
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Javier: Hola soy Javier. Hi I’m Javier.
Jessie: And I’m Jessie - Talking Nationalities in Spain. In this lesson you will learn the nationalities and how to say where you are from. Such as, I am Japanese.
Javier: Soy japonés. Where does this conversation take place?
Jessie: This conversation takes place at a language school.
Javier: Who is the conversation between?
Jessie: The conversation is between Aya and Christina. They are two language students studying Spanish IN Barcelona, Spain. This is the first time they meet at school and so they don’t know each other’s nationalities.
Javier: Sounds good.
Jessie: Alright. Let’s listen to the conversation -
1. CHRISTINA: Hola, soy Christina. Soy de Estados Unidos. ¿Y tú?
2. AYA: Yo soy Aya, soy japonesa.
3. CHRISTINA: ¿Eres japonesa? ¿De Tokio?
4. AYA: No, no soy de Tokio. Soy de Osaka. Encantada.
Jessie: Now let’s hear it one time slowly.
1. CHRISTINA: Hola, soy Christina. Soy de Estados Unidos. ¿Y tú?
2. AYA: Yo soy Aya, soy japonesa.
3. CHRISTINA: ¿Eres japonesa? ¿De Tokio?
4. AYA: No, no soy de Tokio. Soy de Osaka. Encantada.
Jessie: Now, with the English translation.
Christina: Hola, soy Christina. Soy de Estados Unidos. ¿Y tú?
1. CHRISTINA: Hello, I'm Christina; I'm from the United States. And you?
Aya: Yo soy Aya, soy japonesa.
2. AYA: I'm Aya. I'm Japanese.
Christina: ¿Eres japonesa? ¿De Tokio?
3. CHRISTINA: You're Japanese? From Tokyo?
Aya: No, no soy de Tokio. Soy de Osaka. Encantada.
4. AYA: No, I'm not from Tokyo, I'm from Osaka. Nice to meet you!
Javier: Jessie, did you know that many languages are spoken in Spain?
Jessie: Really? Is not just Spanish?
Javier: Yes, first there is Catalán a language spoken in Catalonia, in Spain.
Jessie: Ah! I heard of Catalán.
Javier: There is also, Euskara, in Basque country, and Gallego in Galicia.
Jessie: Wow, are they similar or very different from Spanish?
Javie: well, they are latin languages, so the grammar is similar. But there are many difference too.
Jessie: Mm, could you give us some examples?
Javier: Sure, to say “how are you?” in Catalán is - com estàs.
Jessie: Ah! That is really similar to Spanish.
Javier: Yes, in Spanish it is - ¿Cómo estás? So in this case is similar, right?
Jessie: hm!
Javier: But to say ¿Cómo estás? en Euskara, it is - Kaixo, Zer moduz?
Jessie: Wow! That is quite different.
Javier: Yes, Euskara is not a latin language.
Jessie: So we can really see that Spain is a multicultural country with many languages, interesting.
Javier: That is very true.
Jessie: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word is
Javier: japonés, japonesa
Jessie: Japanese.
Javier: ja-po-nés, ja-po-ne-sa, japones, japonesa
Jessie: Next is
Javier: dónde
Jessie: Where
Javier: dón-de, dónde
Jessie: Next is
Javier: ¿y tú?
Jessie: And you
Javier: ¿y tú?, ¿y tú?
Jessie: Next is
Javier: no
Jessie: No
Javier: no, no
Jessie: Next is
Javier: No, soy.
Jessie: I am not.
Javier: No, soy. No, soy.
Jessie: Next we have
Javier: de
Jessie: From, of
Javier: de, de
Jessie: Next is
Javier: Tokio
Jessie: Tokyo.
Javier: To-ki-o, Tokio
Jessie: Next is
Javier: Estados Unidos
Jessie: United States.
Javier: Es-ta-dos U-ni-dos, Estados Unidos
Jessie: Next we have
Javier: encantado, encantada
Jessie: Enchanted, delighted.
Javier: en-can-ta-do, en-can-ta-da, encantado, encantada
Jessie: Next is.
Javier: eres
Jessie: You are.
Javier: eres, eres
Jessie: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first one we will look at is
Javier: Me llamo.
Jessie: I am called. Or, My name is. Right?
Javier: Yes, here is a sample sentence. Hola, me llamo Javier.
Jessie: Hi, my name is Javier. So this is another way to introduce yourself in Spanish.
Javier: Así es, right. For example, Soy Javier o Me llamo Javier. Remember it is not necessary to use the pronoun, yo.
Jessie: Yes, because the verb already says who are we talking about. And what is the next one we will look at.
Javier: ¿Y tú?
Jessie: And you? We use this phrase to ask another person the same question we just answered.
Javier: Sí, me llamo Javier y tú?
Jessie: My name is Javier, and you? And by the way, this phrase is informal. But there is also a formal version of this phrase, right?
Javier: Yes, it is - ¿Y usted? And this is really formal.
Jessie: Ok, can you introduce one more?
Javier: japones o japonesa
Jessie: Japanese, as in the nationality. And this are in their masculine and feminine forms, right?
Javier: Yes, Taro es japonés y Aya es japonesa.
Jessie: Taro is japanese. This one is masculine. And Aya is japanese, and that one is feminine. We will see a bit more about this on the grammar section. So let’s get to it

