
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Alisha: Hi everybody, this is Alisha.
Fernando: Hola amigos, soy Fernando.
Alisha: Welcome back to SpanishPod101.com. Making an Appointment in Mexico.
Fernando: In this lesson you’ll learn how to make plans and schedule activities with friends using Spanish.
Alisha: This conversation is between Ashley and her friend Jorge and takes place during a car ride in Mexico City.
Fernando: The speakers already know each other, so they will be using casual Spanish.
Alisha: Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Alisha: Buenas noches, Jorge, ¿a qué hora nos vemos mañana?
Jorge: A las diez, ¿está bien?
Alisha: Sí, está bien.
Jorge: Ok, hasta mañana.
Alisha: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Alisha: Buenas noches, Jorge, ¿a qué hora nos vemos mañana?
Jorge: A las diez, ¿está bien?
Alisha: Sí, está bien.
Jorge: Ok, hasta mañana.
Alisha: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Alisha: Buenas noches, Jorge, ¿a qué hora nos vemos mañana?
Good night, Jorge, what time shall we meet tomorrow?
Jorge: A las diez, ¿está bien?
At ten o'clock, is that ok?
Alisha: Sí, está bien.
Sure, that's fine.
Jorge: Ok, hasta mañana.
Ok, see you tomorrow.
Alisha: So the conversation starts with Ashley saying “good night”.
Fernando: Buenas noches.
Alisha: It was interesting because I think in English, good night is something you’d say as the last thing before you part ways.
Fernando: Yes, in that way, this phrase is a little different in Spanish. It works as a greeting too.
Alisha: So, for example, if you see someone at nighttime, and want to say hi, you could say “good night?”
Fernando: Right! ‘Buenas noches’. It’d be like saying “good evening” in English.
Alisha: Ohh okay, that makes sense! Can you remind us again when we use the different greetings?
Fernando: Sure, we say ‘buenos días’ until about 11 or 12 o’clock, ‘buenas tardes’ until 7 or 8, and ‘buenas noches’ until we go home.
Alisha: Okay, sounds good! Now it’s time for the vocab.
Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Fernando: buenas noches [natural native speed]
good night
Fernando: buenas noches [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: buenas noches [natural native speed]
Fernando: a [natural native speed]
to, at
Fernando: a [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: a [natural native speed]
Alisha: qué [natural native speed]
Alisha: qué [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Alisha: qué [natural native speed]
Fernando: hora [natural native speed]
time, hour
Fernando: hora [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: hora [natural native speed]
Alisha: verse [natural native speed]
to see each other, to meet
Alisha: verse [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Alisha: verse [natural native speed]
Fernando: mañana [natural native speed]
tomorrow, morning
Fernando: mañana [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: mañana [natural native speed]
Alisha: diez [natural native speed]
Alisha: diez [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Alisha: diez [natural native speed]
Fernando: bien [natural native speed]
Fernando: bien [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: bien [natural native speed]
Alisha: hasta [natural native speed]
until, up to
Alisha: hasta [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Alisha: hasta [natural native speed]
Alisha Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase we’ll look at is....
Fernando: “nos vemos”.
Alisha: Can you explain this please?
Fernando: Ok. Ashley was trying to set a time to meet Jorge the next day, so she said ‘nos vemos’. Actually she said, ‘nos vemos mañana.’
Alisha: Let’s meet tomorrow.
Fernando: Repeat after me- ‘nos vemos mañana’ [pause]
Alisha: What is the root verb of ‘vemos’?
Fernando: ‘Ver’ meaning “to see”. So ‘nos vemos’ actually means “we see each other”.
Alisha: ‘Nos’ means we?
Fernando: That’s right, we will study that in future lessons.
Alisha: Ok. Is there anything else we can say instead of “see you tomorrow”? Like, “see you later”?
Fernando: Sure, that would be - ‘Nos vemos después’. “We’ll meet later”, or “let’s meet later”.
Alisha: Ok, and our next phrase is...
Fernando: Hasta mañana.
Alisha: See you tomorrow.
Fernando: Repeat after me - ‘hasta mañana’ [pause]
Alisha: So ‘hasta’ means “see you”?
Fernando: Not really. ‘Hasta’ literally means “until”, but the entire phrase has the meaning of “see you later”.
Alisha: Is it okay to say this just casually every time we part ways with somebody?
Fernando: Well, only if you’re actually planning to meet them the next day.
Alisha: So if we are unsure if we’re meeting the next day, what should we say?
Fernando: ‘Nos vemos pronto’, which is “see you soon”, or simply “nos vemos...”
Alisha: Everyone, please repeat.
Fernando: Nos vemos pronto [pause]
Nos vemos... [pause]
Alisha: Ok, time to move onto the grammar.

