
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Lizzie: Buenos días, soy Lizzie.
Alan: Alan here.
Lizzie: Beginner Series Lesson number 15.
Alan: Mathematics 3, Multiplication. Hey, everybody, welcome back to SpanishPod101. We're coming to you from Lima, Peru, on the Pacific Coast.
Lizzie: Hello, Alan. Hello, friends. It is a privilege to me to be in a new lesson with you.
Alan: And here we are, Lizzie, already at the 15th lesson of the Beginner Series, Number 15. Can you believe it?
Lizzie: Oh yes, I think we're gaining momentum.
Alan: I couldn't agree more and I think our students are too.
Lizzie: How do you know?
Alan: Well, the comments left on the lesson and in the forum.
Lizzie: Are they in Spanish or English?
Alan: It's a matter of both, so I know that the students are trying.
Lizzie: That's what counts.
Alan: Guys, you can't improve without making mistakes.
Lizzie: That's why we have calculators.
Alan: Is that your hint that we’re still working with mathematics today?
Lizzie: Very observant, Alan.
Alan: Ok, let’s recap. In Beginner Lesson no. 14, we went deeper into Spanish numbers by looking at a conversation on subtraction.
Lizzie: Today we're going to add onto this by looking at more numbers. This time, when they're being used to multiply.
Alan: So we pick up on the conversation as Professor Puga asks Mariana and Eduardo some multiplication questions. So sink up your iPods, plug-in those headphones, don't forget to download the PDF and turn up the volume. Lesson no. 15 is on its way.
Lizzie: Well, let's get into today's conversation.
PROFESOR PUGA: ¿Quién sabe multiplicar?
EDUARDO: Yo sé, profesor.
PROFESOR PUGA: Ok. ¿cuánto son seis por cuatro?
EDUARDO: Es difícil. Seis por cuatro son veinticuatro.
PROFESOR PUGA: ¡Correcto! Ahora, Mariana, ¿cuánto son ocho por dos?
MARIANA: Ocho por dos son dieciseis.
PREFESSOR PUGA: ¡Qué inteligentes son!
PROFESOR PUGA: Who knows how to multiply?
EDUARDO: I know, professor.
PROFESOR PUGA: Ok. How much is six times four?
EDUARDO: It's difficult. Six times four is twenty-four.
PROFESOR PUGA: Right! Now, Mariana, how much is eight times two?
MARIANA: Eight times two is sixteen.
PREFESSOR PUGA: How intelligent you are!
Alan: They are really moving ahead, aren't they? Our dear friends, Mariana and Eduardo.
Lizzie: I think so.
Alan: No wrong answers.
Lizzie: I always thought multiplication tables were a little intimidating.
Alan: I couldn't agree more. But what was the secret? And this is something you can apply to Spanish. Once you memorize them, it stays with you. Ok, friends, onto to the vocab. Here, we're going to break down those words syllable by syllable. So that you can hear exactly how each words sounds.
Lizzie: Vamos!
Alan: Ok! Let’s begin with…
Lizzie: multiplicar
Alan: Multiply.
Lizzie: multiplicar, multiplicar
Alan: Great! Okay, lets listen to…
Lizzie: yo sé
Alan: I know.
Lizzie: yo sé, yo sé
Alan: Very good. Okay, now let’s hear…
Lizzie: por
Alan: Times, for, through.
Lizzie: por, por
Alan: Next we'll hear…
Lizzie: correcto, correcta
Alan: Correct, right.
Lizzie: correcto, correcta. correcto, correcta
Alan: Okay, let’s listen to…
Lizzie: cuánto
Alan: How much, how many.
Lizzie: cuánto, cuánto
Alan: Ok, now let’s finish with…
Lizzie: inteligente
Alan: Intelligent.
Lizzie:inteligente, inteligente
Alan: Alright, Lizzie. Now, before we move on to usage, let’s focus really quickly on the pronunciation.
Lizzie: Muy bien, ¿qué palabra?
Alan: Let’s look at multiplicar
Lizzie: multiplicar
Alan: Now, this is a four syllable words which may seems a little intimidating at first. But with a little practice it’s formed pretty easily.
Lizzie: multiplicar
Alan: Lizzie, show us how this word sounds at normal speed.
Lizzie: multiplicar
Alan: multiplicar I think that explanation worked. Those multi syllable words are fun after a while.
Lizzie: Why?
Alan: Well, because you really begin to feel like Spanish speaker when you can just rattle them off with ease.
Lizzie: I can see why that too would be true.
Alan: Good, because you know the first word is?
Lizzie: multiplicar, again
Alan: As in?
Lizzie: Aprenden a multiplicar en el colegio.
Alan: “They learn to multiply in school.” Now, we covered the pronunciation but translating multiplicar is actually very, very easy. Look how similar it is to its translation to multiply.
Lizzie: But it also means “to augment”, “to grow in number”.
Alan: Exactly. So the verb multiplicar is a regular first conjugation verb and will follow those normal patterns.
Lizzie: That should make it easy to understand.
Alan: I know, I know.
Lizzie: You mean yo sé?
Alan: Off course I did, and that's our next phrase from our vocabulary list.
Lizzie: Yo sé que compraras vino.
Alan: “I know that you'll buy Wine or Pisco.” It depends on what mood they are in. But we've seen yo sé before, haven't we, Lizzie?
Lizzie: Not exactly. In Beginner Lesson 14, we saw that yo no sé means “I don't know”.
Alan: Right. So here we've the other side of the coin.
Lizzie: yo sé
Alan: I know.
Lizzie: Again, the verb stays in the present tense conjugated to the first person to the singular of the verb saber, that is to know. saber is an irregular verb.
Alan: We’ll look at those irregular forms in another lesson.
Lizzie: The next vocabulary word is por.
Alan: Like?
Lizzie: Siete por cuatro son 28.
Alan: Seven times of four is 28.
Lizzie: We saw por in another lesson 6 and 25 as well as beginner lesson 3. Today, we see the preposition por is used to mean times.
Alan: I think an easy way to think about por is as a relative of the word in English "per" as in the phrase “Two tickets per person”. We can see how por make sense as times in multiplications equations.
Lizzie: Correct!
Alan: Correct?
Lizzie: Correcto!
Alan: Lizzie, let’s have a one more example.
Lizzie: Es correcto decir seis por seis sor 36.
Alan: It correct to say six times six is 36.
Lizzie: The word correcto means “correct” or “right”.
Alan: As an adjective, it'll have the singular ending O for masculine.
Lizzie: Correcto.
Alan: And A for feminine.
Lizzie: Correcta.
Alan: And for the plural, OS for the masculine.
Lizzie: Correctos.
Alan: And AS for the feminine.
Lizzie: Correctas. Let’s also remember that the adjective correcto is related to the verb corregir.
Alan: And this means "to correct". I think it’s about time we've more thorough look at the grammar used in lesson.

