
Vocabulary (Review)

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Javier: Hola soy Javier. Hi I’m Javier.
Jessie: And I’m Jessie - Making Spanish Introductions. Welcome to Absolute Beginner Season 2!
Javier: Yes, Bienvenidos. Welcome.
Jessie: In this series we will be focusing on Iberian Spanish or Spanish as spoken in Spain. Javier is a native speaker from Spain who will be teaching you Spanish how it’s spoken there.
Javier: That’s right.
Jessie: Ok, so, in this lesson, you will learn how to introduce yourself in Spanish, such as I am Jessie.
Javier: Where does this conversation take place?
Jessie: This conversation takes place at a university.
Javier: Who is the conversation between?
Jessie: The conversation is between Pedro and Maria. They are two university students. It’s their first day at university and they just happen to sit next to each other.
Javier: Sounds good.
Jessie: Let’s listen to the conversation
1. MARÍA: Hola, yo soy María, encantada de conocerte.
2. PEDRO: Hola María, soy Pedro, mucho gusto, ¿Cómo estás?
3. MARÍA: Muy bien gracias, ¿y tú?
4. PEDRO: Bien también, gracias.
Jessie: Now, let’s hear it one time slowly.
1. MARÍA: Hola, yo soy María, encantada de conocerte.
2. PEDRO: Hola María, soy Pedro, mucho gusto, ¿Cómo estás?
3. MARÍA: Muy bien gracias, ¿y tú?
4. PEDRO: Bien también, gracias.
Jessie: Now with the English translation.
1. MARÍA: Hola, yo soy María, encantada de conocerte.
1. MARÍA: Hello, my name is María, nice to meet you.
2. PEDRO: Hola María, soy Pedro, mucho gusto, ¿Cómo estás?
2. PEDRO: Hello María, I'm Pedro, nice to meet you. How are you?
3. MARÍA: Muy bien gracias, ¿y tú?
3. MARÍA: I'm really well, thank you. And you?
4. PEDRO: Bien también, gracias.
4. PEDRO: I'm fine too, thanks.
Jessie: In the conversation we saw the phrases:
Javier: Mucho gusto
Jessie: and
Javier: Encantado de conocerte
Jessie: They both mean - nice to meet you, right?
Javier: Exacto, yes. They are the same. Both can be used when you introduce yourself.
Jessie: Is there any difference?
Javier: Maybe, mucho gusto, is a little bit more formal. But just a little bit.
Jessie: Ah, ok.
Javier: So If my name is Pedro, I can say - Hola, soy Pedro, encantado de conocerte.
Jessie: Which is - Hello, I am Pedro, nice to meet you.
Javier: or Hola soy Pedro, mucho gusto.
Jessie: which is also - Hello, I am Pedro, nice to meet you. By the way, what do you do in Spain when you meet someone for the first time. Do you shake hands or bow or …
Javier: well we shake hand, or sometimes we give two kisses.
Jessie: Oh, really! In what situations
Javier: well for two man, in an informal situation you can shake hands, for one woman and one man, or two women greeting eachother two kisses in the cheeks is common.
Jessie: Interesting, that is good to know, and how about in formal situations.
Javier: Always, a handshake.
Jessie: Got it. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Jessie: The first word is
Javier: hola
Jessie: hello.
Javier: ho-la, hola
Jessie: Next we have
Javier: encantado
Jessie: Pleased, glad.
Javier: en-can-ta-do, encantado
Jessie: Next is
Javier: conocer
Jessie: To know, to meet for the first time.
Javier: co-no-cer, conocer
Jessie: Next we have.
Javier: yo
Jessie: I
Javier: yo, yo
Jessie: Next is
Javier: ser
Jessie: To be
Javier: ser, ser
Jessie: Next we have
Javier: gracias
Jessie: Thanks, thank you.
Javier: gra-ci-as, gracias
Jessie: Next is
Javier: cómo
Jessie: How
Javier: có-mo, cómo
Jessie: Next is
Javier: bien
Jessie: Good, well.
Javier: bi-en, bien
Jessie: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first one we will look at is:
Javier: hola
Jessie: Hello, or Hi. Very simple and straightforward.
Javier: Here is a sample sentence - Hola, ¿Cómo estás?
Jessie: Hi, how are you? And speaking of - How are you, that’s our next phrase, right?
Javier: Yes, ¿cómo estás?
Jessie: Which is, again - How are you? And this is an informal way to ask how someone is. What is the formal way to ask how someone is?
Javier: That would be - ¿Cómo está? And this is really formal.
Jessie: You just take out the last “s” from - estás, and the question becomes polite.
Javier: ¿Cómo está?
Jessie: So can we hear those, once again?
Javier: ¿Cómo estás? for informal. And ¿Cómo está? for formal.
Jessie: Great, can you introduce one more phrase?
Javier: Estoy bien.
Jessie: I’m fine. And this would be the answer to the last question - ¿Cómo estás? Just remember that - estoy - means, I am. And - bien, means fine.
Javier: That’s right.
Jessie: Alright, let’s move on to the grammar point.

