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Lesson Downloads

New in Town
Posts: 1
Joined: October 10th, 2009 1:36 am

Lesson Downloads

Postby robvdk » August 15th, 2010 3:00 am

When I sync my downloaded lessons with my iPod they always seem to get stored in reverse order. So instead of getting lesson 1,2,3,4 etc, I get 59,58,57, etc. How do I reverse that?

New in Town
Posts: 4
Joined: November 11th, 2009 10:45 pm

Postby pgbowman » August 16th, 2010 12:20 am

Hi Robvdk,

One way is to make a playlist on iTunes and drag the podcast episodes into it. Then you will have more flexibility in how you arrange them.

Hope that helps--

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