
Vocabulary (Review)

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Javier: Hola soy Javier. Hi I’m Javier.
Jessie: Jessie here - Learn some Spanish diet secrets. In this lesson, you will learn how to conjugate ER verbs such as to drink.
Javier: beber
Jessie: And to eat
Javier: Comer. Where does this conversation take place?
Jessie: This conversation takes place at a supermarket.
Javier: And who is the conversation between?
Jessie: The conversation is between Maria and Harvey, two friends living in the same neighborhood. They are continuing the conversation we saw in the last lesson.
Javier: Escuchemos la conversación.
Jessie: Let’s listen to the conversation.
1. MARIA: Estás más delgado. ¿Haces dieta?
2. JAVI: Sí solo como verduras y fruta, y bebo mucho agua cada día.
3. MARIA: Muy bien. Luis sólo come comida rápida y siempre bebe cerveza.
4. JAVI: Jaja, no te preocupes, él hace mucho deporte.
Jessie: Let’s listen to it one time slowly.
1. MARIA: Estás más delgado. ¿Haces dieta?
2. JAVI: Sí solo como verduras y fruta, y bebo mucho agua cada día.
3. MARIA: Muy bien. Luis sólo come comida rápida y siempre bebe cerveza.
4. JAVI: Jaja, no te preocupes, él hace mucho deporte.
Jessie: And now with the translation.
1. MARIA: Estás más delgado. ¿Haces dieta?
1. MARIA: You've slimmed down. Do you diet?
2. JAVI: Sí solo como verduras y fruta, y bebo mucho agua cada día.
2. JAVI: Yes, I only eat fruits and vegetables and I drink a lot of water every
3. MARIA: Muy bien. Luis sólo come comida rápida y siempre bebe cerveza.
3. MARIA: Great! Luis only eats fast food and always drinks beer.
4. JAVI: Jaja, no te preocupes, él hace mucho deporte.
4. JAVI: Ha ha, don't worry; he plays a lot of sports.
Jessie: Javier, remember I told you I went to a Spanish restaurant.
Javier: Yes of course and that you ate Paella.
Jessie: Yes but I didn’t mention that I also drank a really good wine.
Javier: Oh really, which one?
Jessie: Umm I don’t remember. Which are the most famous in Spain?
Javier: Well we have Rioja, Venedez, Rivera del Duero
Jessie: Ah that’s the one Rioja, Rioja.
Javier: And what kind of wine Red, White?
Jessie: hmm, one that’s kind of in the middle.
Javier: Ah Rosado
Jessie: Ah yes I think so.
Javier: Good choice.
Jessie: By the way speaking of wine, are there any rules we should know about combining wine and food?
Javier: Well they are not strict rules but normally red wine is drank with meat because of its strong taste and white wine with fish but it’s not the rule. If you like red wine, you can drink it with any food and Vino Rosado is always a good choice.
Jessie: Listeners have you tried any Spanish wines? Let us know what you like. Let’s take a look at the vocab for this lesson
The first word is
Javier: adelgazar
Jessie: Slim down.
Javier: a-del-ga-zar, adelgazar
Jessie: Next is
Javier: dieta
Jessie: Diet.
Javier: di-e-ta, dieta
Jessie: Next we have
Javier: fruta
Jessie: Fruit
Javier: fru-ta, fruta
Jessie: Next is
Javier: verdura
Jessie: Vegetable
Javier: ver-du-ra, verdura
Jessie: Next up is
Javier: comer
Jessie: To eat
Javier: co-mer, comer
Jessie: Next is
Javier: beber
Jessie: To drink
Javier: be-ber, beber
Jessie: Next is
Javier: comida rápida
Jessie: Fast food
Javier: co-mi-da rá-pi-da, comida rápida
Jessie: Next is
Javier: preocuparse
Jessie: To worry
Javier: pre-o-cu-par-se, preocuparse
Jessie: And last we have
Javier: deporte
Jessie: Sports
Javier: de-por-te, deporte
Jessie: Let’s take a look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first one is
Javier: comer
Jessie: An ER verb that means to eat. Let’s see it used in some simple sentences.
Javier: Yo como verduras.
Jessie: I eat vegetables.
Javier: Él come pescado.
Jessie: He eats fish. We will talk more about ER verbs later on in this lesson. What’s the next one we will look at?
Javier: comida rápida
Jessie: Fast food.
Javier: comida is food and rápida is fast.
Jessie: This one is interesting because it’s pretty much a direct translation. Just the order of the words is different.
Javier: Yes that’s right.
Jessie: And the last one
Javier: dieta
Jessie: Diet. This noun has the same meaning in Spanish and in English. The practice of eating food in a regulated fashion to achieve or maintain a controlled weight.
Javier: dieta is a noun and this is used with the verb hacer - to do. For example, Hago dieta para adelgazar.
Jessie: I diet in order to slim down. Alright, let’s move on to the Grammar.

