
Vocabulary (Review)

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Javier: Hola soy Javier. Hi I’m Javier.
Jessie: And I’m Jessie - A Spanish shopping spree. In this lesson, you will learn how to ask prices such as
Javier: ¿Cuánto cuesta?
Jessie: And also learn the numbers such as
Javier: Uno, dos, tres. Jessie, where does this conversation take place?
Jessie: This conversation takes place at a bookstore.
Javier: And who is the conversation between?
Jessie: The conversation is between Pedro and the shop assistant in a formal situation.
Javier: Escuchemos la conversación.
Jessie: Let’s listen to the conversation.
1. PEDRO: ¿Cuánto cuesta este libro?
2. VENDEDOR: 15 euros.
3. PEDRO: ¿Y la libreta?
4. VENDEDOR: 5 euros.
5. PEDRO: Vale, compro los dos.
Jessie: Let’s listen to the dialogue one time slowly.
1. PEDRO: ¿Cuánto cuesta este libro?
2. VENDEDOR: 15 euros.
3. PEDRO: ¿Y la libreta?
4. VENDEDOR: 5 euros.
5. PEDRO: Vale, compro los dos.
Jessie: And now with the translation.
1. PEDRO: ¿Cuánto cuesta este libro?
1. PEDRO: How much is this book?
2. VENDEDOR: 15 euros.
2. SHOP ASSISTANT: Fifteen euros.
3. PEDRO: ¿Y la libreta?
3. PEDRO: And the notebook?
4. VENDEDOR: 5 euros.
4. SHOP ASSISTANT: Five euros.
5. PEDRO: Vale, compro los dos.
5. PEDRO: Okay, I'll buy both.
Jessie: Javier, I was wondering, how much did your watch cost?
Javier: Diez mil pesetas. 10,000 pesetas
Jessie: 10,000 pesetas. What is that?
Javier: Pesetas was the currency we had in Spain some years ago.
Jessie: I see but you have the Euro now right since the year 2000 I think?
Javier: Yes at that time, many European countries changed to the Euro.
Jessie: And how many pesetas is one Euro?
Javier: Exchange rate was 166 pesetas to 1 Euro. How about the Euro and the dollar?
Jessie: Let me think. At the beginning, 1 euro was equal to 1.1789 US dollars but recently it changed a lot. Last time I checked, 1 Euro was equal to 1.3405 US dollars and you never know how much it will be tomorrow.
Javier: Yeah you are right, eso es.
Jessie: Umm it always changes. Al right, let’s take a look at the vocab for this lesson.
Jessie: The first word is
Javier: cuánto, cuánta
Jessie: How much, how many
Javier: cu-án-to, cu-án-ta, cuánto, cuánta
Jessie: Next is
Javier: costar
Jessie: To cost
Javier: cos-tar, costar
Jessie: Next is
Javier: este
Jessie: This
Javier: es-te, este
Jessie: Next we have
Javier: libro
Jessie: book
Javier: li-bro, libro
Jessie: Next is
Javier: quince
Jessie: Fifteen
Javier: quin-ce, quince
Jessie: Next up is
Javier: libreta
Jessie: Notebook
Javier: li-bre-ta, libreta
Jessie: Next is
Javier: vale
Jessie: Okay
Javier: va-le, vale
Jessie: Next is
Javier: comprar
Jessie: To buy
Javier: com-prar, comprar
Jessie: Next is
Javier: cinco
Jessie: Five
Javier: cin-co, cinco
Jessie: Next is
Javier: dos
Jessie: Two
Javier: dos, dos
Jessie: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first one we will look at is
Javier: comprar
Jessie: An ar verb that means to buy.
Javier: For example, comprar una camiseta.
Jessie: To buy a T-Shirt.
Javier: Él compra un paragüas.
Jessie: He buys an umbrella. A very useful verb to know. All right, and what’s the next one we will look at?
Javier: cuánto
Jessie: How much? And this is used for uncountable nouns.
Javier: ¿Cuánto vale?
Jessie: How much does it cost? It’s used with things you can’t count like time, water and so on. All right, what’s the last one?
Javier: costar
Jessie: An ar verb meaning to cost. So to ask how much something is, you can say
Javier: ¿cuánto cuesta?
Jessie: How much does it cost and actually the focus of this lesson is asking how much things cost and saying how much things cost. So, let’s take a closer look.
Javier: okay