Lesson focus

Jessie: The focus of this lesson is how to use the verb to be to introduce yourself in Spanish.
Javier: Such as “Yo soy Pedro” and “Yo soy María”.
Jessie: I’m Pedro, and I’m María. Javier, what is the verb in Spanish that means - to be.
Javier: It is - ser
Jessie: ser, and this verb conjugates depending on what or who we are talking about. For example, if we want to say, I am, what does - ser, become?
Javier: soy
Jessie: soy. A pattern for giving your name and saying I am blank is
Javier: Yo soy - and then your name. Yo - means “I” and - soy, means “I am”.
Jessie: And actually here the - yo, is optional right?
Javier: Yes if you say only - Soy Pedro, it also means I am Pedro. So you don’t need it.
Jessie: Can we hear some more examples?
Javier: Claro, of course. Yo soy Javier or Soy Javier.
Jessie: And that is “I am Javier”.
Javier: Yo soy Jessie, or Soy Jessie.
Jessie: I am Jessi. Okay, let’s have a listening practice. Listeners, listen and repeat. I am Pedro.
Javier: Yo soy Pedro.
Jessie: Okay. Now say, I am Pedro, in Spanish.
Javier: Yo soy Pedro.
Jessie: Great. Now listen to and repeat the next phrase. I am Maria.
Javier: Yo soy María.
Jessie: Okay now say - I am Maria, in Spanish.
Javier: Yo soy María.
Jessie: Excellent. Listeners, now please add your own name... Okay sounding good. Now remember when you are introducing yourself, you want to add the phrases that we learned earlier.
Javier: Mucho gusto, and Encantado de conocerte.
Jessie: Which both mean, nice to meet you. We will practice using - Mucho gusto, since I think it’s a little easier to say.
Javier: Okay. Hola, soy Pedro. Mucho gusto.
Jessie: Hi, I am Pedro. Nice to meet you. Listeners, please repeat.
Javier: Hola, soy Pedro. Mucho gusto.
Jessie: How about one more?
Javier: Hola, soy María. Mucho gusto.
Jessie: Hi, I am Maria. Nice to meet you. Listeners please repeat.
Javier: Hola, soy María. Mucho gusto.
Jessie: Okay great job.
Javier: Muy bien - Very good.
Jessie: Now - ser, takes on other forms depending on who you are talking about. This time, let’s learn how to say - You are.
Javier: You are is - Tú eres.
Jessie: For example.
Javier: Tú eres Jessie. Or, Eres Jessie.
Jessie: You are Jessie. The - tú, means “you” and - eres, means “you are”. So you don’t always need that - tú
Javier: Yes and by the way, this is the informal way to say you are - Tú eres.
Jessie: Okay and there are also other conjugations like
Javier: Él es Pedro, or Es Pedro.
Jessie: Here is Pedro and so on. We don’t have much time to cover all of the rest here. So please check out the lesson notes to get more information on the different conjugations of - ser.
Javier: Yes. We will really recommend it.
Jessie: So now let’s recap what we have learned really quickly. The first time you meet someone, what would you say?
Javier: first I say hello - Hola
Jessie: And then?
Javier: Then I say who I am - Soy Javier.
Jessie: And then?
Javier: Mucho gusto
Jessie: Which is nice to meet you. So altogether it sounds like
Javier: Hola, soy Javier. Mucho gusto.


Jessie: Well, I think that is going to do it for this lesson. Thank you for listening everyone.
Javier: Thank you, very much.
Jessie: Make sure to let us know if you have any question, by leaving us a comment
Javier: Hasta pronto, see you soon.
1. MARÍA: Hola, yo soy María, encantada de conocerte.
2. PEDRO: Hola María, soy Pedro, mucho gusto, ¿Cómo estás?
3. MARÍA: Muy bien gracias, ¿y tú?
4. PEDRO: Bien también, gracias.


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