
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Anna: Hola soy Anna.
Eric: Eric here! What Are You Doing Right Now in Spain?
Anna: In this lesson, we'll finish studying the present simple tense for Spanish regular verbs, with the –ir ending.
Eric: The conversation takes place at home in the late afternoon.
Anna: And it’s between Paula and Camila.
Eric: The speakers are roommates, so they'll be speaking casually.
Anna: Let's listen to the conversation.
Paula: ¿Qué haces?
Camila: Escribo una carta a Mioko.
Paula: ¿Mioko? ¿De dónde es?
Camila: Es japonesa y vive en Osaka.
Eric: Now let's listen to the same conversation at a slow speed.
Paula: ¿Qué haces?
Camila: Escribo una carta a Mioko.
Paula: ¿Mioko? ¿De dónde es?
Camila: Es japonesa y vive en Osaka.
Eric: Let's now listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Paula: ¿Qué haces?
Paula: What are you doing?
Camila: Escribo una carta a Mioko.
Camila: I'm writing a letter to Mioko.
Paula: ¿Mioko? ¿De dónde es?
Paula: Mioko? Where’s she from?
Camila: Es japonesa y vive en Osaka.
Camila: She's Japanese. She lives in Osaka.
Anna: Spain is one of those countries where people seem to work more hours than they do in the United States. But, to be precise, while people spend more hours outside of their home, they still only have an eight-hour work day.
Eric: That's right. For example, office and shop schedules are quite long. In an office, people work from nine am to two pm, take a two-hour lunch break, and then work from four to seven pm.
Anna: In other countries, the work schedule is about eight hours in a row with a little break for lunch. But, in Spain, the normal break for lunch is much longer. This is a tradition from many years ago that companies in Spain still maintain.
Eric: Alright, now let's move on to the vocabulary.
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Anna: venir
Eric: to come
Anna: venir [slowly]
Anna: venir
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: escribir
Eric: to write
Anna: escribir
Anna: escribir
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: carta
Eric: letter
Anna: carta [slowly]
Anna: carta
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: japonés, japonesa
Eric: Japanese
Anna: japonés, japonesa [slowly]
Anna: japonés, japonesa
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: hacer
Eric: to do
Anna: hacer [slowly]
Anna: hacer
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: vivir
Eric: to live
Anna: vivir [slowly]
Anna: vivir
Eric: Next we have..
Anna: en
Eric: in
Anna: en [slowly]
Anna: en
Eric: And last..
Anna: a
Eric: to, at
Anna: a [slowly]
Anna: a
Eric: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Anna: The first word we'll look at is escribir, which means "to write."
Eric: This word is a regular -ir verb, or a verb that ends in -ir. Could you give us an example?
Anna: Sure! You could say Yo escribo una carta, which means "I write a letter."
Eric: What's our next word?
Anna: The next word we'll look at is vivir, which means "to live." This is also a regular -ir verb.
Eric: Okay, so how do we say, "I live in Boston?”
Anna: Vivo en Boston.
Eric: And, "They live in Germany?"
Anna: Ellos viven en Alemania.
Eric: Cool. Our next word is a preposition, right?
Anna: Yes, and this word is a, and the preposition a shows direction and indicates a final destination.
Eric: So, most of the time this translates as "to." Could you give us some examples?
Anna: You could say, for example, Voy a España, which means "I'm going to Spain." Or Ve al supermercado, which means "Go to the supermarket."
Eric: Our last word is also a preposition, isn't it?
Anna: Yes. That preposition is en, and it’s a little difficult to translate because, depending on the situation, it could mean "on," "in," or even "at."
Eric: So, for example, for "It's on the table," you’d say...
Anna: Está en la mesa.
Eric: But for "I live in Barcelona," you’d say?
Anna: Vivo en Barcelona.
Eric: Okay. Now let's take a look at the grammar point.

Lesson focus

Eric: The focus of this lesson is the use of the present simple tense with -ir ending verbs.
Anna: In the dialogue, we heard the phrase, Escribo una carta a Mioko.
Eric: Which we translated as, "I'm writing a letter to Mioko."
Anna: In Lessons 10 and 11, we saw the "present simple" tense and looked at when and how to use it with the -ar and -er ending regular verbs.
Eric: In this lesson, we'll learn about the last kind of regular verbs, the ones ending in -ir. It’ll be very similar to what we saw in the last two lessons.
Anna: Just to reiterate what we learned in the previous lessons, regular verbs have rules of conjugation. That means they'll always be conjugated in certain ways depending on the tense and the ending of the verb.
Eric: That's right. The conjugations always follow those rules. So, let's look at the verb "to write."
Anna: Okay. That would be escribir in Spanish. Escribir is an -ir verb, and it's regular, which means it’ll follow the rules. So, the stem stays the same, and the ending changes.
Eric: In the first person singular present tense, the -ir would change to -o and you would get...
Anna: Escribo, which means "I write."
Eric: Can you give us another conjugation of the same verb in the present tense?
Anna: Well, you could say, escribimos which means "we write," or escriben which means "they write."
Eric: How about another verb?
Anna: Okay, let's look at vivir which means "to live." Here, viv is the stem, and -ir is the ending.
Eric: So, how would you say, "You live?"
Anna: Tú vives.
Eric: And, "You all live?"
Anna: Vosotros vivís.
Eric: As with Lessons 10 and 11, be sure to take a look at the lesson notes here. They really do help with verb conjugation.
Anna: Just for good measure, let's take a look at five more -ir verbs.
Eric: Okay. How about "to open?"
Anna: Abrir.
Eric: And "to cover?"
Anna: Cubrir.
Eric: "To discover?"
Anna: Descubrir.
Eric: "To go up?"
Anna: Subir.
Eric: And last, "to omit?"
Anna: Omitir.
Eric: Okay, now before we go, let’s go over the answer from the previous lesson’s homework.
Anna: So, in the tarea, the verb responder conjugated in the present simple tense is yo respondo, tú respondes, usted responde, él/ella responde, nosotros respondemos, vosotros respondéis, ustedes responden, ellos/ellas responden.
Eric: And this week we’ll ask you to conjugate an -ir verb
Anna: The verb omitir.


Eric: Well, that does it for this lesson. Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you next time.
Anna: ¡Hasta luego!

