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Learn 10 ways to save the planet in Spanish
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Hi, everyone! This is Rosa and today we’ll be doing 10 ways to save the planet in Spanish. Let’s go! |
1. reciclar “to recycle” |
Para reciclar correctamente, tienes que separar bien los residuos que generas. “To recycle properly, you have to separate the waste you generate.” |
2. reutilizar “to reuse” |
Reinventa, reutiliza y recicla lo que quieras. “Reinvent, reuse, and recycle what you want.” |
3. proteger “to protect” |
Proteger la tierra está en nuestras manos. “Protecting the earth is in our hands.” |
4. desenchufar los aparatos “to unplug appliances” |
Puedes desenchufar la cafetera y el televisor, por ejemplo. “You can unplug the coffee maker and TV, for example.” |
5. ahorrar agua “to save water” |
Tenemos que esforzarnos para ahorrar agua y pensar en soluciones sostenibles. “We must strive to conserve water and think about sustainable solutions.” |
6. reducir la basura “to reduce trash” |
Para reducir la basura aprovecha todo lo que tengas y dona aquello que no necesites. “To reduce trash, use everything you have and donate what you do not need.” |
7. no utilizar el coche “to not use the car” |
Si puedes usar transporte público, no uses el coche. “If you can use public transport, do not use the car.” |
8. respetar la naturaleza “to respect nature” |
Es importante respetar la naturaleza para mantener los ecosistemas. “It is important to respect nature to maintain ecosystems.” |
9. montar en bicicleta “to ride a bicycle” |
Si vas en bicicleta, ahorrarás y harás ejercicio. “If you go biking, you save and do exercise.” |
10. utilizar bombillas de bajo consumo “to use energy-efficient light bulbs” |
Usa bombillas de bajo consumo, tu bolsillo te lo agradecerá. “Use energy-saving light bulbs; your wallet will thank you.” |
This is the end of today’s 10 ways to save the planet in Spanish. What do you guys do to save the planet? Leave a comment below and don’t forget to subscribe and check out SpanishPod101.com. See you later. Bye! |