
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Lizzie: Buenos días, mi nombre es Lizzie.
Allan: Allan here.
Lizzie: Beginner’s Series Lesson number 17.
Allan: Rise and shine - 1. Hey, everybody. Welcome back to SpanishPod101.com.
Lizzie: Hello, everyone. It’s a lovely day with you.
Allan: Lizzie, with our 17th lesson. and hey, we are starting a new theme today.
Lizzie: What’s that Allan?
Allan: Time, it’s time to rise and shine.
Lizzie: You are a morning person, aren’t you?
Allan: No, I obviously got you fooled. It takes me three alarm rings to get up and then…
Lizzie: Three alarms?
Allan: Three alarms, well you know, the snooze button, easy. Two cups of coffee to get the eyes open. I think it’s one cup of coffee for each eye to open. I am kind like Garfield.
Lizzie: Well enthusiasm is always a good thing. This theme change is a welcomed break.
Allan: You said it. So for the last four Beginner lessons, we’ve been looking at numbers in Spanish and how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide.
Lizzie: And now we are doing time?
Allan: Well, we’re looking at the theme of time. “Doing time” means something a little different in English.
Lizzie: I see.
Allan: “Doing time”, Liz, is “going to prison” which here ironically, in Peru, there is funny idiomatic expression that says Fui a la cana. Canada. And so Canada is a reference to prison, it’s funny because I’m Canadian. Anyway, so, in this lesson we need two people who happen to be in different time zones.
Lizzie: With who?
Allan: Well, this conversation takes place between Felix who is in Madrid Spain and Ximena who is in Huaquillas Ecuador.
Lizzie: Those of us who have friends who live internationally, we have all had this in conversation.
Allan: I know that, sometimes it is difficult to remember what time it is, someplace else.
Lizzie: Does the forum have a time zone map?
Allan: No, I don’t believe it does.
Lizzie: That is something we will have to remedy.
Allan: Hey, that’s not a bad idea.
Lizzie: Well, let’s get into the day's conversation.
FÉLIX: ¡Hola, Jimena! Soy Félix. ¿Cómo estás?
JIMENA: Oh, Félix. ¿Por qué llamas tan temprano?
FÉLIX: ¿Temprano?
JIMENA: ¿Qué hora es?
FÉLIX: Son las doce de la tarde.
JIMENA: Bueno. Acá son las cinco de la mañana.
JIMENA: Hello?
FÉLIX: Hi, Jimena! It's Félix. How are ya'?
JIMENA: Oh, Félix. Why are you calling so early?
FÉLIX: Early?
JIMENA: What time is it?
FÉLIX: It's twelve in the afternoon.
JIMENA: Well, here it's five in the morning.
Allan: Well, time zones are definitely something to get used to.
Lizzie: I make this mistake sometimes calling my friends without realizing what time it is where they are.
Allan: Hey, it’s an honest mistake. It must happen all the time.
Lizzie: More than I would like.
Allan: Ok, speaking of time, it's time to move to the vocab, here we are going to break down these words syllable by syllable, so that you can hear exactly how each word sounds.
Lizzie: Vamos!
Allan: Ok, so let’s begin with.
Lizzie: aló
Allan: “Hello” on a telephone.
Lizzie: aló, aló
Allan: Ok, next we’ll hear…
Lizzie: tan
Allan: So, such.
Lizzie: tan, tan
Allan: Then…
Lizzie: temprano
Allan: Early.
Lizzie: temprano, temprano
Allan: Good, next we’ll hear…
Lizzie: ¿Qué hora es?
Allan: What time is it?
Lizzie: ¿Qué hora es?, ¿Qué hora es?
Allan: Ok, now we hear…
Lizzie: de la tarde
Allan: In the afternoon, in the evening.
Lizzie: de la tarde, de la tarde
Allan: Ok, last but not least…
Lizzie: de la mañana
Allan: In the morning.
Lizzie: de la mañana, de la mañana
Allan: Ok, Lizzie, real quick. The pronunciation of the word temprano
Lizzie: temprano
Allan: Right temprano spelled T-E-M-P-R-A-N-O.
Lizzie: temprano
Allan: temprano. Lizzie, when you answer the phone, what do you say?
Lizzie: Aló ¿quién habla?
Allan: “Hello, who is speaking?” The word aló is one of the ways to say “Hello”. But this is only used on the telephone.
Lizzie: Right, you wouldn’t say that one when meeting someone on the street.
Allan: I mean, you could but it will sound a little funny.
Lizzie: In the main, this is a Latin America saying.
Allan: Right, in Spain, people tend to say bueno which figuratively means, ”yes” or even diga which means “speak” or “go ahead”, but we’ll look at those another time. For now, we just want to remember that to say aló when greeting somebody on the phone, and hola when greeting them in person. Ok. Our next word is tan.
Lizzie: Habla tan bien.
Allan: You speak so well.
Lizzie: Allan, what type of word is tan.
Allan: The word tan is an adverb that means “so” or “such”. As an adverb, it’s going to describe the action of the verb.
Lizzie: Right... and here it is used with bien which simply means well, but when we add tan before it, we get so well.
Allan: Well, this is useful because you get to use this word to emphasize or intensify just about any action. Ok, next up, temprano.
Lizzie: Estaremos en casa temprano.
Allan: “We will be home early.” So the word temprano means “early”. We see the root of temporal somewhere in there which lets us know, that this word has a lot to do with time. Lizzie, tell me, are you an early bird? Do you wake up early every day?
Lizzie: I usually wake up early in the morning to gain time, why aren’t you a morning person, Allan, tell us.
Allan: Maybe because I am an evening person, and maybe because I have two young children who have a tendency to climb into our bed at night, Liz. We just don’t just get a good night’s sleep.
Lizzie: And a good way to learn two contrasting words is to remember that temprano or “early| can be contrasted with tarde, or “late|, which is used in our last vocabulary phrase of the day, de la tarde.
Allan: Good leading, Liz. Now what you should give us one more example, please.
Lizzie: Por supuesto. Son las dos de la tarde.
Allan: “It’s two o'clock in the afternoon.” When we use the word de la tarde together, they work as a phrase and mean “in the afternoon”. And when it is a little later on in the day, it means “in the evening”.
Lizzie: Once again, you can compare this to de la mañana or “in the morning”, and de la noche which is at night.
Allan: Notice that in Spanish for all the times of the day, always start off with de la and then adds tarde, mañana or noche that is “morning”, “afternoon”, “evening” or “night”.

