buen días, soy Lizzie Stolear.
Allan: Soy Alan La Rue - The compensation. Hi there, my name is Alan La Rue, and beside me here, today, as always the one and only Lizzie Stolear.
Lizzie: Hola Allan. ¿Qué novedades?
Allan: ¿Qué novedades? Lizzie, I haven’t told you yet but I went to Iquitos last weekend.
Lizzie: Que bonito. Iquitos es muy excéntrica. Es una ciudad muy excéntrica. Muy muy bella. Llena de naturaleza y de parajes especiales aquí en nuestro país.
Allan: For those of you who don’t know, Iquitos is a jungle city here in Peru. You can really only reach it either by airplane or by boat, and it’s only an hour and a half from Lima. And once you get there - it’s amazing guys - you get into a little boat and in a half hour you are in the deepest jungle. It’s just amazing, it’s amazing the diversity Peru has. Anyway, it was a great trip, Lizzie, but I’m very happy to be back here with you. Guys, you’re listening to the 28th lesson of the Beginner Series at SpanishPod101.com
Lizzie: El ciclo de nivel principiante.
Allan: Lesson 28. Add another brick to the foundation and learn Spanish with solid footing.
Lizzie: Little by little. Paso a pasito.
Allan: Eso. So today, we pick up with led footed Javier, who’s been pulled over by policemen on the highway. Javier, Lizzie esta con problemas.
Lizzie: Claro. El oficial ya quiere que vaya a la comisaría.
Allan: Right, but that’s the last thing Javier wants to do is go to the police station.
Lizzie: Why do you think this is?
Allan: Well, and again I’m generalizing here, but police don’t always have the best reputation in Peru anyway and probably some other countries in South America. You know, a trip to the police station can be a trip to the unknown. And bureaucracy being what bureaucracy is, you can really waste an awful lot of time there, so sometimes people pay a bribe because it’s faster and it’s cheaper. Not that I recommend doing it though, Lizzie.
Lizzie: I know it can be a real problem, it’s some complicated issue, isn’t it?
Allan: It’s very complicated but… Lizzie, so last time we talked about poder ser, which we said means “to be able to be” or “to be possible”.
Lizzie: ¿Y hoy?
Allan: Today we’ll look at a way to express future actions using the verb ir the preposition a and the infinitive form of another verb.
Lizzie: Sounds useful .
Allan: Sin duda. Sí escuchemos la siguiente conversación.
JAVIER: ¿Usted va a tener que regresar a la comisaría, ¿cierto?
OFICIAL: Claro, cuando termine el turno.
JAVIER: Entonces, ¿por qué no le doy el dinero para la multa por exceso de velocidad, ya que Usted pasará por ahí de todas maneras? Me disculpará si le pido el favor.
OFICIAL: No sé... No es el protocolo...
JAVIER: Entiendo, jefe, pero usted me hace este favor y yo le recompenso por la inconveniencia.
JAVIER: You are going to have to go back to the station, right?
OFICIAL: Of course, when I finish my shift.
JAVIER: So then, why don't I give you the money for the speeding ticket, since you, Sir, will have to stop by there anyway? You will have to excuse me for asking you this favor.
OFICIAL: I don't know... It's not the protocol...
JAVIER: I understand, boss, but you do this favor for me, and I will compensate you for the inconvenience.
Allan: Este Javier es más vivo que cualquiera.
Lizzie: Parece que quiere pagarle coima al oficial para que no le haga problemas.
Allan: I know so it’s becoming an apparent that Javier is trying to give the officer una coima, this means “a bribe”, but I think that term is generally used in other countries in the Americas. I bet that in Spain they will say something like un soborno or the verb sobornar.
Lizzie: ¿Qué hará el oficial?
Allan: What will the officer do?
Lizzie: ¿Qué sera de Javier?
Allan: What will become of Javier?
Lizzie: ¿Aceptara la coima el oficial?
Allan: Will the officer accept the bribe? Will he lock him up? Find out next week in the Beginner Series of SpanishPod101.com. now, on to the vocabulary.
Lizzie: Sounds like a good idea.
Allan: So let’s begin with…
Lizzie: Turno.
Allan: Shift.
Lizzie: Turnp, turno.
Allan: Now we’ll hear…
Lizzie: dinero
Allan: Money.
Lizzie: dinero, dinero
Allan: Next we’ll go to…
Lizzie: multa
Allan: Fine, ticket.
Lizzie: multa,multa
Allan: And now…
Lizzie: exceso
Allan: Excess, surplus.
Lizzie: exceso, exceso
Allan: Then we’ll hear…
Lizzie: protocolo
Allan: Protocol.