Lesson focus

Jessie: The focus of this lesson is about asking prices in Spanish and learning the numbers. Let’s see the expression we use to ask for prices. It is
Javier: ¿Cuánto cuesta?
Jessie: How much does it cost? Listeners please repeat.
Javier: ¿Cuánto cuesta?
Jessie: If you want to specify an item, just add it after the phrase.
Javier: Such as, ¿Cuánto cuesta un bolígrafo?
Jessie: How much does a pen cost? Excellent. Now this expression is for asking how much one item is. To ask about two or more items, we have to change the word slightly.
Javier: Yes for example, ¿Cuánto cuestan tres libros?
Jessie: How much does three books cost? So as you can see, we add an N to the end of it to make it plural.
Javier: cuestan
Jessie: Now before we get to how to answer this question, let’s look at how to count in Spanish. I will say the numbers first in English. Xavier will give it to you in Spanish and then it’s your turn to repeat. Are you ready? One
Javier: uno
Jessie: Two
Javier: dos
Jessie: Three
Javier: tres
Jessie: Four
Javier: cuatro
Jessie: Five
Javier: cinco
Jessie: Okay so that’s one through five.
Javier: uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco
Jessie: Now let’s continue. Six
Javier: seis
Jessie: Seven
Javier: siete
Jessie: Eight
Javier: ocho
Jessie: Nine
Javier: nueve
Jessie: Ten
Javier: diez
Jessie: All right. So one more time Xavier, they are.
Javier: seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez.
Jessie: Now can you say one through ten altogether?
Javier: Sure, uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez.
Jessie: Great. Now let’s look at a few higher numbers. We will only look at a few. You could find a more complete list in the lesson notes. Xavier, how do we say twenty?
Javier: veinte
Jessie: How about thirty?
Javier: treinta
Jessie: How about forty?
Javier: cuarenta
Jessie: Okay. I think that’s good for now. We will be using some of these numbers as answers in our examples. Now that we have some numbers, we can answer the question how much does it cost?
Javier: If we are talking about one item, the pattern is - cuesta, plus the number. If we are talking about many items, the pattern is cuestan, plus the number.
Jessie: So the answer it’s €10 would be
Javier: Cuesta diez euros.
Jessie: Alright listeners. Please repeat.
Javier: Cuesta diez euros.
Jessie: That’s the answer if you are talking about one item. If you are talking about many items, you would say
Javier: Cuestan diez euros.
Jessie: Listeners, please repeat.
Javier: Cuestan diez euros.
Jessie: All right. Let’s see one more example.
Javier: ¿Cuánto cuestan ocho camisetas?
Jessie: How much does 5 T-Shirts cost?
Javier: Cuestan veinte euros.
Jessie: They cost €20. Great, now let’s recap. In this lesson, we learnt how to ask how much something is.
Javier: ¿Cuánto cuesta?
Jessie: And we learned how to answer it.
Javier: Cuesta cinco euros.
Jessie: It costs €5.


Jessie: I think that’s all for this lesson.
Javier: Thanks for listening everyone
Jessie: We will see you on the next lesson.
Javier: Hasta pronto
Jessie: Bye
1. PEDRO: ¿Cuánto cuesta este libro?
2. VENDEDOR: 15 euros.
3. PEDRO: ¿Y la libreta?
4. VENDEDOR: 5 euros.
5. PEDRO: Vale, compro los dos.


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