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Is there anyplace to contact a person?

New in Town
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Joined: September 27th, 2010 2:25 am

Is there anyplace to contact a person?

Postby robearbeach » September 27th, 2010 5:09 pm

I downloaded an iPad app. that was pretty cool. It was some dialogue between a British guy and a Venezuelan teacher. Somehow it brought me here. I don't anything about RSS, I don't know where to start and I don't know if there is a connection between these lessons and the iPad app. I had a private tutor come to my house for a year and I paid him $200 a month. Unfortunately, he got a job at the Monterey Language institute and moved away so I need another source of teaching. I have no problem paying for useful material. But for the life of me, I cannot understand how this website works, if the iPad/iPhone features are included in the materials or what. If you just had a phone number, I'd be happy to pay you but I want to know how it works, are their quizzes and tests so I can measure my progress, etc.

Generally, the site is confusing about subscription plans. One place shows monthly subscription plans for $4.00 per month and $10.00 per month. Another location shows subscriptions for $8.00 a month and $25.00 a month. What's the deal?

New in Town
Posts: 3
Joined: September 27th, 2010 2:25 am

I figured out the $10 monthly vs. the $25 monthly

Postby robearbeach » September 27th, 2010 6:23 pm

If you sign up for 24 months in advance, it's only $10 per month. If you want to go month to month, they gouge for $25 per month. That worries me. If the program were really good, why would they charge you 2.5 times more if you just want to go month to month?

They really need a place where you can talk to someone. For now I'll save my money.

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Postby Gardenia » September 29th, 2010 12:14 pm

I will save my money also. I joined because it said $5.oo a month and when I joined it says $10.00 a month. what is the deal. And I sent a message with no reply.

New in Town
Posts: 3
Joined: September 27th, 2010 2:25 am

I think they are more interested in marketing than teaching

Postby robearbeach » September 29th, 2010 4:00 pm

I got three "special deal" emails from them this morning but not one answer to how to use certain features of the site. But check out Bueno entonces. You can buy it on disks at Amazon and if you have an ipad or iphone you can get one lesson at a time for $2.99. It is Venezuelan Spanish which has some unusual features but it is without doubt the only really fun Spanish course I've ever seen and it really is helpful. Don't be discouraged because they start out fast. Just play the lessons over and over and you will get it. And you will get addicted to the story line. I listened to it like it was a good book on tape. As of today I am on the second week of the five week course (I started on Sunday) and it's still fun and I'm learning a lot.

The funny thing is that you can buy it one lesson at a time. So you can do the first one for $2.99. I fear that Spanishpod101's efforts to lock you in for one or two years indicates that they don't have the same confidence that you will want to stay with the program. If they knew they were as good as they say, they'd honor that $10.00 per month without trying to trick you into it by forcing you to sign up for 2 years to get that price. I've marked their emails spam now because no one there has responded to my efforts to talk to a person. All I get is more pressure to sign up for a year or two.

New in Town
Posts: 1
Joined: April 13th, 2009 8:45 pm

Pricing, subscriptions, etc

Postby robmorton » September 29th, 2010 7:02 pm

Hello Robear,

Thank you for posting! To clarify, we offer a variety of subscriptions beyond the 24 Month subscription. There are 1, 3, 6 and 12 Month subscriptions as well. The monthly subscription is $25 every month, however the 24 Month subscription is the best rate as we reward our customers for paying in full.

Even at the more expensive monthly rate of $25 you're paying approximately 3.3 cents per lesson, quite a bit better than $2.99. The other service mentioned would end up costing you $2,239.51 if you were to individually download all of the content on at their rate. Thank you again, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me at , please leave ATTN Rob in the subject.

Best regards,

Rob Morton

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