Lizzie: protocolo, protocolo
Allan: And finally…
Lizzie: recompensar
Allan: To compensate, to make up for.
Lizzie: recompensar, recompensar
Allan: Hey, Lizzie, before we move on and talk about how these words are used and what they mean, let’s focus for just a second on the pronunciation of one of them, ok?
Lizzie: Alright, which one?
Allan: Multa. Now, this word is spelled M-U-L-T-A, and the sound that we get from the U-L-T combination can be a little tricky.
Lizzie: Multa.
Allan: Right you’ve got to get that deep low sound. Multa.
Lizzie: Multa.
Allan: And we also see this in the word bulto, spelled B-U-L-T-O.
Lizzie: Bulto,
Allan: Exactly. So just make sure you don’t say multa as in multimedia it’s got to be multa. Let’s see how some of our vocabulary was used in today’s conversation. Lizzie, our first word is “shift”. How is that used in the conversation?
Lizzie: Well, when Javier asks, if the officer is going back to the station, the officer replies Claro, cuando termine el turno.
Allan: Right, so when he finishes his shift.
Lizzie: One definition of turno is “turn”, so I guess it would be a cognate as well.
Allan: And we remember that a cognate is a word that looks similar in English and Spanish.
Lizzie: Allan, ¿de que consiste un turno para un professor del Sol? “What are the shifts like in El Sol, your school.”
Allan: Well, most of our students study in the morning from 9:00 to 1:00 so most teacher’s work from 9:00 to 1:00. And that way students get to spend the rest of their day exploring Lima, making friends.
Lizzie: Does total immersion mean your teachers are on Spanish call 24 hours a day?
Allan: No, not quite. But, hey, Lima is a classroom in itself. Now ok, Lizzie, from here?
Lizzie: The word dinero.
Allan: I think dinero is a very familiar word for people even if they don’t speak Spanish. But, Lizzie, as we both know there are a lot of other words for money as well.
Lizzie: Claro como por ejemplo plata.
Allan: Plata That’s right that’s a great word. Plata literally means “silver”, so you can say tengo plata “I’ve got money”. And in Mexico they often say lana which means “wool”.
Lizzie: Right, and don’t forget cocos and lucas.
Allan: That’s great. Yeah, that’s slang cocos are “dollars” and lucas are Peruvian soles.
Lizzie: Now, unlike money, this next word is something you never want a lot of.
Allan: And what’s that?
Lizzie: Multa. Which means “fine” or a “ticket”.
Allan: Well that’s right but tell me how was it used in our conversation Lizzie?
Lizzie: Javier said Entonces, ¿por qué no te doy el dinero para la multa por exceso de velocidad, ya que pasarás por ahí de todas maneras? Me disculparás si te pido el favor.
Allan: Javier is really pushing it. Now, Lizzie, I know that the place of Latin America do not have the best reputation when it comes to topics like corruption. Well, what do you think of people to say of this idea? I mean why this reputation?
Lizzie: Lo que pasa es que la remuneración de la policía es baja, la policía gana realmente poca plata y lamentablemente a veces se ven obligados a conseguir recursos de otra manera.
Allan: That’s right. Well, just to summarize, police here earn very little money and sometimes they try to increase their wage on the sly by taking bribes. Of course, not everybody but some of them. And just to add to that, it’s true salaries here for police are very, very low. In North America, to be a police officer means that you are middle class. Here it means you’re poor, you earn maybe a 150 dollars a month, the training isn’t that great, they train for 1 year and, boy, it can be a very dangerous job in difficult circumstances, especially outside of Lima where you something like one police officer for like every 2,000 inhabitants. So it’s a tough job and really their not very well paid. That’s a great point you’ve made, Lizzie.
Lizzie: Sí podemos decir que la policía aquí está mal considerada. Yeah, the situation is more complex than it seems.
Allan: That’s for sure. So let’s just say that for the cop there’s a lot more to it than just taking a bribe.
Lizzie: Alright next up, parking ticket.
Allan: La multa.Una multa.
Lizzie: For example, el oficial me puso una multa por haber estacionado mal.
Allan: Right. And that’s like saying “The officer gave me a ticket for having parked badly”. So it’s poner una multa - “To give a ticket. That hurts. Lizzie, what’s the next word on our list?
Lizzie: Exceso.
Allan: How is exceso being used here?
Lizzie: La multa por exceso de velocidad.
Allan: So here it’s being used to describe the speed limits, as in Javier was going in excess of the speed limit. How else can we use exceso?
Lizzie: We could apply exceso to “excess weight” exceso de peso, which is a problem for some people.
