Lesson Transcript

Hello and welcome back my beautiful friends from SpanishPod101.com.
My name is Diego.
And I’m Efraín.
And today, we have a very special video for you guys because today, we’re gonna talk about “emotions” and also “sickness.” Well, not about all those words, but how we call them in Mexico because we have a special way for calling them, so I hope that you enjoy this video.
Okay guys, so, as you know, obviously sickness and emotions are around the world and even though there is, like a general way for calling them, in Mexico, we have adapted and generalized some specific ways for calling certain emotions which, in other words, will be very difficult to convey. So, in this video, you are going to learn some of these expressions. Now, this is the first part of the, the words about “emotions” and “sickness.” So well, let’s get started!
Well, the first one is mal de ojo.
And it is the belief that if someone wishes to do something bad, he or she could provoke a sickness, not only for persons but also plants and animals, even babies, okay?
So, for example:
Diego, soñe que tenia un hijo y una señora se le quedaba viendo. Creo que le echó mal de ojo porque al final del sueño mi hijo se moría.
Rayos, qué enfer… Qué mal, muy feo.
Okay, so the next one is mal del puerco.
And mal del puerco actually means when you eat a lot and your stomach starts working so fast and you start to feel kind of dizzy, also, sleepy because of that.
So, for example:
Efraín, hace rato comí un pozole enorme, pero tenemos que descansar, estoy muy, muy cansado me dio mal del puerco.
Oh traes mal del puerco, odio eso.
Okay, the next one is estar empachado, and it is when you feel a headache or stomachache and you just eat, you just ate, okay? It happens when you just ate and you can notice I just ate and I feel, I’m estoy empachado. Por que siento que estoy inflamado y ya estoy sobándome, pero no se me baja la panza.
Okay, next one.
Solamente estás gordo, no empachado.
Okay guys, so the next one is desguanzado.
And I like this expression a lot. Desguanzado is basically when you don’t feel like doing anything, you feel kind of without motivation and you feel, also kind of tired, like sleepy, especially because you have done so many activities.
So, for example:
Efra, no he dormido bien, y hemos grabado videos todo el día. Estoy desguanzado.
Rayos, entiendo lo que se siente.
A similar one is achicopalado.
And this goes when you feel disheartened, when you have not any strength at all, when you are disappointed, okay, when you do want to do anything. That’s when you say estoy achicopalado.
Yeah, that’s right. Well, a similar one would , in this case, estar, some, some people say estar chipil, but so many people say as well, estar chipi, and what is that?
So, estar chipil or estar chipi is basically, especially for spoiled people, spoiled children as well. So, it’s, it’s when you feel the need to call everyone’s attention and you do whatever it takes, right? Like you start to act aggressive, but then you are feeling sad and then you just want to cry. Basically, it’s someone who just needs a hug and, like a, a bit of affection.
So like, for example:
¿Qué tienes?
Nada, déjame en paz. No es cierto, ando chipi, abrázame.
Te entiendo, te entiendo.
The next one is ñáñaras.
And this goes especially when you’re frightened of some, of something and you feel goosebumps.
Goosebumps, yeah.
Yeah! And you feel goosebumps.
For example:
No manches Diego, el otro día en la cámara de seguridad de tu casa vi un fantasma. Oh senti ñañaras por todo el cuerpo, me dan ñañaras esas cosas.
Pero en mi casa no tengo cámaras de seguridad.
Okay, guys. Well, the last one is dolor de caballo.
Have you ever felt a pain below your ribs after eating a lot or drinking a lot and then working out or doing sort of exercise? Well, that’s what we call dolor de caballo, so it’s the pain right here, below your ribs, dolor de caballo.
Okay, now we’re going to see a sketch with these expressions and let’s see if you understand them, okay?
Yeah, sure. Let’s go!
Wow, no puedo creerlo. Rompiste tu record. 100 metros en tan sólo 12 segundos.
¡Vaya!, eso está demasiado bien pero ahora traigo el dolor del caballo.
Pues claro, comiste demasiado,además creo que todavía sigues empachado.
Pero no eso eso, últimamente me he sentido muy desguanzado por las tardes,no tengo ganas de hacer nada, creo que ahora sí me voy a enfermar.
Patrañas no creo que sea nada de eso, mas bien yo creo que alguien te hizo mal de ojo, ¿a quién le hiciste tanto daño?
¿Qué? Yo no tengo mal de ojo Diego, creo que es algo más emocional, quizá sea porque estoy triste, tú ya sabes por qué.
Hey vamos, no te me achicopales, mira, recuerda que el tiempo lo cura todo. Mira ya sé, porqué no vamos adentro comemos un poco de helado y después vamos al aracnario hay una exhibición temporal de tarántulas azules. ¡¿Qué?!
Diego comí demasiado y todavía quieres un helado de postre, no manches, me va a dar mal del puerco, me voy a quedar dormido y no vamos a ir a ningún lado, además, me dan ñañaras las arañas. ¿Azules? Nunca he visto azules, ¡qué rayos!
Tienes razón lo había olvidado, lo siento.
No, ¡déjame!
Oh está bien, te pones de insoportable cuando andas chipil.
That’s it for today friends of SpanishPod101.com. We are glad that you watched us and please leave your comments down below. We will read them. Maybe, we will, we won’t reply to them, to all of them, but we will read them, okay? Please share this video with other learners and see you in the next video.
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Yeah! ¡Hasta luego!

