
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Fernando: We Aren't Going to Spanish Class Today. In this lesson, you’ll learn about the verb ir. The conversation takes place at the office and the conversation is between Valentina and Jorge. The speakers will be using the familiar register.
JP: Let’s listen to this dialogue. You’re ready?
Lesson Conversation + Translation
(1 time natural native speed, 1 time slowly, 1 time with translation)
(1 time natural native speed)
Valentina: ¿Adónde vas?
Jorge: A la tienda. ¿Quieres algo?
Valentina: Voy contigo, si quieres.
Jorge: Ándale, pues.
English Host: Let’s hear it again, dramatic speed.
Valentina: ¿Adónde vas?
Jorge: A la tienda. ¿Quieres algo?
Valentina: Voy contigo, si quieres.
Jorge: Ándale, pues.
English Host: One more time with the translation.
Valentina: ¿Adónde vas?
JP: Where are you going?
Jorge: A la tienda. ¿Quieres algo?
JP: To the store. Do you want something?
Valentina: Voy contigo, si quieres.
JP: I'll go with you, if you want.
Jorge: Ándale, pues.
JP: Come on then.
JP: All right, we’re back. Now, this is a pretty short dialogue, but it’s an absolute beginner dialogue, which means we have to explain everything that we heard. So, Jorge and Valentina were at the office and Jorge gets up to go somewhere. Valentina asked, “Where are you going?”
Fernando: ¿Adónde vas?
JP: ¿Adónde vas? Now, adónde “to where” and then the word vas is “you go.”
Fernando: You go, from the verb ir.
JP: Right. If you look it up in the dictionary, the verb “to go” is gonna be ir, right? And vas is a second person singular form of ir. So, “Where are you going?”
Fernando: ¿Adónde vas?
JP: And Jorge says, “To the store.”
Fernando: A la tienda.
JP: A la tienda. Now, tienda means “store,” right?
Fernando: Yeah.
JP: So “To the store,” a la tienda. And then he asked “Do you want something?”
Fernando: ¿Quieres algo?
JP: ¿Quieres algo? Okay, algo means “something” and quieres is the verb querer, which means “to want.”
Fernando: RIght.
JP: So, “Do you want something?” ¿Quieres algo?
Fernando: ¿Quieres algo? Valentina responds, Voy contigo, si quieres.
JP: Okay. Again, we have the verb ir, but this time, it’s in the first person, “I go.”
Fernando: voy
JP: Voy, right. Now, she says voy contigo, “I’m going with you,” right?
Fernando: Mm-hmm.
JP: And then she qualifies it, “if you want.”
Fernando: “If you want” si quieres.
JP: Si quieres, right? Now, we heard that in the previous line, right? Quieres - ¿Quieres algo?
Fernando: Yes.
JP: “If you want,” right?
Fernando: Mm-hmm.
JP: Voy contigo, si quieres. “I’ll go with you, if you want.”
Fernando: Jorge is pretty relaxed like Ándale, pues.
JP: Ándale “all right,” all right then.
Fernando: Sweet.
JP: Alrighty.
Fernando: Ándale, pues.
JP: Ándale, pues. Now, ándale, pues, I’m not sure if you can find this expression in the dictionary. Why don’t we talk about this and other vocabulary words in the vocabulary section.
Fernando: ir [natural native speed]
JP: to go
Fernando: ir [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: ir [natural native speed]
Fernando: la tienda [natural native speed]
JP: store
Fernando: la tienda [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: la tienda [natural native speed]
Fernando: querer [natural native speed]
JP: to want, to love
Fernando: querer [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: querer [natural native speed]
Fernando: contigo [natural native speed]
JP: with you
Fernando: contigo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: contigo [natural native speed]
Fernando: Ándale. [natural native speed]
JP: All right.
Fernando: Ándale. [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: Ándale. [natural native speed]
Fernando: You say alrighty?
JP: I did.
Fernando: All right.
Fernando: JP, we’re back.
JP: Right. Now, we’ve heard these vocab words in isolation. Let’s have a little conversation about them. Should we start with the word for “to go”?
Fernando: ir
JP: Ir means “to go” and that’s the infinitive. That’s what you’re gonna find in the dictionary. Now, we heard it in a couple of different ways. We heard “you go.”
Fernando: tú vas
JP: And we heard “I go.”
Fernando: yo voy
JP: Okay. So, ir has a whole conjugation of present tense and we’re gonna talk about in the grammar section. For now, you need to know that “to go” is ir.
Fernando: Mm-hmm.
JP: Okay, what’s next?
Fernando: la tienda
JP: La tienda. Now, this is a “store,” right?
Fernando: It’s a convenience store. I think that’s where Jorge was going.
JP: Right. It’s usually a smaller store, right? It’s never like a supermarket.
Fernando: Right, yeah. “Supermarket” is supermercado.