Lesson focus

Jessie: The focus of this lesson is ER verbs in the singular present tense.
Javier: Such as, comer.
Jessie: A verb that means to eat. As we saw in the last lesson, in Spanish, we can classify the regular verbs into three groups. Verbs that end in AR, verbs that end in ER and verbs that end in IR. The endings of all regular ER verbs conjugate the same way and so that’s what we will look at today.
Javier: Remember, we are looking at the present tense.
Jessie: Yes the tense used to talk about current actions or habitual actions.
Javier: Okay then, shall we get started?
Jessie: Sure. Let’s learn how to conjugate ER ending regular verbs in Spanish. We will use the verb comer - to eat.
Javier: Yo como
Jessie: I eat.
Javier: Tú comes
Jessie: You eat.
Javier: Él come
Jessie: He eats
Javier: Nosotros comemos
Jessie: We eat
Javier: Vosotros comeís
Jessie: You plural eat
Javier: Ellos comen
Jessie: They eat. So as you can see, the only part that’s different is the ending and these endings apply to all ER verbs. Shall we see some common verbs belonging to this group.
Javier: Sure, beber
Jessie: To drink
Javier: aprender
Jessie: To learn.
Javier: correr
Jessie: To run
Javier: leer
Jessie: To read
Javier: vender
Jessie: To sell. Okay now some simple example sentences with ER verbs conjugated.
Javier: Yo aprendo español.
Jessie: I learned Spanish.
Javier: Tú lees un libro.
Jessie: You read a book.
Javier: Nosotros corremos por el parque.
Jessie: We run in the park.
Javier: Ella bebe agua.
Jessie: She drinks water. Now it’s time to practice. Listeners, listen and repeat. I drink.
Javier: Yo bebo
Jessie: You learn
Javier: Tú aprendes
Jessie: He eats
Javier: Él come
Jessie: We run
Javier: Nosotros corremos
Jessie: You all understand
Javier: Vosotros comprendeis
Jessie: They sell
Javier: Ellos venden
Jessie: Let’s recap this lesson. We learned about the second group of regular Spanish verbs ending in ER and how to conjugate them in the present simple tense. For example.
Javier: Yo aprendo español.
Jessie: I learned Spanish and we also learned some new verbs to practice with. To drink
Javier: beber
Jessie: To eat
Javier: comer
Jessie: To read
Javier: leer
Jessie: And more.


Jessie: Okay well that’s all for this lesson. Thanks for listening.
Javier: Sí, gracias
Jessie: Be sure to read the lesson notes for more info and examples of ER verbs.
Javier: Hasta pronto.
Jessie: Bye, everyone.
1. MARIA: Estás más delgado. ¿Haces dieta?
2. JAVI: Sí solo como verduras y fruta, y bebo mucho agua cada día.
3. MARIA: Muy bien. Luis sólo come comida rápida y siempre bebe cerveza.
4. JAVI: Jaja, no te preocupes, él hace mucho deporte.

