
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Javier: Hola soy Javier. Hi I’m Javier.
Jessie: And I’m Jessie - An awkward Spanish situation. In this lesson, you will learn the different question words in Spanish such as
Javier: quién
Jessie: Who
Javier: qué
Jessie: What
Javier: cuándo
Jessie: And when.
Javier: Where does this conversation take place?
Jessie: This conversation takes place at a university.
Javier: Who is the conversation between?
Jessie: The conversation is between Maria and Pedro.
Javier: Escuchemos la conversación.
Jessie: Let’s listen to the conversation.
1. MARÍA: ¿Cuándo es la fiesta?
2. PEDRO: ¿Fiesta? ¿Qué fiesta?
3. MARÍA: La del cumpleaños de Javi.
4. PEDRO: No lo sé. ¿Quién va?
5. MARÍA: Poca gente.. creo que es una fiesta pequeña.
Jessie: Let’s listen to it one time slowly.
1. MARÍA: ¿Cuándo es la fiesta?
2. PEDRO: ¿Fiesta? ¿Qué fiesta?
3. MARÍA: La del cumpleaños de Javi.
4. PEDRO: No lo sé. ¿Quién va?
5. MARÍA: Poca gente.. creo que es una fiesta pequeña.
Jessie: And now with the translation.
1. MARÍA: ¿Cuándo es la fiesta?
1. MARÍA: When is the party?
2. PEDRO: ¿Fiesta? ¿Qué fiesta?
2. PEDRO: Party? What party?
3. MARÍA: La del cumpleaños de Javi.
3. MARÍA: Javi's birthday party.
4. PEDRO: No lo sé. ¿Quién va?
4. PEDRO: I don't know. Who's going?
5. MARÍA: Poca gente.. creo que es una fiesta pequeña.
5. MARÍA: Only a few people. I think that it's a small party.
Jessie: Javier, fiesta, has more than one meaning right?
Javier: Yes it means party and it also means National Holiday.
Jessie: Okay then let’s talk about some fiestas or national holidays of Spain. What are some famous national holidays in Spain?
Javier: It may not be the most famous but the most important is El día de la Hispanidad.
Jessie: Which is Hispanic Day.
Javier: Yes. It commemorates the anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s first arrival in Americas.
Jessie: Which day is it?
Javier: doce de octubre
Jessie: So October 12. And how about some others?
Javier: Well Spain is a catholic country. So many of our national holidays are related with religion like Navidad.
Jessie: Christmas.
Javier: Día de todos los santos.
Jessie: All Saints' Day.
Javier: Or La Pascua
Jessie: Easter.
Javier: We will have others such as New Year’s Day, Workers Day and so on.
Jessie: For more information on those holidays and when they are, please check out the lesson notes.
Jessie: Okay, Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Jessie: The first word is
Javier: qué
Jessie: What.
Javier: qué, qué
Jessie: Next is
Javier: cuándo
Jessie: When
Javier: cuán-do, cuándo
Jessie: Next we have
Javier: quién
Jessie: Who, whom
Javier: qui-én, quién
Jessie: Next is
Javier: ir
Jessie: To go
Javier: ir, ir
Jessie: Next we have
Javier: saber
Jessie: To know, to know how
Javier: sa-ber, saber
Jessie: Next is
Javier: creer
Jessie: To believe, to think
Javier: cre-er, creer
Jessie: Next is
Javier: gente
Jessie: People
Javier: gen-te, gente
Jessie: Next is
Javier: poco, poca
Jessie: A bit, a little, few rarely.
Javier: po-co, po-ca, poco, poca
Jessie: Let’s take a look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first one we will look at is
Javier: creer
Jessie: An er verb that can be translated as to think or to believe. For example
Javier: Creo que sí
Jessie: I think so.
Javier: Creo que no
Jessie: I don’t think so. It also has the meaning of to believe in something or someone.
Javier: For example, Creo en ti.
Jessie: I believe in you. All right, the next one is
Javier: poco, poca
Jessie: An adjective that indicates a small quantity. It usually translates as few or not enough. As we saw in the dialogue.
Javier: Poca gente.
Jessie: Few people. How about a couple of more examples.
Javier: Hay poco chocolate.
Jessie: There is not enough chocolate.
Javier: The plural forms are pocos and pocas. For example, Hay pocos vasos.
Jessie: There are not enough glasses. Okay and the last one
Javier: gente
Jessie: A feminine noun used to refer to a group of people. It translates just as people.
Javier: La calle está llena de gente.
Jessie: The Street is full of people. Now let’s move on to the Grammar.

Lesson focus

Jessie: In this lesson, you will learn question words in Spanish. Asking questions is the best way to get information about whatever you want to know. Knowing the correct question words and when to use them will help you a lot in Spanish. So let’s take a look at five question words. I will start with the English meaning first. Who
Javier: quién
Jessie: What
Javier: qué
Jessie: When
Javier: cuándo
Jessie: Where
Javier: dónde
Jessie: And why
Javier: por qué
Jessie: Let’s see how they are used.
Javier: quién
Jessie: Who, as in
Javier: ¿Quién eres tú?
Jessie: Who are you? Next is
Javier: qué
Jessie: What, as in
Javier: ¿Qué es eso?
Jessie: What is that? Next is
Javier: cuándo
Jessie: When, as in
Javier: ¿Cuándo es el partido?
Jessie: When is the match? Next.
Javier: dónde
Jessie: Where, as in
Javier: ¿Dónde está la estación?
Jessie: Where is the station? Next.
Javier: por qué
Jessie: Why, as in
Javier: ¿Por qué no vas?
Jessie: Why aren’t you going? Okay great and here is the hint for writing them. When writing them remember that in Spanish, you need a question mark at the beginning and at the end of the sentence.
Javier: Sí, eso es.
Jessie: Also know that all of these words have an accent mark. If you don’t write it, the meaning will change. So make sure to include it. Now let’s practice with some examples. Listeners, listen and repeat. Who is Mario?
Javier: ¿Quién es Mario?
Jessie: What is this?
Javier: ¿Qué es esto?
Jessie: When is the party?
Javier: ¿Cuándo es la fiesta?
Jessie: Where is the hospital?
Javier: ¿Dónde está el hospital?
Jessie: Why do you study Spanish?
Javier: ¿Por qué estudias español?
Jessie: Okay now it’s time to recap this lesson. We learned common question words in Spanish. We will learn some more words and expressions in the next lesson. For now, we have to remember
Javier: quién
Jessie: Who
Javier: qué
Jessie: What
Javier: cuándo
Jessie: When
Javier: dónde
Jessie: Where
Javier: por qué
Jessie: And why.


Jessie: Alright, well that’s all for this lesson.
Javier: Thanks for listening
Jessie: See you all next time.
Javier: Adiós.

