
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Javier: Hola soy Javier. Hi I’m Javier.
Jessie: And I’m Jessie - Getting your junk food fix in Spain. In this lesson, you learn how to say that you want something or that you want to do something.
Javier: Quiero una hamburguesa.
Jessie: I want a Hamburger.
Javier: Where does this conversation take place?
Jessie: This conversation takes place at McDonald’s.
Javier: And who is the conversation between?
Jessie: The conversation is between Harvey and Pedro.
Javier: Escuchemos la conversación.
Jessie: Yes let’s listen to the conversation.
1. PEDRO: ¿Qué quieres comer?
2. JAVI: Mmm, quiero una hamburguesa con queso y patatas.
3. PEDRO: Pues yo quiero sólo una cerveza .
4. JAVI: Ah! Quiero una Coca-cola también!
Jessie: Let’s listen to it one time slowly.
1. PEDRO: ¿Qué quieres comer?
2. JAVI: Mmm, quiero una hamburguesa con queso y patatas.
3. PEDRO: Pues yo quiero sólo una cerveza .
4. JAVI: Ah! Quiero una Coca-cola también!
Jessie: And now with the translation.
1. PEDRO: ¿Qué quieres comer?
1. PEDRO: What do you want to eat?
2. JAVI: Mmm, quiero una hamburguesa con queso y patatas.
2. JUAN: Mmm, I want a cheeseburger and french fries.
3. PEDRO: Pues yo quiero sólo una cerveza .
3. PEDRO: Well, I only want a beer.
4. JAVI: Ah! Quiero una Coca-cola también!
4. JAVI: Ah! And I want a Coke too!
Jessie: Javier, I want to get something straight. If I say - quiero agua, it means I want water right?
Javier: That’s right.
Jessie: But in a movie or something when they say - Te quiero - it literally translates to I want you but it doesn’t mean that right?
Javier: Right. When they say - Te quiero, it means I love you.
Jessie: So the verb querer has two meanings then.
Javier: Yeah, it can be to want or to love depending on the situation. For example, you can say - María te quiero.
Jessie: Maria, I love you.
Javier: Or - María te quiero en mi equipo.
Jessie: Maria, I want you on my team.
Javier: You see, quite different.
Jessie: Ah yes definitely. How about this then? If the verb - querer, means to love, can I use it to say, I love this food.
Javier: Ah no, no, no. The verb to love to mean you really like something is - encantar.
Jessie: So then how would you say I love this food?
Javier: Me encanta esta comida.
Jessie: Thanks Javier. Alright let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Jessie: The first word is
Javier: qué
Jessie: What.
Javier: qué, qué
Jessie: Next is
Javier: querer
Jessie: To want, to love.
Javier: que-rer, querer
Jessie: Next we have
Javier: comer
Jessie: To eat
Javier: co-mer, comer
Jessie: Next up is
Javier: hamburguesa
Jessie: Hamburger
Javier: ham-bur-gue-sa, hamburguesa
Jessie: Next is
Javier: patata
Jessie: Potato
Javier: pa-ta-ta, patata
Jessie: Next is
Javier: pues
Jessie: So, so then
Javier: pu-es, pues
Jessie: Next we have
Javier: sólo
Jessie: Only, just
Javier: só-lo, sólo
Jessie: Next is
Javier: también
Jessie: Also, as well, to
Javier: tam-bién, también
Jessie: Let’s take a look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first one we will see is
Javier: sólo
Jessie: It’s an adverb meaning only or just. Nothing else. No other thing.
Javier: Here is an example - Compra sólo eso.
Jessie: By only that or by just that. It can also be used to express something specific with no other intention as in
Javier: Sólo quiero hablar contigo.
Jessie: I only want to speak with you or I just want to speak with you, and this word can also be an adjective meaning alone – that there is nothing or no one else.
Javier: Estoy solo.
Jessie: I am alone. The next one is
Javier: pues
Jessie: A conjugation commonly used in Spanish meaning then or in that case. In that sense, it has the same meaning as the adverb entonces, and sometimes they are used together to emphasize the meaning. Let’s see how it’s used.
Javier: Ya no llueve
Jessie: It’s not raining any more.
Javier: Pues vamos
Jessie: In that case, let’s go or
Javier: No hay cerveza
Jessie: There is no beer.
Javier: Pues entonces tomaré una coca cola
Jessie: They now have a coke. All right and the last one we will see is
Javier: también
Jessie: This is used to affirm a quality, likeness or relation of one thing with another. It’s translated as also or to. For example
Javier: Si tú comes pizza, yo también.
Jessie: If you eat pizza, I will too. It also means in addition.
Javier: Quiero un lápiz, y también una libreta.
Jessie: I want a pencil and also a notebook. And with that let’s move on to the Grammar Point.

Lesson focus

Jessie: In this lesson, you will learn how to say that you want something or that you want to do something. We will learn how to use the verb - querer, to want in the present simple tense followed by a noun or a verb. This is an irregular verb. So it doesn’t follow the same rules we studied in past lessons. So first, let’s see how to conjugate it in the present simple tense.
Javier: Yo quiero
Jessie: I want.
Javier: Tú quieres
Jessie: You want.
Javier: Él quiere
Jessie: He wants
Javier: Nosotros queremos
Jessie: We want
Javier: Vosotros queréis
Jessie: You all want
Javier: Ellos quieren
Jessie: They want. So when you say that you want something, you just need to conjugate the verb as we just saw and add what you want right.
Javier: Yes be careful to use the right articles too.
Jessie: Alright. Let’s see some examples.
Javier: Yo quiero una naranja.
Jessie: I want an orange.
Javier: Él quiere un videojuego.
Jessie: He wants a video game.
Javier: Nosotros queremos el nuevo iPhone.
Jessie: We want the new iPhone
Javier: Ellos quieren nuevos ordenadores.
Jessie: They want new computers. Okay so as you can see, it’s the verb querer, conjugated followed by the item that’s wanted. Now what if we want to say that we want to do something as in an action.
Javier: You need the verb Querer, and we have to add a verb in the infinitive.
Jessie: So the verb Querer, conjugated plus a verb in the infinitive and then the rest of the sentence.
Javier: Yes.
Jessie: Remember that a verb in the infinitive refers to a verb with its AR, ER or IR ending. Let’s see some examples of that.
Javier: Yo quiero comer en el McDonalds.
Jessie: I want to eat at McDonalds.
Javier: Él quiere leer un libro.
Jessie: He wants to read a book.
Javier: Nosotros queremos comprar el nuevo iPhone.
Jessie: We want to buy the new iPhone. As you see, we conjugate the verb Querer as before and add a verb in the infinitive. Now it’s time to recap this lesson. We studied the verb Querer to say that you want something or that you want to do something such as
Javier: Quiero una coca cola.
Jessie: I want a coke.


Jessie: That’s all for this lesson, leave us a comment and tell us what you want, or what you want to do.
Javier: Thanks for listening as always, muchas gracias, hasta pronto.
Jessie: Bye everyone.

