
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Fernando: Going to the Store. I'm Fernando and I’m joined by JP. Hey, JP, [*]?
JP: [*] Fernando, what should we know about this lesson today?
Fernando: Well, Luís and Jimena are throwing a dinner party, awesome, so they have sent Jorge and Andrea to meet each other and pick up some things at the store.
JP:So Jorge and Andrea are meeting each other for the first time?
Fernando:I think Jimena might be trying to set them up.
JP:Ok, Fernando, give us the details of this lesson.
Fernando:In this lesson you will learn about how to say what your name is. The conversation takes place in a park. The conversation is between Jorge and Andrea The speakers will be using the familiar register.
JP: Let’s listen to the dialogue.
Lesson Conversation + Translation
(1 time natural native speed, 1 time slowly, 1 time with translation)
(1 time natural native speed)
Jorge:Hola, me llamo Jorge. Mucho gusto. ¿Cuál es tu nombre?
Andrea:Mi nombre es Andrea. Igualmente, mucho gusto.
Jorge:¿Nos vamos a la tienda?
Andrea:Sí, vamos.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Jorge:Hola, me llamo Jorge. Mucho gusto. ¿Cuál es tu nombre?
Andrea:Mi nombre es Andrea. Igualmente, mucho gusto.
Jorge:¿Nos vamos a la tienda?
Andrea:Sí, vamos.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Jorge:Hola, me llamo Jorge. Mucho gusto. ¿Cuál es tu nombre?
JP:Hi, I'm Jorge. Nice to meet you. What's your name?
Andrea:Mi nombre es Andrea. Igualmente, mucho gusto.
JP:My name is Andrea. Likewise, nice to meet you.
Jorge:¿Nos vamos a la tienda?
JP:We're off to the store?
Andrea:Sí, vamos.
JP:Yes, let's go.
JP:So they met at the park, and they're going to the store together to pick up some things for Luis and Jimena's dinner party.
FO:That's right.
JP:So they hadn't met before.
FO:Correct. In fact, they introduce each other. And then it's off to the store to pick up supplies.
JP:Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Fernando:llamarse [natural native speed]
JP:to be called
Fernando:llamarse [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando:llamarse [natural native speed]
Fernando:Mucho gusto. [natural native speed]
JP:It's a pleasure
Fernando:Mucho gusto. [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando:Mucho gusto. [natural native speed]
Fernando:la tienda [natural native speed]
Fernando:la tienda [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando:la tienda [natural native speed]
Fernando:¿Cuál es tu nombre? [natural native speed]
JP:What is your name? (informal)
Fernando:¿Cuál es tu nombre? [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando:¿Cuál es tu nombre? [natural native speed]
Fernando:ir [natural native speed]
JP:to go
Fernando:ir [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando:ir [natural native speed]
JP:Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Fernando:The first word/phrase we’ll look at is....
llamarse to be called
Mucho gusto. A pleasure to meet you.
¿Cuál es tu nombre? What is your name?
la tienda the store
ir to go
FO:Ok, let's look at "llamarse"
JP:Llamarse, to be called. Literally, to call oneself. Llamarse.
FO:Right. In the dialog, we hear it in the first person, when Jorge says, my name is Jorge, me llamo Jorge.
JP:Yo me llamo JP.
FO:Y yo me llamo Fernando. This is the verb "llamarse."
JP:Hola, Fernando, mucho gusto.
FO:That's our next word, mucho gusto. This is like in English when you say "The pleasure is mine" You say, "Mucho gusto."
JP:Mucho gusto. What else?
FO:Well, the next thing is the phrase ¿Cuál es tu nombre?
JP:What is your name, ¿Cuál es tu nombre? Now, Fernando, earlier we talked about names using "llamarse"
FO:That's right, you can also talk about names with this word, nombre, which is name. your name, tu nombre.
JP:ok, one more word
FO:the verb "ir."
JP:Ir, means to go. ir. How did we hear it in the dialog?
FO:Well, in the end Jorge's talking about taking off to the store, and Andrea says "sí, vamos"
JP:Ok, that word "vamos" is the 3rd person plural form of ir, it means let's go.
FO:Right. Vamos. the verb is ir.
JP:Ok, Fernando, now this lesson was all about saying your name.
FO:That's right. Jorge and Andrea both said their names, but they did it in different ways. Jorge says "me llamo... Me llamo Jorge" On the other hand, Andrea says "mi nombre es Andrea."
JP:Me llamo Jorge, mi nombre es Andrea. You know both phrases get translated the same way, my name is jorge, my name is andrea...
JP:Unless you have want to see a very literal translation, mi nombre es Andrea is my name is andrea, but me llamo jorge is more like "I call myself jorge."
FO:yes, so "I call myself jorge" sounds awkward in English.
JP:It totally does.
FO:But it Spanish me llamo... this is actually the more common way of the two that you use when you want to tell someone your name.
JP:So people prefer llamarse?
FO:People prefer llamarse.
JP:So if I wanted to say "My name is Fernando..."
FO:Me llamo Fernando.


Fernando: Well, I think that just about does it for today.
JP: I guess it’s time to go. Hasta luego!
Fernando: Hasta luego!


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