Lesson focus

Alisha: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to make appointments.
Fernando: Yes, and in order to do this, we need to review a key expression.
Alisha: At what time.
Fernando: A qué hora.
Alisha: So for example, if you want to say “at what time shall we meet, what would that be?
Fernando: Repeat after me - ‘A qué hora nos vemos’ ([pause]
Fernando: So just remember ‘A qué hora’ plus the action.
Alisha: The action will be in the first person plural form - “we”. So let’s look at some other examples. At what time shall we leave?
Fernando: A qué hora nos vamos?
Alisha: At what time shall we eat?
Fernando: A qué hora comemos?
Alisha: Now, how would we answer this type of question?
Fernando: It’s quite simple. Just repeat the verb, and then say what time. Remember, to say what time something happens, we say ‘a’, and then the time.
Alisha: So if we were to say... “Let’s meet at 10 o’clock”, what would that be?
Fernando: Well, let’s look at the question again. ‘A qué hora nos vemos?’
Alisha: What time shall we meet?
Fernando: So we take the verb - ‘Nos vemos’
Alisha: We’ll meet
Fernando: and then add the time. ‘A las diez.’
Alisha: At 10 o’clock.
Fernando: Nos vemos a las diez.
Alisha: “We’ll meet at 10 o’clock”, or “Let’s meet at 10 o’clock”. Please repeat.
Fernando: Nos vemos a las diez [pause]
Alisha: Let’s try it with some other times. How about, “let’s meet at twelve o’clock.”
Fernando: ‘Nos vemos a las doce.’ Please repeat - ‘Nos vemos a las doce.’ [pause]
Alisha: Let's meet at one o’clock.
Fernando: ‘Nos vemos a la una’. Please repeat - ‘Nos vemos a la una.’ [pause]
Alisha: Let’s look at the examples from the dialogue. Ashley said -
Fernando: a qué hora nos vemos mañana?
Alisha: “What time shall we meet tomorrow?” And Jorge’s answer was...?
Fernando: A las diez, ¿está bien?
Alisha: “At 10, is that okay?” So he didn’t even repeat the verb here.
Fernando: Right, simply saying the time itself is fine too, like in English. ‘A las diez’. “At 10”. And then he follows it with, ‘¿está bien?’
Alisha: Is that okay? That’s a good phrase to include when you’re making plans with someone. Please repeat.
Fernando: ¿está bien? [pause]
Fernando: And then Ashley said ‘Sí, está bien.’
Alisha: “Sure, that’s fine.” Please repeat.
Fernando: Sí, está bien. [pause]
Fernando: And Jorge replied with ‘Ok, hasta mañana.’
Alisha: “Okay, see you tomorrow.” Please repeat -
Fernando: Ok, hasta mañana. [pause]


Alisha: Ok, I think that’s going to do it for today!
Fernando: Thanks for listening!
Alisha: Try making your own sentences in the comment section using what you’ve learned!
Fernando: Yes, and we’ll help you out.
Alisha: Bye everyone!
Fernando: See you next time, listeners. Nos vemos pronto!