Lesson focus

Lizzie: Today we're going to look at the word por.
Alan: Which we know means “times” as in equation of mathematics.
Lizzie: In Newbie Lesson 5, we saw por in the expression ¿Por qué?, which means “why” or “for what reason”.
Alan: But por has more uses. Today we're going to focus on por in multiplication. So let’s put this in context. Lizzie, where did we see this in the conversation?
Lizzie: ¿cuánto son seis por cuatro?
Alan: How much is six times four?
Lizzie: So this is what the questions look like.
Alan: First you have the interrogative adverb.
Lizzie: cuánto
Alan: Then the verb…
Lizzie: son
Alan: After the verb, you have the first in amount.
Lizzie: seis
Alan: Then the preposition.
Lizzie: por
Alan: And finally the second amount.
Lizzie: cuatro
Alan: How much is six times four?
Lizzie: ¿cuánto son seis por cuatro? And just like we saw with addition and subtraction, if we want to form this question with other numbers, all we have to do is substitute the numbers and just leave the rest of the sentence as is.
Alan: Lizzie, would you show us how this works, please?
Lizzie: Claro que sí ¿Cuánto son siete por tres?
Alan: How much is seven times three?
Lizzie: We can see that the only elements that have changed here are the numbers. They were seis, cuatro.
Alan: Six and four.
Lizzie: And now Alan they're siete, tres.
Alan: Seven and three.
Lizzie: Ok. Now let’s take a look at how we answer this question.
Alan: Again, taking this in context we help. Lizzie, can you show us where we saw this in the conversation?
Lizzie: Seis por cuatro son veinticuatro.
Alan: Six times of four is 24.
Lizzie: This is what the answers looks like.
Alan: To begin, we've the first amount.
Lizzie: seis
Alan: Then the preposition.
Lizzie: por
Alan: And after the second amount.
Lizzie: cuatro
Alan: Then the verb…
Lizzie: son
Alan: And finally the product.
Lizzie: veinticuatro
Alan: Six times four is 24.
Lizzie: Seis por cuatro son veinticuatro.
Alan: We can think about the word "per" to help us to understand por. For example, “two days per week” is another way of saying “two days times one week.
Lizzie: It is precisely this sense that por has in this context.


Alan: Okay friends, this is the end of today's lesson.
Lizzie: This is a good combination - mathematics and language.
Alan: You know, Lizzie, we’ve done addition, subtraction, multiplication. Why is it that I have this nagging suspicion that next time we're going to study division?
Lizzie: I don't think that would be an unsafe assumption.
Alan: Well, mathematics is all about logic, isn’t it? So, guys, you know that the Learning Center has information on all of these.
Lizzie: Just click and improve your learning.
Alan: Okay, friends, see you soon.
Lizzie: Nos vemos pronto, chao!
Alan: Chao!


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Dialogue - Bilingual

