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PDF File

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PDF File

Postby rascal » February 4th, 2010 4:26 pm

When I open the .pdf lesson plan file, the file opens and I can read and change pages, everything works fine while I listen to the lesson dialouge. When I hit the back button on my internet browser the page closes and I have to manually return to Also if I leave the lesson guide open for over about 30 seconds and I attempt to change pages it closes and I get a prompt to that says "internet explorer closed and you need to refresh the screen". Please help. Thanks Rascal

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Joined: January 20th, 2010 8:38 pm

Postby Evandar » February 5th, 2010 12:34 pm

Hmmm, while this might be a problem with your computer/internet settings, I advice you in any case to stop using Explorer, as it is can be quite vulnerable to malicious attacks. The past year or so I've been using Firefox. That one has become very popular, and thus can also be vulnerable to certain things, but it is safer, and on my computer at least, Spanishpod101 works perfectly with it. I would recommend (and use) Opera above all, since it is very secure and safe,but I have had some trouble with a few pages in the past (ie it doesn't draw all sites correctly, probably because it doesn't like Activex controls). All that said, there could be some cache or cookie settings in Explorer that makes it behave like it does. Sadly, I haven't checked out Internet Explorer settings in many years, so I can't guide you.

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Postby jpv206 » February 9th, 2010 5:48 pm

Hi rascal,
I've asked someone to check in to your predicament. Our tech team strongly recommends that you use Mozilla Firefox to view our sites; that's the browser they program for.

It may be a while before they get to our IE question (we share the tech team with all the other languagepod101 sites) but to avoid the problem for now, I recommend this: when you click to open the PDF, open it in a new tab or window (right click on the link to the PDF and select open in a new tab or window). That way, you can look at the PDF and keep the window with the audio open.

Another option is to play the audio in the popup player. Hope this helps!

New in Town
Posts: 4
Joined: December 30th, 2008 11:32 pm


Postby rascal » February 9th, 2010 6:49 pm

thanks a bunch. I understand

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