
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Javier: Hola soy Javier. Hi I’m Javier.
Jessie: Jessie here - A relaxed Spanish approach to exams. In this lesson, you learn how to use the verb - estar, which means to be to express temporary feelings or moods such as I am tired.
Javier: Estoy cansado. Where does this conversation take place?
Jessie: This conversation takes place at a university.
Javier: Who is the conversation between?
Jessie: The conversation is between Harvey, Maria, and Pedro, three university students talking about their next exams.
Javier: Escuchemos la conversación.
Jessie: Let’s listen to the conversation.
1. JAVI: ¿Cómo estáis?
2. MARÍA: No muy bien.. estoy nerviosa por el examen de mañana.
3. PEDRO: Sí, yo también estoy preocupado.
4. JAVI: Pues yo estoy tranquilo, he estudiado mucho.
Jessie: Now let’s listen to it one time slowly.
1. JAVI: ¿Cómo estáis?
2. MARÍA: No muy bien.. estoy nerviosa por el examen de mañana.
3. PEDRO: Sí, yo también estoy preocupado.
4. JAVI: Pues yo estoy tranquilo, he estudiado mucho.
Jessie: And now with the translation.
1. JAVI: ¿Cómo estáis?
1. JAVI: How are you both?
2. MARÍA: No muy bien.. estoy nerviosa por el examen de mañana.
2. MARÍA: Not really good... I'm nervous because of tomorrow's exam.
3. PEDRO: Sí, yo también estoy preocupado.
3. PEDRO: Yeah, I'm also worried.
4. JAVI: Pues yo estoy tranquilo, he estudiado mucho.
4. JAVI: Well, I'm relaxed, I've studied a lot!
Jessie: Javier, you went to university in Spain right?
Javier: Sí, Yes that’s right.
Jessie: What did you have to do there? Was it difficult?
Javier: Well after you finish bachillerato, or high school in English, you have to take a general exam called - selectividad.
Jessie: What’s that exam like?
Javier: It’s about what you studied in the last two years in bachillerato, and it has six subjects. Three of them are the same for everyone.
Jessie: Spanish language and literature, Spanish history and English right?
Javier: Yes.
Jessie: And the other three?
Javier: Those depend on what you want to study.
Jessie: So then what happens after that exam?
Javier: You average the score you had in bachillerato and the score of the exam and depending on your score, you might be able to enter the university you want.
Jessie: If not, you might have to choose another university that asks for lower scores or study something else.
Javier: Yes. Or try the selectividad again next year.
Jessie: Interesting but it sounds hard.
Javier: Yes I think it’s pretty hard.
Jessie: Okay let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Jessie: The first word is
Javier: estar
Jessie: To be.
Javier: es-tar, estar
Jessie: Next is
Javier: bien
Jessie: Fine, good.
Javier: bi-en, bien
Jessie: Next is
Javier: nervioso, nerviosa
Jessie: Nervous.
Javier: ner-vio-so, ner-vi-osa, nervioso, nerviosa
Jessie: Next is
Javier: examen
Jessie: Examination, exam.
Javier: e-xa-men, examen
Jessie: Next is
Javier: preocupado
Jessie: Worried
Javier: pre-o-cu-pa-do, preocupado
Jessie: Next is
Javier: tranquilo, tranquila
Jessie: Calm, relaxed, tranquil
Javier: tran-qui-lo, tran-qui-la, tranquilo, tranquila
Jessie: Next we have
Javier: estudiar
Jessie: To study
Javier: es-tu-diar, estudiar
Jessie: Last we have
Javier: mucho
Jessie: Much, a lot.
Javier: mu-cho, mucho
Jessie: Let’s take a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first one we will look at is
Javier: estudiar
Jessie: An ar verb that means to study. Let’s see some examples while we conjugate it.
Javier: Yo estudio inglés.
Jessie: I study English.
Javier: Tú estudias español.
Jessie: You study Spanish.
Javier: Él estudia matemáticas.
Jessie: He studies math and so on. All right, the next one is
Javier: preocupado
Jessie: Worried. It’s used to show anxiety or agitation about something.
Javier: This is masculine and singular. We also have preocupada, preocupados and preocupadas
Jessie: And some example sentences.
Javier: Nosotros estamos preocupados por el partido.
Jessie: We are worried about the match.
Javier: Ella está preocupada por el examen.
Jessie: She is worried about her test. Okay, on to the Grammar Point.

Lesson focus

Jessie: The focus of this lesson is the use of a verb - estar, which means to be, to express temporary feelings or moods. Javier, we also have another verb that means to be - ser, which we learned before. So what’s the difference?
Javier: The verb - ser. is used for a constant condition that will not change. For example, I am Pedro, Soy Pedro. I am Pedro today, tomorrow and three years later or I am tall. Soy alto - I am tall today, yesterday and always.
Jessie: Okay.
Javier: The verb - estar, however shows temporary situation or condition. For example, I am at the airport - Estoy en el aeropuerto.
Jessie: So you are at the airport now but in a few minutes, you will be on the plane and later in another city.
Javier: Right, it is temporary.
Jessie: Great. Now let’s see how to form the presentence of the verb - estar.
Javier: Yo estoy
Jessie: I am
Javier: Tú estás
Jessie: You are
Javier: Él está
Jessie: He is
Javier: Nosotros estamos
Jessie: We are
Javier: Vosotros estáis
Jessie: You all are
Javier: Ellos están
Jessie: They are. So how do we talk about how we or someone else feels? We just use the conjugated form of the verb - estar, plus an adjective that describes feeling or mood. Let’s give some examples.
Javier: Estoy cansado.
Jessie: I am tired.
Javier: Estoy alegre.
Jessie: I am happy.
Javier: Él está enfadado.
Jessie: He is angry.
Javier: Vosotros estáis aburridos.
Jessie: You are all bored.
Javier: Ellos están preocupados.
Jessie: They are worried. To differentiate between the uses of ser and estar, let’s see one example. How would you say you are pretty?
Javier: It can be Estas guapa or Eres guapa.
Jessie: When estar is used, it means you are for example especially pretty today or now but we don’t know about other times but now you are. However if you say
Javier: Eres guapa
Jessie: It means that you are pretty in general. It’s a natural condition. Now it’s time to practice. Listen and repeat. I am tired.
Javier: Estoy cansado.
Jessie: I am happy.
Javier: Estoy alegre.
Jessie: You are annoyed.
Javier: Estás molesto.
Jessie: We are anxious.
Javier: Estamos ansiosos.
Jessie: They are sad.
Javier: Están tristes.
Jessie: I am relaxed.
Javier: Estoy relajado.
Jessie: All right. Let’s recap this lesson. We studied the verb estar, to express temporary moods or feelings and we saw the difference between estar and ser both of which translate into to be in English.
Javier: For example, Estoy muy contento.
Jessie: I am very happy.


Jessie: Well that’s gonna do it for this lesson.
Javier: Make sure to let us know if you have any question.
Jessie: Thanks for listening.
Javier: Muchas gracias, hasta pronto.
Jessie: Bye, everyone.

