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How to Add Lesson Words to My Word Bank

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Joined: February 6th, 2010 10:53 pm

How to Add Lesson Words to My Word Bank

Postby LaurieFlood » February 13th, 2010 11:25 pm


I really find the My Word Bank to be a potentially great feature, but I am not understanding how to use it. I somehow found out how to put the first 3 lessons of words in there, but I can't remember how to fill the word bank with the lessons I have completed. It seems it should work by just marking the lesson as complete, but this is not happening. How do I put the words from the lessons I have completed in the My Word Bank to use the flashcard feature? Also, it says you can place words from the reference dictionary online in the flashcards. Is that true? I am using multiple sources to study Spanish, so this would be a plus.

Also, the features page says there is a way to use vocabulary flash cards for all of the lessons combined. It is not clear to me how I would access that feature.

As a teacher, I would love to recommend this web site to many peers that need Spanish to have more job permanency, but it seems difficult to fully understand how to access all of the features promised, so I am holding back any recommendations until I can see that the site can fluidly perform all that is promised.


New in Town
Posts: 2
Joined: February 6th, 2010 10:53 pm

Found Two Answers

Postby LaurieFlood » February 18th, 2010 9:36 am

I found that if you go in the Learning Center under "Review" to Vocabulary List, you can select any or all of the words to add to your Word Bank. I was not using this feature, because it looked like a repetition of the Lesson PDF, but it is not. It is the way to add the words to your word bank.

Also, in the dictionary, you can easily add a word you look up to the Word Bank.

I still have not found the feature promised that allows you to test yourself with vocabulary flash cards for all of the lessons combined.

Hope this helps someone else...
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