Lesson focus

Allan: So Lizzie, you see, it’s never too early for grammar.
Lizzie: Or too late.
Allan: Good so let’s get some in there.
Lizzie: Today, we going have a look at the question ¿Qué hora es? that is “What time it is?”
Allan: A great way to not only practice but ,hey, to meet people.
Lizzie: To ask the question “What time is it?” in Spanish, we say something like “What hour is it?”
Allan: Yeah, this is one of those common phrases that doesn’t lend itself to a direct translation.
Lizzie: We remember that la hora that is “the hour” in Spanish is singular and feminine.
Allan: And because it is singular, which we know by their ending A, the verb ser or “to be” is conjugated in the third person form es, which we translate as “is”. The interrogative adverb Qué has something of both the sense of what and the sense of “which” in it, so how do we answer the question “What time is it?” or “What hour is it?”
Lizzie: Son las 12 de la tarde.
Allan: “It’s 12 in the afternoon.” Now, we have this example from the conversation. Notice how the verb son is in the third person plural, ser, “to be”, this is the “they” form.
Lizzie: So it’s almost like the answer it seems to be saying “they are the 12 of the afternoon” or “they are the 12 hours of the afternoon”.
Allan: In any case, the phrase son las is the main way to answer the question “What time is it?”. This is true for every hour except one o'clock, Lizzie. Show us how it is done.
Lizzie: Es la una de la mañana.
Lizzie: It’s one in the morning. Here the verb es is the third person singular ser, “to be”, which means it corresponds to la una, which is also singular.
Allan: So this is like saying its one hour in the morning. This construction is used for all time expressions from one o’clock and 1.59.
Allan: That’s right. So, Lizzie, how about one more example?
Lizzie: Es la una de la tarde con cuarenta minutos.
Allan: “It’s 1.40 in the afternoon.” This time we see that add minutes to an expression of time, using the phrase con, “with”, we then add the number of minutes, and then word minutos. Placing this after the phrase de la tarde “in the afternoon” or de la mañana “in the morning”. It can only work in this order, es la una de la tarde con cuarenta minutos. “It is one in the afternoon with 40 minutes” or “It’s 1.40 in the afternoon.” Lizzie?
Lizzie: Son las dos de la mañana con quince minutos.
Allan: “It’s 2.15 in the morning. “ Now, we can really see how the word order’s consistent in these expressions.


Allan: Well, Lizzie, speaking of time, it’s about that time, and till next time.
Lizzie: Hasta la proxima.
Allan: Chao!


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