
Vocabulary (Review)

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Javier: Hola soy Javier. Hi I’m Javier.
Jessie: And I’m Jessie - Be seen at a fashionable Spanish restaurant. In this lesson, you learn more about demonstrative adjectives focusing on those as in, those kids.
Javier: Esos chicos. Where does this conversation take place?
Jessie: This conversation takes place at an apartment.
Javier: Who is the conversation between?
Jessie: The conversation is between Maria and Pedro, two friends studying from university.
Javier: Escuchemos la conversación.
Jessie: Let’s listen to the conversation.
1. MARIA: Tengo hambre, ¿cenamos fuera?
2. PEDRO: Sí, podemos ir a unos de esos restaurantes modernos del centro.
3. MARIA: ¿Vamos a ese que está al lado del teatro?
4. PEDRO: A cualquiera de esos estará bien.
Jessie: Now let’s listen to it one time slowly.
1. MARIA: Tengo hambre, ¿cenamos fuera?
2. PEDRO: Sí, podemos ir a unos de esos restaurantes modernos del centro.
3. MARIA: ¿Vamos a ese que está al lado del teatro?
4. PEDRO: A cualquiera de esos estará bien.
Jessie: And now with the English translation.
1. MARIA: Tengo hambre, ¿cenamos fuera?
1. MARIA: I'm hungry; shall we go out for dinner?
2. PEDRO: Sí, podemos ir a unos de esos restaurantes modernos del centro.
2. PEDRO: Yeah, we can go to one of those fashionable restaurants downtown.
3. MARIA: ¿Vamos a ese que está al lado del teatro?
3. MARIA: Shall we go to the one next to the theater?
4. PEDRO: A cualquiera de esos estará bien.
4. PEDRO: Any of them will be fine.
Jessie: I read that Spain has one of the most famous chefs in the world.
Javier: Yes, Ferràn Adrià right?
Jessie: Yes, that’s him.
Javier: He owns a restaurant called El Bulli, located in North Catalonia.
Jessie: I have heard it’s been named the best restaurant in the world five years in a row.
Javier: That’s right. It also has Three Michelin stars.
Jessie: That’s pretty amazing.
Javier: Yes he is famous for his creativity and his technique.
Jessie: Apparently, he is also considered one of the 100 most influential people by Times magazine.
Javier: That’s right. He has also put out many good books.
Jessie: So it sounds like he is a big influence in the culinary world.
Javier: Definitely. He is always doing something interesting and creative.
Jessie: All right. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson
Jessie: The first word is
Javier: tener hambre
Jessie: To be hungry.
Javier: te-ner ham-bre, tener hambre
Jessie: Next is
Javier: cenar
Jessie: To have dinner
Javier: ce-nar, cenar
Jessie: Next is
Javier: fuera
Jessie: Outside, out
Javier: fue-ra, fuera
Jessie: Next is
Javier: moderno
Jessie: Modern, fashionable
Javier: mo-der-no, moderno
Jessie: Next is
Javier: centro
Jessie: Downtown, center
Javier: cen-tro, centro
Jessie: Next is
Javier: cualquiera
Jessie: Any
Javier: cual-quie-ra, cualquiera
Jessie: Next is
Javier: al lado
Jessie: Next to
Javier: al la-do, al lado
Jessie: Next is
Javier: teatro
Jessie: Theater
Javier: tea-tro, teatro
Jessie: And last is
Javier: esos
Jessie: Those
Javier: e-sos, esos
Jessie: Let’s take a look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first one we will look at is
Javier: cenar fuera
Jessie: To go out for dinner like at a restaurant. It’s made up of the words
Javier: cenar
Jessie: To have dinner, and the adverb
Javier: fuera
Jessie: Out or outside. Example please.
Javier: ¿Cenamos fuera?
Jessie: Shall we go out for dinner. The next one is
Javier: centro de la ciudad
Jessie: Downtown. If we translate each word, we get
Javier: centro
Jessie: Center and
Javier: ciudad
Jessie: City. So altogether the Center of the city or downtown.
Javier: In Spanish, we sometimes just say - el centro - or downtown. So we could say - Vamos al centro de la ciudad, or just - Vamos al centro.
Jessie: And both mean, let’s go downtown and one last one.
Javier: moderno
Jessie: Modern or fashionable. This is another adjective. It means something new or recent and it can be an object, a trend or anything. For example
Javier: Es un estilo moderno.
Jessie: It’s a modern style.
Javier: Tu camiseta es muy moderna.
Jessie: Your T-Shirt is very fashionable. Alright, on to the Grammar.

Lesson focus

Jessie: The focus of this lesson is the demonstrative adjective those as in those shops.
Javier: Esas tiendas.
Jessie: We’ve already learned about the other types of demonstrative adjectives and now this is the last set.
Javier: Till now we have seen - este, esta
Jessie: This
Javier: ese, esa
Jessie: That
Javier: And estos, estas
Jessie: These.
Javier: And today we will see the last one. Esos, esas
Jessie: Meaning those. So as we saw when we studied the use of - ese, esa, these adjectives refer to something distant from the speaker. As we can see in the dialogue Pedro says,
Javier: Podemos ir a uno de esos restaurantes modernos del centro.
Jessie: We can go to one of those fashionable restaurants downtown which means that those restaurants downtown are a bit far from the speaker’s location. If we want to talk about restaurants near where we are, we would say
Javier: Podemos ir a uno de estos restaurantes de por aquí.
Jessie: We can go to one of these restaurants around here. Like the other ones we learned, this demonstrative adjective can also be used with time expressions. For example
Javier: Esos días - Those days
Jessie: Here it refers to days that are in the past but the exact time is indefinite.
Javier: As in - Esos días hizo mucho frío.
Jessie: Those days were very cold. So the word those in Spanish has two versions. The masculine
Javier: esos as in - Esos restaurantes.
Jessie: Those restaurants and the feminine form
Javier: esas as in - Esas camisas.
Jessie: Those shirts. All right. Let’s see one more example of each.
Javier: Esos bocadillos.
Jessie: Those sandwiches.
Javier: Esas sillas.
Jessie: Those chairs and now it’s time to practice. Listeners, listen and repeat. Those papers.
Javier: Esos papeles
Jessie: Those things
Javier: Esas cosas
Jessie: Those rings
Javier: Esos anillos
Jessie: Those hamburgers
Javier: Esas hamburguesas
Jessie: Let’s recap this lesson. We continue looking at demonstrative adjectives in Spanish and focused in particular on the use of those.
Javier: esos, esas as in - Esos chicos.
Jessie: Those kids, and with this, we finished with the demonstrative adjectives.


Jessie: Alright, well that’s all for this lesson.
Javier: Please, leave us a comment if you have any question.
Jessie: Thanks for listening everyone.
Javier: Muchas gracias, hasta pronto.
Jessie: See you next time!