JP: Okay, it’s a whole other word.
Fernando: Yeah. Let’s not even get into that one.
JP: Okay. So, a small store or a shop would be la tienda.
Fernando: La tienda “convenience store,” you know, the ones you see on the corner in your neighborhood.
JP: Okay, la tienda. Now, the next word we have has two meanings.
Fernando: Querer, is that the one you’re referring to?
JP: Querer, yes, querer. Now, it means “to want” or “to love.” Now, in this dialogue, it’s “Do you want something?”
Fernando: ¿Quieres algo?
JP: ¿Quieres algo? “Do you want something?”
Fernando: Mm-hmm.
JP: Now, the quieres is a second person form, “do you want,” right?
Fernando: Exactly.
JP: Okay. The infinitive, which is the dictionary form is querer, right?
Fernando: Mm-hmm.
JP: Now, the next word we have is kind of a contraction and is kind of not. It’s the word that means “with you.”
Fernando: contigo
JP: Contigo. Now, we have the word “with” in Spanish, right?
Fernando: con
JP: And we have the word “you.”
Fernando: tú
JP: And when you wanna say “with you,” you say…
Fernando: contigo
JP: Contigo, okay. You’ll never hear con and tú together.
Fernando: That was tricky.
JP: Yeah, it was tricky. Whenever you wanna say “with you,” you say contigo.
Fernando: Right. Ándale.
JP: Ándale, so I should go on, right?
Fernando: Kind of.
JP: Ándale is like come on then, all righty.
Fernando: All right, it’s cool.
JP: Cool?
Fernando: Ándale, pues.
JP: Okay. Now, this vocab word is more of an expression than it is like a….
Fernando: verb
JP: Yeah. It’s an interjection.
Fernando: Exactly, yeah.
JP: Mm-hmm. And you’ll hear people say it to me in like, okay then.
Fernando: Alrighty. Ándale.
JP: Alrighty then, right? It’s always in response to encourage somebody to keep going.
Fernando: Exactly.
JP: To do, do just that.
Fernando: Yes.
JP: Alrighty. Ándale.
Fernando: Ándale.
JP: So, should we move to the grammar section?
Fernando: Ándale, pues.
JP: Now, the focus of the grammar section today is the verb ir. Now, as we said before in the vocabulary section, ir means “to go” and we’re gonna go over the conjugation today in the podcast because it’s highly irregular, all right?
Fernando: And it’s highly used as well.
JP: It’s a very high-frequency verb. So, the bad news is that it’s totally irregular, but the good news is it’s used so much that you’re totally gonna remember it.
Fernando: Right.
JP: So, the dictionary form, the infinitive is ir, but when you conjugate it, it’s gonna sound like this, so “I go.”
Fernando: yo voy
JP: Yo voy. “You go.”
Fernando: tú vas
JP: Tú vas. He/She/It goes?
Fernando: él/ella va
JP: Okay. How about “we go”?
Fernando: nosotros vamos
JP: Okay. And “they go.”
Fernando: ellos van
JP: Ellos van. How “you all go”?
Fernando: ustedes van
JP: Okay. There’s one more form that’s familiar in Spain. That would be vosotros.
Fernando: vosotros vais
JP: Vosotros vais. That’s all six of the forms of ir in the present tense; voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, van. Okay.
Fernando: Seems pretty simple, JP.
JP: It is pretty simple. The only thing I wanna add is that ir always goes with a.
Fernando: Ir a la tienda.
JP: Ir a- “Go to the store,” right?
Fernando: Yes. Ir a comer.
JP: “to go eat”
Fernando: Your eyes lit up, JP.
JP: No, they didn’t. They didn’t. But not because of food because we’re talking about grammar.
Fernando: Right.
JP: I used to tell my students that ir never goes anywhere without a. It feels naked. It’s like its favorite handbag.
Fernando: ir a
JP: Now, the thing about a is that it’s such a malleable word that sometimes, it makes contractions with other words. For example, if the word el comes after a, it’s gonna make a contraction. So, if I wanna say “I’m going to the movies.”
Fernando: Voy al cine.
JP: Voy al cine.
Fernando: A el cine. So, that’s a contraction right there.
JP: It says al, right?
Fernando: Al, yes.
JP: Voy al cine. You don’t say a el.
Fernando: Yes. No, you don’t. Never say that.
JP: Okay. In the dialogue today, we heard “To where.”
Fernando: ¿Adónde?
JP: Now, that’s one word, adónde, right?
Fernando: Mm-hmm.
JP: Ir always likes to have that a somewhere in the sentence. In this case, it could be wrong just to say done vas, right?
Fernando: Right.
JP: Ir wants to have a in there, so you say “To where are you going?” ¿Adónde vas?


JP: So I think, Fernando, it’s time to go. So, ¡Hasta luego!
Fernando: ¡Adiós!
JP: Ciao.


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