Lesson focus

Jessie: The focus of this lesson is how to talk about nationalities in Spanish and how to say where you are from.
Javier: Such as - Yo soy español, and Tú eres americana.
Jessie: I am Spanish and you are American. We have to be careful with the difference between masculine and feminine adjectives right?
Javier: For example - Ella es americana.
Jessie: She is American.
Javier: Ella - means “she”. So we used the feminine version- americana.
Jessie: So for he is American, it would be
Javier: Él es americano. Él, means he. And Americano is masculine. So we have Él es americano. But, Ella es americana.
Jessie: So basically if the masculine form ends in O, we can change it to A to make it feminine.
Javier: Así es - That’s right. For some more examples, we have mexicano - mexicana
Jessie: And these both mean Mexican.
Javier: polaco - polaca
Jessie: Polish.
Javier: italiano - italiana
Jessie: Italian. Okay but what about other nationalities that don’t end in a vowel.
Javier: Like Spanish and French?
Jessie: Yes how do those work?
Javier: The masculine version has no vowel and the feminine version just add an A. For example, español and española, and francés and francesa.
Jessie: Ah! I got it. So if the masculine form ends in a consonant, you just need to add a final A to make the feminine form.
Javier: Exacto, so we have, alemán - alemana
Jessie: And these mean German.
Javier: neozelandés - neozelandesa
Jessie: New Zealander
Javier: Or inglés - inglesa
Jessie: And these mean English great. Now how can I say I am Spanish or you are American.
Javier: Remember the last lesson, we learned that - Yo soy - means “I am” and - Tú eres - means “You are”.
Jessie: So we use the same verb to be - ser, when talking about nationality too?
Javier: That’s right. For example, Yo soy español. - I am Spanish and Tú eres americana. - You are American.
Jessie: So instead of our name at the end, we can just put our nationality.
Javier: Right, here are both sentences together - Soy aya, soy japonesa.
Jessie: And this means “I am Aya, I am Japanese.”
Javier: Tú eres Christina, tú eres americana.
Jessie: And this is, “You are Christina, you are American”.
Javier: ¿fácil verdad? - easy right?
Jessie: Alright. Let’s have a listener’s practice. Listeners, listen and repeat. I am Spanish.
Javier: Yo soy español.
Jessie: Alright. Now say it again. I am Spanish... Okay great. Let’s also try the feminine version of I am Spanish.
Javier: Yo soy española.
Jessie: Okay, now let’s try the phrase you are American.
Javier: Tú eres americano.
Jessie: Now say it again, you are American.
Javier: Muy bien.
Jessie: Let’s recap this lesson. How would you introduce yourself and say your nationality?
Javier: Hola, soy Aya soy japonesa.
Jessie: Which is - “Hi, I am Aya. I am Japanese.” and for asking someone else the same question.
Javier: ¿y tú?
Jessie: And you and how would we say this in a formal way?
Javier: ¿Y usted?
Jessie: “And you?” Again this is the formal way to ask someone “And you?“


Jessie: Okay well I think that’s going to be all for this lesson. In the lesson notes, you can find more information on the grammar point and a lot more examples. So be sure to read them.
Javier: Muchas gracias, hasta pronto.
Jessie: Bye everyone.
1. CHRISTINA: Hola, soy Christina. Soy de Estados Unidos. ¿Y tú?
2. AYA: Yo soy Aya, soy japonesa.
3. CHRISTINA: ¿Eres japonesa? ¿De Tokio?
4. AYA: No, no soy de Tokio. Soy de Osaka. Encantada.


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