Allan: It’s an excess but it’s used in a lot of expressions that denote some kind of broken limit.
Lizzie: Exceso.
Allan: Alright, now let’s look at one last word.
Lizzie: Ok.
Allan: What do you call a code that prescribes strict adherence?
Lizzie: A law? ¿Una ley?
Allan: No, not a law. For example, in a diplomatic exchange there could be a breach of…
Lizzie: Protocol.
Allan: That’s right. And if we add an O to the end?
Lizzie: Protocolo.
Allan: Excellent. And what does protocolo mean?
Lizzie: Es una regla diplomática establecida por decreto.
Allan: Right. So it’s a “diplomatic rule” established out of discretion. And in the conversation where did this come up?
Lizzie: El oficial dice: No sé... No es el protocolo...
Allan: It seems to me that the officer is a little reluctant but ready to say “Well, let’s bend the rules a little bit”.
Lizzie: El protocolo. Alan. What’s the protocol for immersion? Does it mean students can speak any other language but Spanish?
Allan: Well they should certainly avoid it. The key is to use Spanish as much as possible. And, you know, the absolute key here… you know what it is, Lizzie?
Lizzie: What?
Allan: It’s to stop worrying about making mistakes. Just go make as many mistakes as you can because when you make mistakes you learn. When you learn in immersion program, it’s very much like learning languages as you were a young child.
Lizzie: For fun.
Allan: For fun that’s right and for necessity.
Lizzie: That’s interesting. So through that method do you think that they learn faster?
Allan: There’s no doubt. You learn faster and it’s fun, it’s real.

Lesson focus

Lizzie: Allan.
Allan: What?
Lizzie: You know what?
Allan: What?
Lizzie: You don’t know?
Allan: Vamos pues.
Lizzie: Ya es hora de estudiar la gramática.
Allan: Vamos a estudiar la perifrasis. A unit made up of one verb in a personal form and another in an impersonal.
Lizzie: We use this a lot when we’re talking about the future.
Allan: Yeah, this often takes place of the absolute future in the sense that we say voy a acompañarte, “I’m going to go with you” to express a simple future action. But we say te acompañare with greater affirmation. “I will go with you.”
Lizzie: Claro Allan, ¿vas a mostrarnos donde se encuentra en la conversación?
Allan: Sí, les voy a mostrar. Javier, the silver tongue devil that he is, says to the officer ¿Usted va a tener que regresar a la comisaría, ¿cierto?, “You’re going to have to go to the station, right?”
Lizzie: Que atrevido.
Allan: So here we see that the verb ir is conjugated to 3rd person singular. va, va So this one is personal.
Lizzie: And the other?
Allan: Well, after the verb va and then a preposition a, we have the verb tener, “to have”. And being in the infinitive form, this form is impersonal usted va a tener, “You’re going to have”.
Lizzie: buen ejemplo maestro
Allan: A ver, otro.
Lizzie: Sure, Alan. Voy a dormir rico que estoy muerto de sueño.
Allan: Nice one, Lizzie. “I’m going to sleep well tonight because I’m dead tired.” Yo tambien, but I’m going out with my wife.
Lizzie: ¿Van a salir? Are you going to go out?
Allan: Sí, vamos a ir a un restaurant luego vamos a ir al cine y después si tenemos energía vamos a ir a bailar.
Lizzie: ¡Ay! Que bonito, me encanta bailar pero más me gusta ir al cine. ¿Puedo ir con ustedes?
Allan: No. No
Lizzie: Que malo, que malo eres Allan.
Allan: Of course, you can come with us, Lizzie.
Lizzie: Oh, thank you.
Allan: Hey, how about this one? vasa ver
Lizzie: Buena.
Allan: Vas a ver. That’s like “you’ll see” or literally “you’re going to see”.
Lizzie: I think it’s useful to point out that this form is less determinate than the absolute future.
Allan: That’s right, but notice how the likeness of the action being realized is lower than when I say voy hacerlo, “I’m going to do it”, than when I say lo here, “I’ll do it’.
Lizzie: Claro, cuando digo lo haré quiero decir que puedes contar conmigo. “You can count on me”.
Allan: And that’s the absolute future. Right. Now if you check out the verb conjugation lessons 11 and 12, you can see for yourself what some of the other uses of the absolute future are.


Lizzie: I think that just about wraps up today’s lesson.
Allan: Yep, it’s about that time.
Lizzie: Bueno eso fue todo, muchas gracias por estar con nosotros, por acompañarnos y aprendas bastante. Practiquen bastante. Chao!
Allan: Yeah, thanks everybody. We’ve had a lot of fun. Bye.


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