
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Alisha: Hi everybody, this is Alisha.
Fernando: Hola amigos, yo soy Fernando.
Alisha: Exchanging Gifts in Mexico. In this lesson you will learn how to exchange gifts and say who something belongs to using Spanish.
Fernando: This conversation takes place at the park.
Alisha: And it is between a student, Ashley, and her friend María.
Fernando: The speakers are friends, so they will be using casual Spanish.
Alisha: Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Ashley María, un regalito para ti.
Maria: ¿Para mí? ¡Guau! ¿Qué es?
Ashley Es una réplica del Golden Gate.
Maria: ¡Qué padre, gracias!
Alisha: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Ashley María, un regalito para ti.
Maria: ¿Para mí? ¡Guau! ¿Qué es?
Ashley Es una réplica del Golden Gate.
Maria: ¡Qué padre, gracias!
Alisha: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Ashley María, un regalito para ti.
: Maria, a little present for you.
Maria: ¿Para mí? ¡Guau! ¿Qué es?
: For me? Wow! What is it?
Ashley Es una réplica del Golden Gate Bridge.
: It's a replica of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Maria: ¡Qué padre, gracias!
: Awesome! Thanks!
Alisha: Okay Fernando, let’s talk about giving presents in Mexico. How often do Mexican people give each other presents?
Fernando: Many times during the year - Christmas, birthdays...
Alisha: And if I’m staying at somebody’s house?
Fernando: Yes! Or if you’re visiting for dinner.
Alisha: How should I behave if someone gives me a present?
Fernando: It’s polite to open it on the spot, don’t save it for later.
Alisha: And if I want to give someone a present? What could I say when I give it to them?
Fernando: “Te traje un regalito”.
Alisha: I brought you a little present?
Fernando: Yes, but we’ll study that more later on in this lesson.
Alisha: Ok great! Let’s do our vocabulary.
: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Fernando: regalo [natural native speed]
: gift, present
Fernando: regalo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: regalo [natural native speed]
: Next:
Alisha: para [natural native speed]
: for, in order to
Alisha: para [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Alisha: para [natural native speed]
: Next:
Fernando: tí [natural native speed]
: you
Fernando: tí [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: tí [natural native speed]
: Next:
Alisha: mí [natural native speed]
: me
Alisha: mí [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Alisha: mí [natural native speed]
: Next:
Fernando: guau [natural native speed]
: wow
Fernando: guau [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: guau [natural native speed]
: Next:
Alisha: réplica [natural native speed]
: replica
Alisha: réplica [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Alisha: réplica [natural native speed]
: Next:
Fernando: del [natural native speed]
: of the
Fernando: del[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: del [natural native speed]
: Next:
Alisha: padre [natural native speed]
: great, fantastic, cool (slang)
Alisha: padre [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Alisha: padre [natural native speed]
Alisha: : Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
The first phrase we’ll look at is....
Fernando: ¡Qué padre!
Alisha: An expression of approval that can be translated as “fantastic!” or “great!”
Fernando: Please note that this is very much Mexican slang.
Alisha: So it’s not used outside of Mexico?
Fernando: I don’t think so!
Alisha: By the way, doesn’t ‘padre’, mean father?
Fernando: It does.
Alisha: So... what’s the connection?
Fernando: Hmm, I don’t know really, but we use it all across Mexico.
Alisha: Ok, everyone, repeat after Fernando -how great, or how cool!
Fernando: ¡Qué padre! (give time...)
Alisha: What else are we looking at?
Fernando: Let’s take a look at this sentence. When María asks “what is it?” Ashley responds - ‘es una réplica del Golden Gate Bridge.’
Alisha: It’s a replica of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Fernando: So the word I want to emphasize here is ‘del’
Alisha: Isn’t this a combination of two words?
Fernando: Yes, ‘del’ is actually a contraction of ‘de’ and ‘el’. Remember that ‘De’ means “of”, and ‘el’ is the article “the”.
Alisha: By combining them, it becomes a lot easier to say, right?
Fernando: Yes. Let’s see another example. For example “the boy’s book.” The full phrase would be ‘El libro de el muchacho’
Alisha: And here, ‘de’ and ‘el’ combine?
Fernando: Right, always. So this would be ‘El libro del muchacho.’
Alisha: Please repeat.
Fernando: El libro del muchacho. [pause]
Alisha: Alright, let’s go to our grammar.

Lesson focus

Alisha: The focus of this lesson is the use of prepositional pronouns for giving or receiving something.
Fernando: Para mí – para ti.
Alisha: For me – for you.
Fernando: Repeat after me - ‘para mí’ [pause] ‘para ti’ [pause].
Alisha: In the dialogue, Ashley pulls out a present from her bag and says...
Fernando: Un regalito para ti.
Alisha: So the key phrase here is...
Fernando: ‘Para ti’. “For you”.
Alisha: So build a full sentence using this. For example, say - “This present is for you.”
Fernando: Repeat after me - ‘Este regalo es para ti’ (give time...)
Alisha: Let’s break it down.
Fernando: ‘Este’ means “this”. ‘Regalo’ means “present”.
Alisha: And ‘es’ is the verb, right?
Fernando: Yes, meaning “is”. Then we have the phrase we just learned. ‘Para ti’, “for you”.
Alisha: Okay, let’s try changing the subject now. How about... “This present is for her.”
Fernando: Repeat after me - ‘este regalo es para ella.’
Alisha: So we went from using “you” to “her”. What are all the personal pronouns we can use?
Fernando: para mi (for me), para ti (for you), para él (for him), para ella (for her).
Alisha: Okay everyone, please repeat.
Fernando: Para mí [pause] para ti ([pause], para él [pause], para ella [pause]
Alisha: What about the respectful form of “you”?
Fernando: Oh yes, I almost forgot. That would be, ‘para usted.’
Alisha: Let’s do more full sentences now. Repeat after Fernando - “This is for me.”
Fernando: Esto es para mi [pause]
Alisha: The book is for you.
Fernando: El libro es para ti [pause]
Alisha: The doll is for her.
Fernando: La muñeca es para ella ([pause]
Alisha: The water is for You (respectful form)
Fernando: El agua es para usted ([pause]
Alisha: Okay, let’s look at the examples in the dialogue before we go.
Fernando: Ashley says to Maria, ‘María, un regalito para ti.’
Alisha: Maria, a little present for you.
Fernando: And Maria responds, para mi? ‘¡Guau! ¿Qué es?’
Alisha: For me? Wow, what is it?


Alisha: Okay.
Fernando: Be sure to check the lesson notes for extra information.
Alisha: and with that, we’re done with this lesson! Thanks for listening, and be sure to tune in next time!
Fernando: Hasta luego!

