
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Anna: Hola soy Anna.
Eric: Eric here! Which Spanish Movie Should You Watch?
Anna: In this lesson, you'll learn how to use the demonstrative adjectives esta and este.
Eric: The conversation takes place at home in the evening.
Anna: And it’s between Mioko and Camila. They're renting a movie from an online service.
Eric: The speakers are friends, so they're speaking casually.
Anna:Let's listen to the conversation.
Mioko: ¿Alquilamos esta película?
Camila: (mirándola) ¿Ésta? Es un poco larga, ¿no?
Mioko: (mostrándole otra película) Mmmm, ¿y qué tal esta otra?
Camila: ¡Vale! Ésta parece muy divertida.
Eric: Now let's listen to the same conversation at a slow speed.
Mioko: ¿Alquilamos esta película?
Camila: (mirándola) ¿Ésta? Es un poco larga, ¿no?
Mioko: (mostrándole otra película) Mmmm, ¿y qué tal esta otra?
Camila: ¡Vale! Ésta parece muy divertida.
Eric: Let's now listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Mioko: ¿Alquilamos esta película?
Mioko: Shall we rent this movie?
Camila: (mirándola) ¿Ésta? Es un poco larga, ¿no?
Camila: (looking at it) This one? It seems a bit long, doesn't it?
Mioko: (mostrándole otra película) Mmmm, ¿y qué tal esta otra?
Mioko: (showing her another movie) Hmm, how about this one?
Camila: ¡Vale! Ésta parece muy divertida.
Camila: Okay! This one looks funny!
Eric: The Spanish cinema is not very popular around the world, but it does have some very popular movie directors, actresses, and actors.
Anna: That's right. The most popular Spanish movie director is Pedro Almodóvar. He's not only very popular in Spain but also around the world, especially after winning two Academy Awards for Hable con ella and Volver.
Eric: And as far as actors and actresses, the most popular is Javier Bardem, who has starred in a large number of movies in Spain, the United States, and South America.
Anna: And he also won an Oscar as the best supporting actor for the movie No Country for Old Men.
Eric: However, apart from those two artists, Spain has had little success outside its borders.
Anna: Yes, that's true. Now let's take a look at the vocabulary.
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Anna: alquilar
Eric: to rent
Anna: alquilar [slowly]
Anna: alquilar
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: esto, este, esta
Eric: this, adjective
Anna: esto, este, esta
Anna: esto, este, esta
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: esto, éste, ésta
Eric: this, pronoun
Anna: esto, éste, ésta [slowly]
Anna: esto, éste, ésta
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: mirar
Eric: to look
Anna: mirar [slowly]
Anna: mirar
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: mostrar
Eric: to show
Anna: mostrar [slowly]
Anna: mostrar
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: largo, larga
Eric: long
Anna: largo, larga [slowly]
Anna: largo, larga
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: un poco
Eric: a little
Anna: un poco [slowly]
Anna: un poco
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: otro, otra
Eric: other, another, else
Anna: otro, otra [slowly]
Anna: otro, otra
Eric: And last..
Anna: película
Eric: movie, film
Anna: película [slowly]
Anna: película
Eric: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Anna: The first word we'll look at is alquilar, which means "to rent" or "to hire."
Eric: This verb is from the Spanish regular -ar ending group. Also, it's a transitive verb, which means that it needs an object or that something "has to be rented."
Anna: We have a conjugation chart in the lesson notes for you to refer to if you need it. An example sentence would be something like, Él alquila una película los fines de semana, which means, "He rents a movie on weekends."
Eric: Our next word is...
Anna: Largo. Largo is an adjective used to describe "physical length" or "duration." Its translation to English is "long."
Eric: As an adjective, it always has to agree in number and gender with the noun it modifies.
Anna: An example sentence of this would be, El viaje es muy largo, which translates as, "The trip is very long."
Eric: The next word we'll look at is...
Anna: Otra. Otra is another adjective, but this one refers to an additional person or thing of the same type as one already mentioned; in other words, another one.
Eric: And that's exactly how we translate it – "other" or "another." Could you give us an example?
Anna: Sure! You could say something like, Dame otro lápiz, which means "Give me another pencil."
Eric: The last word we want to look at is...
Anna: Poco.
Eric: Which means?
Anna: Poco has a few meanings. It can be an adjective indicating a "small quantity" of something, as in, Hay poco pan, which means, "There’s a little amount of bread."
Eric: What's another meaning?
Anna: Well, poco can also serve as an adverb of quantity. So, that would be something like, Trabajé un poco, which means, "I worked a little bit."
Eric: Okay, now let's move on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Eric: The focus of this lesson is the demonstrative adjective "this."
Anna: In the dialogue, we heard the phrase, ¿Alquilamos esta película?
Eric: Which we translated as, "Shall we rent this movie?"
Anna: So, in this lesson, we'll focus on the demonstrative adjective "this," which in Spanish has two forms. The masculine form is este and the feminine form is esta.
Eric: Like in English, the Spanish demonstrative adjective refers to a specific item and also where it is in relation to the speaker.
Anna: So, the demonstrative adjectives in Spanish, like all other adjectives, have to agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify. That gives us a lot of demonstrative adjectives. But in this lesson we'll focus on "this," or este and esta.
Eric: Now, these two words refer to something near the speaker. As we can see in the dialogue, Marcos says...
Anna: ¿Alquilamos esta película?, which translates as "Shall we rent this movie?"
Eric: And it refers to the movie he's already got.
Anna: That's right. But the words este and esta not only refer to distance – they can also refer to time. For example, este año which means "this year" and refers to the year that's closest or the year we're living in.
Eric: In English, to show that something is close, we use just the demonstrative adjective "this," but in Spanish we have two versions.
Anna: The masculine este and the feminine esta. Some examples of this would be este suéter, which means "this sweater," and esta libreta, which means "this notebook."
Eric: Okay, so how would you say, "This calculator?"
Anna: Esta calculadora.
Eric: Okay. So you just need to be careful to make sure that the gender of the noun and the gender of the adjective match.
Anna: That's right. It's very jarring to a native Spanish speaker to hear mismatched grammatical gender.
Eric: Alright, before we go, let’s give the answer from the previous lesson’s homework.
Anna: Okay, here’s the answer to the tarea. Here’s the present continuous form in the first person singular of these verbs: correr is, Yo estoy corriendo; limpiar is, Yo estoy limpiando; and vender is, Yo estoy vendiendo.
Eric: This week’s homework will be to identify which of the following sentences is incorrect. The English doesn’t match its Spanish version.
Anna: 1) Este edificio es muy alto. “This building is really tall.”
2) Ése me gusta mucho. “This one I like a lot.”
3) Esta mañana me desperté temprano. “This morning I woke up early.”


Eric: Well that just about does it for this lesson. Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you next time. Bye!
Anna: ¡Hasta luego!

